White turd in a child: causes and consequences

Any changes in the health of the child scare every mom. Changes in the color of poop in childhood are very alarming to parents. White poop in a nursing baby is a sign of changes or disturbances in its tiny body. Because the optimal color of feces in a child is brown.

Causes of white poop in children

White turd indicate violations in the removal of bile masses. For this reason, it is necessary to take a blood biochemistry test to determine ALT, AST, amylase and bilirubin. If this procedure is not possible or it is difficult to carry out, due to the fact that blood is taken from a vein for analysis, you should pay attention to whether the urine is dark in the child. If the child has white poop, it is recommended to take urine for analysis to identify bile pigments.

If there are changes in the pancreas, then this may be a reaction to any product. It is recommended to do an ultrasound scan before and after dairy food intake to determine how the gallbladder is emptied. There is an opportunity to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. These specialists should refer the patient to an analysis that can help diagnose the disease and select the appropriate treatment.

Also, the reasons that the turd is white may be a milk diet against the background of insufficient emptying of the gallbladder. In this case, the reason may lie in taking antibiotics, because more often it is necessary to give the child only fresh sour milk products. In this case, kefir should be one-day or two-day. Brewing flax seed and chamomile flowers is also recommended. Dogrose also has a choleretic effect, which the child is allowed to drink for a month. Very often, doctors come to prescribe probiotics of the type "Bifiform" and "Simbiter."

The presence in the diet of cottage cheese and other cottage cheese products with a large amount of calcium (there are such baby mixtures) may cause the child to appear white poop. Photos of such secretions are below.

white turd

What should be feces in infants?

The color of the poop can be well tracked on the contents of the diaper. Yellow pigment called bilirubin can give different colors to the babyโ€™s secretions. This pigment has the property of being released directly from red blood cells. People call them red blood cells. After release, this pigment is filtered in the liver, from where it is removed from the body of the infant directly through the gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

During the first 2 days, meconium comes out of the baby - the very first feces of the child, which looks like fuel oil, it is characterized by a black or dark green shade and a non-liquid composition. This type of feces is quite alarming for young mothers, but in real life there is no reason for concern, because this phenomenon should be considered natural. On the 3rd and 4th days of the life of an infant, its feces become transitional and their shade is initially heterogeneous. The color of the secretions can then be yellow and dark green. Poop with white lumps in the baby can indicate incomplete absorption of calcium. In addition, the presence of mucus or white lumps may be observed in the feces of the infant.

white poop in a child

By the end of the first week of the child's life, the discharge normalizes. In a normal state, the feces of an infant should be similar to an apricot homogeneous suspension, which has a good milky sour smell. This is the only way the stool of a baby who is breastfed should look like. Particles of mucous inclusions and a greenish color can be observed for 3 months, and you do not need to panic.
white poop in the baby

When feces became liquid and veins of a greenish tint began to appear in them, this indicates the presence of dysbiosis.


If treatment is absent for quite a long time, then this leads to the fact that the stool becomes dark green in color and has a very penetrating smell of sour and rotten. From this one can only imagine what is going on in the intestines of the child, and no nutrients will be absorbed in the body. This may lead to the developmental retardation of the child.

What determines the color of feces in a child?

In the case when the baby takes infant formulas instead of breast milk, the nature of his discharge will directly depend on the type of mixture given. In this case, the stool may be green, brown, cream or grayish. The smell will also not be very pleasant.

the child has white poop

Changes in the structure of feces can be noted with the introduction of the first complementary foods. The shade of the stool will depend on the composition of the food taken by the baby. If the child eats spinach or sorrel, the stool will be green, if the beets, then the color of the stool will be red or brown, if the carrot is orange. If there are only dairy products in the diet, then as a result of this there will be white poop in the baby.

What is the danger of white feces in a child?

It should be noted that white poop in a child is often considered a signal for the appearance of serious violations and changes in the liver. White stool can also be in the case when the mother fed the baby with carbohydrate food and the body could not digest it. In this case, it is necessary to bring the child to an appointment with a specialist, and that, if necessary, will give direction to the analysis of feces. In the case when the white turd will be a sign of any pathological condition, it will be necessary to undergo several necessary courses of treatment.

white poop photo

In any case, white poop in an infant must be diagnosed and treated at an early stage of their appearance, and it should not be delayed at this moment, because it is a matter of the health of the infant.

Pathology associated with the presence of white feces in a child

Also, the reason that white turd may be related to food. In this case, it is necessary to wait a couple of days and exclude pigmented products. But if this did not give any results and the color of feces did not normalize, then you need to contact a specialist.

poop with white lumps in the baby

It is very necessary to go to the doctor for help when the baby has the following symptoms in addition to white feces:

- pain in the abdominal cavity;


- feces in the form of foam;

- body and eyes are yellow;

- thirst;

- increased body temperature;

- the child is gaining weight poorly and has no appetite;

- quickly gets tired;

- sleep disturbed.

If at least one of the above symptoms is detected, mom should immediately consult a doctor. The presence of white poop in a child of three years may be a consequence of liver disease or gall bladder.


Therapy of the child with medication can also be a cause in changing the color of the discharge. For example, when a child at four years old appeared white poop, it is necessary to analyze the entire system of his nutrition. As prevention, the most important advice of doctors is considered to be careful attention to the childโ€™s menu and the selection of consumed food products. Every day he is obliged to eat a variety of foods that are rich in harmless elements, as well as saturated with multivitamins and mineral salts.

Prevention of white stool in babies

A varied menu will contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system and regular and normal emptying. If parents want to see their child healthy and full of energy, it is necessary to include products such as:

- fresh vegetables and fresh fruits;

- dairy and dairy products;

- cereal crops;

- a considerable amount of water.

It is also necessary to ensure that the child moves a lot, plays outdoor games and leads a very active lifestyle. It is recommended to do family sports, this will provide an opportunity to cheer up and provoke a growing up child and will help him to love sports and active pastime.

white poop in the baby

A healthy lifestyle, which has been laid down since childhood, can help maintain a very good functioning of the body at an older age, and the most useful nutritional skills will become suitable while maintaining a wonderful physical form. You need to eat right - this is the key to the health of everyone.

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