Pavilions for a summer residence - a place of relaxation for the whole family

A modern summer cottage is unthinkable without a gazebo. Speaking in dry language, the gazebo is a light indoor building for recreation, protection from rain and creating shade from the sun, related to garden and park structures. In fact, it is a real decoration of a suburban area and always corresponds to its design style. Made of wood, wrought iron or plastic, such a structure often has an intricate wall and roof shape.

To install many arbors, a foundation is needed, so it is much easier to buy a pavilion for a summer residence, a tent, an awning or at least a large umbrella. They will also protect you from heavy rain and scorching sun rays, under them you can relax, spend a family dinner or a romantic celebration.

pavilions for summer cottages

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buy a pavilion for a summer residence

Very often they are simple open structures that are only protected by a roof. Such a "roof" and reliably protects, and makes the ventilation process effective. In addition, the open pavilion is quite simple to install, it has a large usable area several times the size of an ordinary tent.

Large internal space allows you to equip the pavilion at your discretion. If it is used for a celebration, then inside it you can put tables and chairs. In a small pavilion, you can, putting a sofa or chairs, arrange a place for a few people to relax.

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pavilions tents for summer cottages

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