Educational cubes Nikitin. How to play Nikitin cubes?

From birth, the baby is already ready to perceive the world, to remember information. The main source of this is the parents. If they begin to pay attention to the child, reading to him, talking to him, playing games, then soon the children will begin to imitate mom, dad.

nicitine cubes

Child development with Nikitin cubes

A unique technique of Boris Nikitin was developed for children and their parents. All their wonderful family invented the Nikitin Cubes, which help their seven children and many other babies to develop. This groundbreaking discovery has hit the whole world. The technique has proven effective.

The benefits of educational games

1. Trains memory that will help in the adult life of the child.

2. The kid will learn to respond quickly, think that will allow you to make the right decisions.

3. Persistence develops, and the child learns to gradually move towards the goal.

4. The knowledge of the world will expand, spatial thinking, imagination, and a sense of symmetry will develop.

5. The child is prepared in advance for school with the help of games where you need to read, count.

6. Nikitin’s cubes not only have a good effect on the development and motor skills of children, but also help strengthen relations between them and their parents.

how to play nicitine cubes

Diversity and methods of teaching children

Sets for wood “Fold the pattern” (16 pcs.) Are intended for the game. These multi-colored Nikitin cubes enable the child to fantasize and draw patterns. A notebook for recordings is added to the game so that he can record his discoveries.

Also, the Unicub set was invented with different colored faces (47 drawings). Children will be happy to build original designs in the form of geometric shapes. This will develop logical thinking. You can also play Nikitin’s cubes “Fold the square”. The child learns to shape, which will help in the field of geometry and algebra. Also on sale were the cubes "Architect", "Fractions", "Segen's Box".

developing cubes of nicitine

How to interest children in games

Of course, all logical games will be a pleasure in the event that patient parents help to develop a keen interest in this activity in the child. It is necessary that the baby is at least a little assiduous, patient, like mom and dad. A child will be able to get carried away when he sees interest in this type of entertainment in the eyes of his parents. Every good father and mother wants their baby to become smart, have imagination, a love of learning. You can be sure that Nikitin cubes contribute to the diverse development of children. And, subsequently, not a single person will regret that he paid attention to the children, since the pride in them will be the reward. Indeed, in a society they love educated, interesting people. This method will just contribute to this. In addition, these games stimulate creative and intellectual thinking. And the little man will learn to create unique ideas in adulthood, he will become insightful. With the help of games, you can inspire confidence in the child, as children are often critical of their abilities.

Memo for parents

It is important not to rush parents to help solve puzzles, let the child think independently, learn enterprise, activity. The training system presents tasks in various forms: drawings, drawings, diagrams. It must be remembered that in games there are many levels for different ages of children. You should not chase a child, scold, if he does not succeed as quickly as the older baby or the parent. Experience comes with time. So that development does not slow down, one should not make huge demands on the child.

Where to buy Nikitin cubes

How to play Nikitin cubes?

There are 8 unpainted bricks, a notebook with samples. The child needs to build a structure, which is proposed in the sample. In order for everything to succeed, he needs to slowly, carefully consider the drawings, imagine the figures in his thoughts and complete the task. Over time, when progress will be noticeable, you can entrust him with tasks and more difficult. You can play a game that will form spatial thinking, that is, a child will be able to distinguish between flat and spatial forms, analyze and create images in solving some problems. The game "Cubes for All" just develops these skills. Of the cubes, parents make up a riddle, and the children, listening and observing carefully, answer the question. You can invent anything: different animals, birds, pyramids, houses. The imagination of parents is already playing a role here. Now we know the answer to the question of how to play Nikitin's cubes. But what if there is no way to buy them in a store? Even this can be resolved if mom and dad have patience and perseverance. We propose to build such wonderful cubes yourself.

DIY cubes do-it-yourself

You need to be inspired by the idea of ​​the Nikitin family and make or buy regular cubes. If something is painted on them, it is first advisable to soak them briefly in water to separate the paper and glue. Size - about 4 by 4 cm. Then you need to prepare cardboard: red, white, blue and yellow (each of 24 squares). It is necessary to paste over the cubes with them: in front of white, blue on the right, red on the left, yellow on the back, blue on top with yellow, red and white on the bottom. So that not all of this comes off, we suggest wrapping the cubes with tape. Everything! You can start useful entertainment.

do-it-yourself nikitin cubes

Developing Nikitin cubes will help parents develop children's thinking, memory, and attention. These intellectual games encourage kids to think and develop, which will bring good results in work, family, life.

Many, of course, had a question: where to buy Nikitin cubes? They can be purchased in ordinary stores, the Internet. Some outlets even offer free shipping. The cost of the logical game in question ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles - depending on the complexity of the products and the material from which the set is made. Nikitin’s wooden toys will captivate not only small children, but also parents, grandparents. Many parents themselves will be delighted with the entertainment with cubes, amusing themselves with the ingenuity of the kids.

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