Porridge "Umnitsa": description, composition, types, manufacturer, assortment and reviews

Baby food is an urgent problem for most young parents. Of course, mother’s milk is a natural and reliable guarantee of the baby’s health, strengthening of his immunity, but it is not always able to give the richness of vitamins and minerals that is necessary for the baby’s growing body.

Porridge “Umnitsa” is a great option for infant feeding, a source of health, energy and harmonious development of children. Homogeneous consistency, soft creamy taste and healthy composition are far from the whole list of advantages of this product. He has already won many positive reviews and consumer ratings and can be successfully included in the mandatory diet of baby food.

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About the manufacturer

Porridge "Umnitsa" is a product of a Russian company - Ivanovo Combine. The area of ​​production workshops reaches 20 thousand square meters. This is a modern plant with private infrastructure, auxiliary facilities. Currently, the Ivanovo Combine is the only enterprise in Russia equipped with highly efficient technological equipment from Germany, Israel, Sweden, England. Raw materials are supplied by reliable domestic companies.


Ivanovo Combine is engaged in the production of baby food. Especially popular are porridges "Clever". Their assortment is quite wide and varied. The main advantages are the composition saturated with useful microelements and the excellent taste of the products. High automation of processes and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements make it possible to create high-quality goods, which, despite the advanced production technology, have a fairly modest cost. In addition to cereals, the assortment of Umnitsa branded products includes juices, mashed potatoes, soups, desserts and dairy products (milk, cottage cheese).

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Types of cereals

All “Umnitsa” cereals by filling with components are divided into three types:

  • Monoglossic. Include only one cereal (buckwheat, rice, oat or corn)
  • Multigrain. Several cereals are included. It can be a combination of two (rice-corn), three (corn, rice, wheat) or five (wheat, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, rice) components. There is also a complex of seven cereal crops (+ rye and millet). Despite the component variety, these cereals are easily digestible and have a soft creamy taste.
  • With fruit and vegetable additives. Among the vitamin supplements are dried apricots, apricots, pears, pumpkins, bananas, and apples. Such cereals have a richer taste and prepare the child's body for an adult diet.

In addition, there are dairy and non-dairy products. They have the same cooking method - without cooking. The difference is that Umnitsa milk porridge contains milk powder. Therefore, they are more nutritious and are suitable for children over six months old. Umnitsa porridge dairy-free includes only cereals processed using special technology and does not cause allergies. Suitable as a food for children from four months.

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The main feature of “Umnitsa” porridge is the absence of gluten in the composition. Thanks to this, the product is easily absorbed and digested by the child's body and does not cause allergies. As a vitamin supplement, it can be used from the age of four months, but still, you need to consult a pediatrician before starting.

It is difficult not to evaluate the saturation with microelements that the Umnitsa porridge contains. The composition of one serving includes the optimal amount of iron, zinc, calcium, iodine, potassium, ascorbic acid, pantothenic and folic acid, vitamins D3, group B for the child’s body. Milk cereals contain whole milk powder, also enriched with nutrients.

For the manufacture of each type of product (“Umnitsa” porridge), the manufacturer uses selected raw materials of the highest quality, which, thanks to careful processing, preserves the maximum of useful components. Therefore, one serving per day is enough to provide a daily dose of the child’s needs for vitamins. The advantage of this type of food, of course, is the lack of GMOs.

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Umnitsa porridge is a delicious and nutritious vitamin complex aimed at strengthening the immune system and harmonious development, growth of the child. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, without causing bloating and colic. Calcium and vitamin D3, which are part of the composition, contribute to the proper formation of the skeletal system, potassium and ascorbic acid harmonize excretory processes. Iron, zinc, B vitamins and folic acid are necessary for babies for the proper functioning of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Porridge is prepared quickly, conveniently, without cooking, has a fine grinding and perfect consistency, is easily mixed and eliminates the risk of allergies.

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You can start to use Umnitsa porridge from the age of four months. At this age, every child just needs high-quality vitamin complementary foods. Types of filling cereals are classified not only by the available components, but also by age. As a rule, from four to six to eight months, dairy-free monoglack cereals are ideal for the baby. From six months - multigrain, dairy. Active, well-developed babies are ideally suited with cereals with fruit and vegetable additives.

Where could I buy?

The described branded products are distributed throughout Russia and the CIS countries. It can be found in large stores and supermarkets (Auchan, O'key, Magnit, Monetka, Daughters and Sons, etc.). Prices for cereals and other baby food companies are quite affordable, with no extra charges for packaging and advertising. A nice bonus are regular promotions, tastings, gifts and discounts. Information about them can be obtained on the personal website of the Ivanovo Combine. All this is part of the marketing activities of the brand.

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Porridge "Clever" as a component of baby food is sold at retail. However, the company pays great attention to the social mission. She participates in children's events (for example, "World Health Day", "Children's Day" or "Front Wheelchair March"), sponsors domestic orphanages, clinics and other children's institutions.


Literally from the first days of its appearance on the market, the baby food in question received a positive assessment from consumers. Particularly popular and sympathy was won by the “Umnitsa” porridge. The reviews of grateful and admired parents confirm its highest quality. Young mothers note a pleasant smell and taste of the product, a uniform consistency. It can not but rejoice in the good mood and well-being of the kids. Kashi "Clever" - a great assistant for young mothers. After all, it takes a minimum of time to prepare such a healthy dish, and the result is as positive as possible.

Many children refuse to eat cereal, so parents have to literally shove them into their favorite child. Of course, this process is accompanied by tears, screams and disappointment of the adults themselves. With Umnitsa cereals, such problems usually do not arise, they are devoid of freshness, have a pleasant aroma and a mild vanilla-sweet taste. The feeding process brings joy not only to parents, but also to the babies themselves.

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High quality is also appreciated by skeptic consumers, that is, parents who usually prefer Western popular brands (for example, Heinz, Nestle). In their opinion, the domestic product is in no way inferior to its Western counterparts and even slightly exceeds their taste variety. Undoubtedly, the affordable price is also pleasing.

The only negative point is the possible individual intolerance of fruit and vegetable components in cereals. That is why the manufacturer himself recommends consulting a pediatrician before buying this or that type of product.

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