Submariner Day is a modern holiday celebrated by military personnel, civilians, and reserve officers. For several decades, the fleet has been a special pride of Russia, and service on submarines has been considered honorable since the time of the Russian Empire and the USSR.
History : The Day of the Submariner Sailor is now celebrated on March 19, and is associated with the creation of an underwater fleet in the Russian Empire. Back in 1906, by decree of Sovereign Nicholas II, the first submarine forces were created on the Baltic Sea , and the boats were located in the area of the naval base near the town of Libava. In the military and government circles of Russia, the possibility of creating a submarine fleet was actively discussed throughout the 19th century, and various inventors proposed the most unusual projects.
As a result, the Baltic submarine, located in St. Petersburg in 1904, created the first submarine in Russian history, the creation of which was worked by I. G. Bubnov, I. S. Goryunov and M. N. Beklemishev. In 1912, the Bars, the latest diesel-powered submarine, appeared in the Russian Empire, and by 1917 the Baltic Fleet already included many ships of this type that were actively used during naval battles during the First World War.
Day of the submariner in the Russian Empire was celebrated annually since 1906, however, after the revolution of 1917 it was no longer celebrated, being identified with the events characteristic of the tsarist regime. The solemn holiday was decided to be revived only after eight decades, and this event was promoted by an order signed in 1996 by Admiral F.N. Thundering. According to this document, the Day of Russian Submariner should be celebrated annually on August 19, organizing various celebrations for military personnel and their families on this day.
Features : Day of the submariner fully emphasizes the role played by the Russian submarine fleet, without which almost no military operation at sea is complete. So, Admiral V.S. Vysotsky in 2008 during the festive event noted that submariners effectively protect Russia's national interests thanks to their courage, courage and courage, and the combat capabilities of domestic submarines are improving every year. The role of the Russian submarine fleet in modern historical realities is invaluable, therefore, during the professional holiday of Russian submariners, the most solemn events are held.
Celebration : In modern Russia, the Day of the Submariner is celebrated quite brightly, and on this date the Navy command gives encouragement and gratitude to all the cast sailors, commanders and crews of the submarines, as well as the rewarding of military personnel who successfully participate in the most important operations. Memorable meetings with submarine veterans become an integral part of the holiday, and previously imposed penalties are often removed from existing military personnel.
Attitude to the holiday : In the 80s and 90s, the prestige of service in the navy significantly decreased, and the Russian government seeks to popularize the profession of a submariner. To better introduce Russians to their honorary service, the authorities organize large-scale holidays dedicated to the difficult service of submariners.
And the tribute to professionalism and reliability, courage and courage of sailors is paid not only by the government and the Ministry of Defense, but also by the large civilian population, which has no direct relation to the Russian submarine fleet. The wives of submariners also consider the professional holiday of their husbands a special date, since their life is inextricably linked with the domestic submarine fleet. The ability to wait for husbands on the shore has been developed over the years, and while the submariners carry out responsible tasks, the wives on the shore have their own, no less difficult service.