Any person - the owner of an aquarium with various species of fish and other inhabitants, was faced with the problem of contamination of the glass container. Everyone knows that living in a muddy environment is extremely harmful to vertebrates. Sometimes it happens that there is a film on the surface of the water in the aquarium. What to do? Fortunately, this is not fatal for fish and other pets.
It is not always possible to quickly fix such a problem. The film may be different. And to be formed for such reasons that no one even thinks about. How to deal with this problem? Read on in the article.
But first you need to understand where it comes from.
Chemical contact
Let's look at the reasons why a film forms on the surface of the water in an aquarium. Sometimes chemicals can enter the fish’s habitat. Where do they come from:
- After you find such a problem, you must definitely pay attention to the lubricant that glued the glass container.
- You can not ignore the scenery. Poor-quality paint or oils can be applied to them, which will float to the surface of the water and create an oily layer. Sometimes it can overflow like gasoline.
It is necessary to identify the cause of such pollution and eliminate it.
Oil coolers
Many did not even think about the fact that oil radiators can create a film on the surface of the water in the aquarium. Everyone loves to bask in the winter and often use this type of heating device. In no case should it be placed near the aquarium. When the radiator is heated, evaporation of substances that can settle on water occurs. As a result of this process, pets receive poisoning.
To avoid this, put the heater away and close the lid of the aquarium. So you can protect yourself from this version of the appearance of the film.
Soil and algae
Another option is the rotting of living plants - algae. During this process, organic components are formed which, when decomposed, can accumulate bacteria. Microorganisms create a film on the surface of the water in the aquarium. Plants should be carefully selected and monitored, as well as how aquarium inhabitants respond to them.
If aeration is disturbed in the habitat, then pieces of plants bitten by fish begin to rot. Which also provokes the growth of pathogenic microflora.
If a poor-quality substrate is selected or fluid replacement is not performed, then in the process of acidification, small particles of soil together with carbon dioxide rise to the surface. The substrate continues to rot in the upper layers of water, which leads to the formation of a film.
Leftover feed
A bacterial film on the surface of the water in the aquarium may form due to residual feed. This phenomenon occurs if the fish or other inhabitants do not eat the amount of food that you give.
How to understand what exactly is the reason? With the remainder of the feed, a white film forms on the surface of the water in the aquarium. Such pollution can be called organic, because bacteria are formed on it due to food debris.
To avoid excess feed, you should familiarize yourself with the norms of feeding individuals and carefully monitor how much food the pets eat.
Greasy food
A film on the surface of the water in the aquarium can form due to poor-quality food for its inhabitants.
It is necessary to review the product, it is likely that the feed is greasy. And because of it, a film forms, which contributes to the development of bacteria.
If there is a good filtration system, and also the water is constantly in motion and does not stagnate, film formation is almost impossible. But if this has already happened, let's look at what are the ways to deal with the film.
Problem Solving Methods
What can be done if a film forms on the surface of the water in the aquarium, the causes of which we have already found out:
- You can create an artificial flow in the upper layer of water, then the film will not be able to form.
- It is necessary to replace fish food so that it is not oily and very large. So the aquatic inhabitants will be able to swallow it calmly, and not eat in parts. If you use natural feed, then they should not emit a lot of liquid in the aquarium.
- You can get snails or fish that will clean the habitat. But this is in case there is no way to arrange high-quality filtering. Snails eat up the remnants of organic matter, but it should be noted that such aquatic inhabitants multiply rapidly. This must be monitored.
- Often filtered water through activated carbon, this is also a good option. The very next day you can notice the result and clean water in the aquarium.
- Consider another of the low-cost and very simple cleaning methods. For this we need a piece of paper. You can use old newspapers or a magazine. It is necessary to place a sheet of paper on the surface of the water, wait a bit, and then remove it. The entire film will remain on it - this is a very convenient and quick option. Such actions must be repeated several times until the entire film is removed.
- Water purification using technical devices. To do this, buy a surface aerator, which will collect the top layer of water along with organic substances and clean it. Further, pure liquid will be returned back to the aquarium.
- Water purification can be carried out using antibiotics, as well as ultraviolet radiation. Such rays do their job well, kill all harmful bacteria. The antibiotic "Biomycin" is also effective in combating the problem. Several tablets are immersed in an aquarium (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 liters) and they disinfect the water. We warn that before starting such actions it is necessary to remove all the inhabitants of the aquarium.
These cleaning methods exist. They are all uncomplicated, and some are even very simple. If the film is constantly formed, you can try all the ways to deal with the problem. One of them will do.
Harm to fish from film on the surface of the water
The presence of such a problem in the aquarium affects the condition of the fish and other inhabitants. Some researchers argue that the organic film does not interact with living creatures in any way, while others have the opposite opinion on this. The formation of a dense structure does not allow carbon dioxide to escape and does not allow oxygen to pass into the water, which makes it harder for fish to breathe. Also, the thermal balance is disrupted, which adversely affects aquatic inhabitants, and the process of water evaporation disappears.
But all aquarists believe that if a film appears on the surface of the water due to chemicals in the aquarium, they should be removed as soon as possible. During this process, it is worth getting all the fish out of the aquarium and placing them in a clean environment.
Good recommendation: it is best to always cover the aquarium with a lid. Then dust will not get into it, which can also form a film.
To avoid the appearance of a film on the surface of the water in the aquarium, you need to adhere to simple rules: use a good filter to purify the water, as well as buy appliances to create the flow. Then you won’t have to deal with the film.
Fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium are very susceptible to changes in their habitats, so it is worth observing their behavior. Due to poor lighting or the presence of a lid on the aquarium, it is not always possible to immediately notice the film on the surface of the water, and if the fish become sluggish or the plants lose their former attractiveness, then you must immediately take the necessary measures to avoid negative consequences.