Exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: recommendations and contraindications

Pregnancy is the most amazing, exciting and delightful stage in the life of every woman. Two hearts are beating in one body, and even the growing weight of the body does not overshadow this joy. So that you do not have to restore your health and shape for many months after giving birth, you need to think and take care of maintaining your shape from the very beginning, healing yourself and your baby.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester and beyond do not include stress or prolonged physical training. But if a woman was involved in sports, then you should not stop classes because of pregnancy, and, conversely, if she led a fairly measured rhythm of life, then it was time to start doing exercises for her health and the health of the child.

The benefits of exercise

Why exercise during pregnancy in the first trimester? What is the use of them? In the body of a woman during pregnancy, there are many transformations (hormonal background, psychological state, mood, metabolism, weight). All of them are natural, but it is easier to transfer them, if you eat right, do sports, perform special exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester.

The benefits of exercise are obvious. If it is reasonable to approach them, then throughout the pregnancy a woman will be guaranteed:

  • The course of pregnancy and childbirth without complications.
  • When gaining weight, excess fat does not accumulate.
  • Blood circulation in the body improves.
  • A more joyful and positive mood, as physical activity is associated with the production of hormones of joy and happiness.
  • Pain is reduced.
  • Reduction of toxicosis.
  • Reducing the risk of fetal oxygen starvation.
  • Return in the shortest possible time after delivery to the previous (prenatal) form.
Exercise for pregnant women 1 trimester

Prevailing stereotypes

A number of persistent myths and misconceptions have developed in society regarding exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester, these are the main ones:

  • The first myth. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman is contraindicated in any sports exercises. This is a huge misconception. If there are no contraindications for gymnastics, exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester are very useful, as they prepare the body for the upcoming load, train the lungs and heart, and maintain muscle tone. Doctors say that the effect of classes is more effective if they are started as early as possible.
  • The second myth. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can not limit yourself to sports. Of course, the pregnancy in the first trimester is not yet visible, the stomach has not rounded, but the woman is already pregnant, therefore, she is already responsible for another life that originated in her. Therefore, all exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester should be coordinated with the gynecologist. In addition, with professional sports for the time of the "interesting situation", you will most likely have to say goodbye and completely exclude cardio loads, strength exercises, running and jumping.
  • The third myth. Stretching exercises and yoga are best for all pregnant women. This is also a fallacy, as there are many types of yoga and exercises. Among them there are special complexes for pregnant women, which can be performed from the first days. But most yoga poses are contraindicated for pregnant women, they can injure a woman and lead to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a set of exercises for pregnant women 1 trimester, and it is better to consult an experienced trainer or instructor.
  • The fourth myth. The more intense and more exercise you do, the better for the body. It's a delusion. The most appropriate approach to physical training during pregnancy is daily moderate exercise, which consists of breathing exercises, light stretching exercises and physiotherapy exercises. In addition, if a woman did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy, then it would be optimal for her to engage in 20 minutes every other day, and the best for her would be swimming and walking.


Despite the obvious benefits of exercise, there are contraindications that a woman should know in order to prevent the development of negative consequences. Restrictions or contraindications to gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st trimester:

  • Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases in the body.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • The threat of miscarriage.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Any intensity of pain in the lower abdomen.
gymnastics for pregnant women 1 trimester

What exercises are recommended to be performed

At the beginning of pregnancy, the physical activity of a pregnant woman should include the following:

  • Hiking daily walks at a calm pace.
  • Daily breathing exercises.
  • Several times a week - water aerobics.
  • Dancing (in the absence of contraindications).
  • Fitball exercise.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the chest, back, legs - stretching exercises.

These are the most optimal exercises that are suitable for almost all pregnant women, they will improve mood and well-being, while not harming a woman or a baby.

How to do the exercises correctly

First of all, they are performed in a good mood and with normal health. In addition, the following rules should be followed:

  • Classes to perform at a calm pace.
  • Press loads, as well as squats and bends, must not be done.
  • Stretching exercises must be performed very carefully, since the ligaments and tendons in an interesting position are very easily injured.
  • It is forbidden to perform any strength exercises, as well as running and jumping.

Breathing exercises

Maternity Yoga 1 Trimester Exercise

Exercise is best done every day. It is necessary to make 6 breaths and exhalations by the stomach, chest and diaphragm. Stretching each to count 8.

One effective exercise is to breathe fully. It is necessary to sit down, straighten your back, inhale the air so that the chest does not rise, but expands as much as possible. Exhale so that the ribs close again.

No less useful is breathing with the stomach, it is necessary to maximize the abdomen at the moment of inhalation and retract it on the exhale.

These exercises will help to open your lungs better and tune in to positive thoughts.

A set of basic exercises for pregnant women

So, the most optimal exercises for pregnant women to perform at home 1 trimester:

  • In a standing position, you need to slightly spread your legs, your back should be straight, hands - hanging freely along the body. At count 5, take a deep breath, at count 7 - exhale, repeat breathing training 10 times.
  • Within a minute - walking in place, which must be combined with walking on toes (about 30 seconds).
  • Take a standing position, arms straightened to the side. On inspiration, you need to raise the left hand and right leg up, on the exhale, lower them, alternating legs and arms, repeat 5 times.
  • Half squats with simultaneous retraction of the arms. Perform slowly 5 times.
  • Hands to clasp behind the back. When inhaling, bend back slightly, while exhaling - return to the starting position, perform 8 approaches.
  • Half slopes forward - 6 reps.
  • Exercise for the chest - standing with a straight back, connect your hands in front of you with your palms at chest level. While inhaling, press with palms on each other with some effort, while the muscles of the chest should tighten. Complete 8 approaches.
  • Exercise "cat" - on all fours, head down. On inspiration, round your back like a cat, on exhale, return to its original position. Perform 8 reps.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees, feet rest on the floor. On exhalation - raise the pelvis, linger in this position, inhale to return to its original position. Perform 8 reps.

Morning joint warm-up

Immediately after waking up and before breakfast (or an hour after it), it is necessary to warm up the joints. It is better to start by walking in place (1 minute), then tilting the hull from side to side, bending backward. Then proceed to warm up the legs and arms in all joints. Perform each exercise 10 times.


Why pregnancy exercises in the 1st trimester

This projectile has gained great popularity among pregnant women, as it helps to carry out a huge number of exercises, relieve pain symptoms, and helps prepare for childbirth.

Exercises for pregnant women on fitball (1st trimester) have practically no contraindications, but before you begin, you must consult your doctor. Most popular exercises:

  • Sitting on the ball, do circular rotation of the pelvis.
  • Sitting on the floor, put the ball between your legs and try with all your strength to squeeze it with your feet.
  • The same movement must be done only lying down.
  • Kneeling, lie down on the ball, hug it with your hands and sway slightly from side to side.

The main rule is not to overwork, perform a maximum of 5-6 exercises, and no discomfort.


At the end of classes, it is recommended to perform a light stretching exercise for pregnant women (1 trimester). Sit on your knees so that your buttocks rest on your heels. Stretch your arms forward and try to reach the floor with your forehead. Then relax. Perform the exercise several times.

Sitting on the floor in Turkish, lean with your right hand on the floor, with your left hand stretch to the right and in the opposite direction, repeat about 10 times.

Holding the back of the chair, take the ankle of the leg and pull it to the buttock, change the leg. Perform 5-6 sets.

Kegel exercises

Pool exercises

One of the common complexes is Kegel exercises. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum and increasing their tone, which will facilitate the course of childbirth and prevent tears. Kegel exercises can be performed from the first days of pregnancy and anywhere.

  • Compress the muscles of the perineum, as if stopping the urination process.
  • Perform compression of the muscles of the perineum, as if pushing something.
  • Gradually strain the muscles, and also gradually begin to relax them.

You can start doing exercises at home, lying on your back, and getting used to them - anywhere and anytime.


Exercises for pregnant women at home 1 trimester

Yoga exercises for pregnant women at the 1st trimester helps to maintain good health and prepare the body for subsequent trimesters and childbirth. These exercises are safe for women, they have no contraindications. For those who do not have the opportunity to perform yoga exercises for pregnant women (1 trimester) in the hall, there is a huge amount of literature that describes in detail the poses that are suitable for each trimester, and the rules of breathing, as well as methods on how to apply yoga in the birth process.

Some poses that are useful to perform in the 1st trimester of pregnancy:

  • Table pose - strengthens muscles and develops balance. Get on all fours in the pose of the table, while inhaling, raise your leg parallel to the floor. Extend your toes - as you exhale. The neck should be at a level with the spine, then take a slow breath and extend your arm parallel to the floor, pull your fingers and exhale. Then return to the pose of the table. Then repeat with the other leg and arm. You can repeat the exercise 3-4 times on each side.
  • Pose of a puppy with straight arms. The pose helps fight toxicosis, relieves pain in the uterus, and stretches the thigh muscles. Get on all fours, and then stretch forward so that the arms straighten completely, while the elbows should not touch the floor. The pelvis can be lowered to the heels. In this position, stay for about a minute, and then return to its original position.
  • The pose of a joyful child relieves nausea, stretches the muscles of the hips. Lie on your back and grab your feet with your hands. In this case, you need to feel how the spine is stretched. Hold in the pose for about a minute, then lower the feet to the floor and rest.
  • The pose of the king dancer. The pose allows you to stretch the muscles of the hips and opens the chest. The lungs expand, and the body is better enriched with oxygen. Lie on the floor, on your side, bend your knees and grab your right ankle with your right hand through your back, hold on for a minute and return to your original position.

Pool activities

Exercise for pregnant women (1 trimester) in the pool is the most effective form of preparing the body for childbirth. In water, all movements become light and weightless, the body rests.

In the pool, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Noisy breaths and exhalations above the water.
  • "Dog" breath on the water.
  • Holding the side of the hands, perform swinging legs in different directions.
  • Hang on your hands, holding on to the sides, bend your legs at the knees.
  • Holding hands on the sides from the back, perform the exercise "bike".
  • Imitate the movement of the legs, as if a toad is swimming.
  • Exercise "asterisk". Lie on your water with your back and spread your arms and legs in different directions.


The moderate organization of sports activity, if there are no contraindications, did not harm anyone. If you do not want to do exercises, you can do dancing or swimming. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • During exercise, do not overheat or overstrain.
  • Drink as much water as possible.
  • It is best to do a few hours after eating.
  • Perform all exercises slowly, avoid shortness of breath.
  • At the slightest sign of pain, stop the exercise.
  • Avoid physical activity on those days that would be “critical” if pregnancy had not occurred. Doctors believe that it is on these days that the risk of miscarriage increases greatly.
  • Respiratory gymnastics should be practiced every day, this skill must be mastered from the very beginning of an interesting position.
    exercise for pregnant

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special time in the life of every woman. But this does not mean that all 9 months it should lie exclusively in a horizontal position. Physical education helps to prepare for childbirth, improves well-being and mood.

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