Any expectant mother must take a large number of tests throughout her pregnancy. A biochemical blood test is no exception. All these diagnostic studies are necessary to monitor the condition of the female body, as well as the developing fetus. Any pathologies that can develop during this important period should be mandatory identified on time, and then cured.
A biochemical blood test during pregnancy occupies a special place among the variety of different examinations of the expectant mother. But what is he like? How to take a biochemical blood test during pregnancy? What is it done for? This should be sorted out in more detail.
What is the study done for?
Speaking about why a biochemical blood test is done during pregnancy, we note that this is necessary in order to evaluate the work of virtually every organ and system in the body of a future mother. Deciphering this analysis to a specialist gives an idea of the functions of important organs, for example, kidneys, liver, pancreas and many others.
In addition, using a biochemical blood test during pregnancy, you can identify the lack of individual trace elements in the body, for example, potassium, iron, sodium and others.
What is a metabolism?
During the decoding of the analysis, it is very often possible to find among specialists such an expression as “carbohydrate” and “lipid” metabolism.
In short, this process is explained as follows: between the cells and tissues, as well as other structures of the human body, there is a constant exchange of building materials, nutrients and other substances necessary for their normal life. They can be produced in the human body, and also enter it from the outside, for example, during meals.
All these necessary elements and substances are transported by blood. It is for this reason that a biochemical blood test is performed in women, which reveals an excess or deficiency of certain metabolic products.
Please note that during pregnancy, the metabolism changes, since now the mother's body needs to provide both its needs and the growing fetus.
What is being researched?
There are many different indicators characterizing almost all types of metabolism in a woman's body. But in the case of a normal pregnancy, only a few species are examined. This should include:
- Proteinogram, or protein metabolism.
- Lipid profile, or lipid metabolism.
- Carbohydrate metabolism.
- Nitrogen metabolism.
- Pigment exchange.
- Electrolyte balance.
- Enzymes.
- Determination of the number of trace elements.
We will look at these varieties in more detail later. This list may be longer for some existing diseases in a pregnant woman. You should also pay attention to the fact that the norms of the biochemical analysis of blood during pregnancy are approximate. This will depend on the research method and the laboratory where the analysis was performed.
Pregnancy also makes its own adjustments in almost all varieties of metabolism, and this may affect the indicators of the norm. In order not to get a bad biochemical blood test during pregnancy, you must correctly pass it.
Analysis submission
Biochemical analysis is given only on an empty stomach, while in the early morning. You should pay attention to the fact that food intake must be completed approximately 8 hours before blood donation. It’s best to give up eating 12 hours before going to the lab. One day before the examination, you should also abandon the use of sweet and fatty foods. This is the only way to hope for the correct results of a biochemical blood test. For the study, blood is collected from a vein.
When to donate blood?
Throughout pregnancy, this analysis is usually carried out two or three times. The first time this is done in the first trimester, when an initial examination of the pregnant woman is carried out. After that, blood is taken for research in the middle of the second trimester, and then in the middle of the third. If any pathology of pregnancy appears, as well as in the case of an exacerbation of a chronic disease in a woman, this study should be carried out more often. Indications for the implementation of this analysis in all cases should be determined only by the attending physician.
Protein Exchange
Proteins are a very important component in the blood. This element takes an active part in all reactions of the immune system, transfers various nutrients, hormones, as well as other substances to the tissues and organs of the body. In the laboratory, the norm of the protein in the blood during pregnancy is determined - the total number of all fractions in the blood.
What are protein fractions? Albumin, which should be detected without fail during pregnancy, should be attributed to protein fractions. Globulin also belongs to fractions. Albumin and globulin during pregnancy in the blood are detected during biochemical analysis. These elements have a different structure, as well as different functions.
The determination of these protein fractions during pregnancy allows you to more accurately identify and evaluate possible violations in the work of the structures of the female body.
Blood protein
On average, the norm of the protein that is in the blood should be 62-82 g / l. As for pregnant women, in the last trimester and after the birth of the baby during breastfeeding, its amount decreases to about 55. This condition is explained by an increase in the total volume of plasma circulating in the body during this period. The most significant decrease in protein levels is associated with starvation or malnutrition, with the development of toxicosis or other pathological condition during pregnancy.
An increased indicator of protein is found in the case of dehydration, as well as in some diseases of the internal organs.
Lipid metabolism
The main function of fats in the body is to provide it with the necessary energy. During the study of lipid or fat metabolism, several indicators are determined: triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, fatty acids.
In practice, most often only the level of cholesterol, and in some cases its fractions, is determined. Even less often, specialists need to identify triglyceride concentrations.
Carbohydrate metabolism
The main participants in carbohydrate metabolism in absolutely any body are insulin and glucose. Insulin is formed by pancreatic cells, being the main element for the breakdown of glucose. Usually, the need to detect insulin concentrations is extremely rare, and this is due to any pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus.
The norm of blood sugar during pregnancy should be from 3.3 to 5.6 mmol / L. However, it should be noted that during pregnancy, the indicator may decrease slightly due to the large energy demand from the growing fetus.
Nitrogen exchange
The amount of nitrogenous substances in the blood mainly characterizes the functioning of the kidneys. These include: ammonia, creatinine, urea, uric acid, creatine. In fact, they are the final products of the metabolic process, most often protein. In the case of a normal pregnancy period, studies of the level of urea and creatinine are usually enough.
The amount of creatinine will characterize the filtration excretory work of the kidneys, as well as the condition of the skeletal muscle. Normally, the indicator should be 54-96 mmol / l. Creatinine levels in pregnant women tend to decrease, especially in the second trimester, as well as in the postpartum period.
As for the urea norm, it is 2.2-6.8 mmol / L. This indicator will decrease during labor activity.
An increased blood urea, as well as creatinine, will indicate the development of kidney pathology, as well as possible renal failure. The reduced rate is not particularly significant.
Pigment exchange and bilirubin
In the body of a healthy person, the so-called old blood elements decay constantly, which includes red blood cells. During this, hemoglobin, which is part of them, is released. During further disposal, a special pigment is formed in the spleen, which is called free, or indirect bilirubin. Using a special protein, it is transported to the liver, where it binds to glucuronic acid. In this way, bound or direct bilirubin is formed. It enters with bile directly into the intestinal lumen.
The total bilirubin normal in women during pregnancy is from 3.5 to 17.3 mmol / L.
Absolutely all biochemical processes in the human body are carried out with the direct participation of enzymes there that regulate quality and speed. Almost all enzymes have a protein composition. There are about a hundred of these enzymes in the human body. But some of them are of paramount importance. It is their number that experts determine using a biochemical blood test.
ALT, or alanine aminotransferase, is a cellular enzyme that takes part in a large number of metabolic processes in the body. Most of it is located in the kidneys and liver. That is why a change in the concentration of alanine aminotransferase will serve as an indicator of any violation. The normal rate is up to 40 units per liter.
AST, or aspartate aminotransferase, is found in greatest quantities in the tissues of the heart, in the liver, kidneys and nervous system. An increased concentration of this enzyme is a signal of impaired function of these organs. In a normal state, the amount of AST should be no more than 30 units per liter in women during pregnancy.
The norms of AST and ALT under the condition of a normal pregnancy should not be changed. An increased level in pregnant women occurs in the case of the development of any pathology, in particular gestosis. A multiple increase in the norm in pregnant women indicates the development of liver failure.
Alkaline phosphatase
It is detected in almost all tissues and cells of the human body. The largest amount is concentrated in the bone tissue, as well as in the tissues of the kidneys and liver, in the inner lining of the intestine and in the tissues of the placenta. Normally, the amount should be up to 230 units. An increase in this indicator in the blood is observed in the case of pathology of the liver and bones, as well as with preeclampsia.
In future mothers, its amount often increases, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. When a pathological condition appears during pregnancy, the determination of other enzymes will sometimes be required.
Trace elements
This should include chemical elements, which are contained in a small amount in the human body, but at the same time they play an important role in almost every biochemical reaction. With the help of timely diagnosis of excess or deficiency of these elements, it is possible to correct their quantity in the blood.
The main function of sodium is to distribute the water content in tissues and organs. In addition, he is involved in the mechanisms of work of the musculature and nervous system, due to which a decrease in indicators in the body of sodium can cause muscle weakness, as well as some neurological disorders. The norm of the amount of sodium should be about 140. In the last trimester of pregnancy, its concentration may increase slightly. A significant increase in the amount is observed with dehydration, and a decrease with uncontrolled intake of diuretics.
This element is contained directly inside the cells. Potassium is involved in various metabolic processes, and also affects the functioning of the heart and muscle contraction. In addition, it participates in the immune response, is a very important component of nerve cells. In the case of a reduced content of this element, a woman may have abnormalities with respect to the heart rhythm, as well as muscle weakness. Normally, the potassium content should be from 3.6 to 5.7. In a pregnant woman, this element often increases before childbirth.
This element is mainly located in bone tissue. Potassium is extremely important for the human body. He takes an active part in the work of muscle fibers, and also participates in the process of blood coagulation and regulation of the production of enzymes and hormones. The rate of calcium should be 2.22-2.56. In pregnant women, very often the amount of calcium in the body decreases. This is due to the increased consumption of this element for the formation and growth of the baby's bones. With a severe deficiency of this element, you should take calcium-containing drugs that are recommended by a doctor.
Iron is a vital element, and its main function is to participate in the transfer of oxygen to absolutely all structures of the human body. Normally, the iron content in the blood should be from 7.3 to 30.5. During pregnancy, a woman significantly increases the need for iron in order to saturate with oxygen both her growing fetus and her own body. It is for this reason that expectant mothers often have iron deficiency anemia, in particular, if this element comes in insufficient quantities with food.
Little conclusion
Finally, it should be said once again about the relative accuracy of the above norms of indicators when conducting a biochemical analysis of blood. It should also be remembered that the final diagnosis is always established only by the attending doctor on the basis of the obtained aggregate data, in which analyzes are considered only an auxiliary method of diagnostic procedures.