Choosing a flea remedy for a cat

Have cat fleas? Treatment should be started immediately! About what means to combat these insects exist today, read the article.

Cat flea remedy

Do not be surprised if you suddenly notice that your pet has got fleas. They can live with a cat, even if it has never gone outside. The larva can bring and the owner on their shoes. This is enough to quickly multiply parasites. It is unacceptable to ignore the fact of infection: fleas can cause serious diseases in the animal. How to deal with such parasites? What anti flea remedy for cats ?

Fortunately, dust soap and dichlorvos have sunk into oblivion. Now the treatment has become quick, effective and convenient. The zoo market offers a choice of powders, drops, sprays, shampoos, collars. Let's focus on consumer reviews and consider each flea remedy for a cat separately.

Let's start with insecticaricidal powder. Take the Harz drug (Ultra Guard) as an example, which received quite good reviews. The undoubted advantage is that there is no need to wet the animal (many tailed animals terribly do not like water). Powder is applied to the entire animal (against the coat) and rubbed. In addition to the antiparasitic effect, it has another, undoubtedly important quality - it relieves irritation that appears after bites. Powder is effective against ticks. Among the minuses is a short validity period (up to a week).

Cat Flea Remedies

The next flea remedy for cats is shampoo. Due to the need for a bathing procedure, cat owners are the least likely. Suitable for those animals that calmly tolerate water. An example of an inexpensive and effective shampoo of domestic production can be drugs like "Bars", "Chistotel". But kids with this shampoo can not be bathed. Alternatively, in this case, you can consider "Ms Kiss" (from 4 weeks).

Sprays are another flea remedy for cats, which is second most popular. It is convenient to process the animal with them, and the duration of their action is much longer than that of powder and shampoo. Preparations such as Front Line (for example, for treating pregnant / lactating cats and kittens), Harz, Bars, etc. are excellent. To obtain the effect, the drug must be sprayed throughout the animal’s body (except for the nose and eyes). If there is no possibility to carry out processing on the street, do not forget to ventilate the room. Make sure that your pet does not lick the coat (until dry).

Bestseller - flea remedy for cats in the form of drops. Convenience, of course, is undeniable: each mini-package is designed for a specific weight. Therefore, following the instructions, you can not be afraid of overdoses (do not allow licking).

Cat fleas treatment

The contents of the pipette - an oily liquid - is distributed over the skin at the withers (it is the skin, not the hair). Typically, for cats up to 8 kg, one dose is required. Validity - from a month to three months. These are drugs of such companies as Advantage, Stonghold (including for kittens), Advocate (both against external parasites and internal ones), Bars, etc.

In order to avoid relapse after treatment, the cat’s habitat is treated and a flea-collar collar is put on it (“Bifar”, “Harz”, “Trix”, “Bolfo”, etc.).

In conclusion - a few words about the new product that appeared on the zoo market. We are talking about the ultrasonic medallion "Flea and Tick", emitting impulses that repel insects (fleas, ticks). Powered by a mini battery. It is still difficult to judge the effectiveness of the medallion, since the few existing reviews are very contradictory.

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