Cats' intelligence is not so easy to measure, because tests that will accurately confirm their mental abilities have not yet been invented. For many, this is just a beautiful and graceful animal. Few people think that some breeds of cats, in addition to interesting appearance, also have high intelligence. Let's find out what are the most intelligent cats. You probably heard their species more than once.
List of the smartest cat breeds
- According to the reputable channel Animal Planet, at the top of the pedestal was the sphinx. Despite their somewhat strange appearance, cats of this breed are distinguished by a gentle and affectionate character. The most intelligent sphynx cats get along well with children, like to play hide and seek and other outdoor games. These animals are not characterized by revenge, they rarely bite or scratch. High intellectual development does not allow them to do such nonsense. Sphinx is practically the second child in the house, which requires constant attention. No human action can take place without the participation of this cat. They love to sleep with the owner under the covers and in no way can the sphinxes be weaned from it. Now you know which breed of cats is the smartest.
- The second place is occupied by the Balinese cat. The ancestors of this breed are its Siamese counterparts, as a result of which the first has a close external resemblance to them. True, the hair of a Balinese cat is a little longer. They do not like to be alone, the best thing for them is to communicate with their owners. This is a great friend and companion who remains playful until old age. Thanks to excellent mental abilities, these animals quickly become accustomed to the tray and can easily master several tricks. Balinese cats get along well with children, dogs and their other brethren. These pets (after the sphinx, of course) are really the smartest cats. The breeds of intellectuals do not end there, we move on.
- High mental abilities are also Bengal cats. This breed appeared as a result of crossing wild animals with domestic animals. The Bengal cat is wild in appearance, but very kind in soul. Her appearance does not correspond to temperament at all. As a result of selection, the most aggressive individuals were excluded. These pets are extremely contraindicated in loneliness. If they remain without attention for a long time, then they simply run wild. Therefore, they must be accustomed to their hands from early childhood. They get along well with other pets, except birds and rodents. The Bengal cat is very affectionate, begins to purr, even when you just call her. These home leopards are truly the smartest cats.
The breeds not only of the above, but also of others, also boast a high level of intelligence. Siamese, Abyssinian, Russian blue and Turkish cats are no less savvy . In any case, the most intelligent breed cannot be determined. Improper upbringing and inattention will not benefit even a very capable animal. So if you really love and appreciate your pet, it is possible that you have the most intelligent cat in the world.