The tender, cute and charming dog of the snare terrier has a rather serious character, therefore it can be a good security guard, watchman or shepherd. This breed is considered not so old, as it was bred at the beginning of the last century. Dogs belong to the group of decorative indoor terriers.
Silky terrier is a real friend of the family, as it gets along well with other pets and gets along well with children.
Origin history
The Australian Silky Terrier (photo below) appeared at the end of the 19th century. The breed was bred by crossing the Australian and Yorkshire Terriers. At the very beginning, this type of dog was called silky Sydney, because it first appeared in this city.
Initially, this dog was intended to give the owners joy, delight with an affectionate character, decorate the house with its presence. The main advantage and characteristic feature of this pet is silky flowing wool, which is very pleasant to iron and comb. Sometimes the genes of their ancestors make themselves known, as this charming and cute doggie digs the earth very funny, looking for prey.
Very quickly, this breed began to spread around the world. The military, who were returning home, brought them along with them. Thus, animals came to America, where they gained great popularity and spread throughout the country.
Breed feature
Having looked at the description of the breed of the Silky Terrier, you can make sure that this is a very cute and cute dog, which is friendly. She has a long beautiful coat.
The differences between the snare of the terrier and the Yorkshire terrier are quite obvious, and they can be traced in the nature and care of the animal. Despite the fact that their weight is 3.5-4.5 kg, they look very tiny. These dogs have good health indicators. They are sensitive to frost, especially paws freeze, but clothes are not required. These dogs are able to cope with the cold on their own.
External characteristics
After looking at the photos of the terrier’s snare, you can see that these are small dogs that have a pretty cute and charming muzzle, a small torso and a silky, parted wool of silver-red color. They are distinguished by their bold character.
The Australian Silky Terrier is considered the main source of positive and energy and gets along well with children. The animal can become a very good companion and feels comfortable in the apartment.
Outwardly, the Australian and Yorkshire terriers are very similar, but their main difference is soft wool with a blue tint. The dog is 24–26 cm tall and weighs about 3.5–4.5 kg. Life expectancy of pets reaches 12-15 years.
The dog has a head with a flat forehead, which is slightly longer than the bridge of the nose. The transition from the forehead to the nose is quite pronounced. The circumference of the head is proportional to the body. The ears of the terrier are triangular, erect, with slightly pointed tips. They have a standard fit and are densely covered with wool. The teeth are small and even, the nose is black, and there is also a black stroke on the lips.
The snare of the terrier has dark round small eyes. His eyes are lively, sometimes a little wary. The dog’s physique is muscular and strong. The body itself has a slightly elongated shape, the neck with slight bends, and the back is even. The dog's paws are even and stable, arranged correctly and harmoniously.
Silky terriers have a soft, silky and fairly long coat, which densely covers the entire body of the animal to the back of the head. The color becomes much brighter and more saturated near the tail. According to the standards of this breed, if the hair falls over the eyes and face, this is considered a drawback.
Terrier character
The character of the Australian snare terrier combines the features of a cheerful and courageous animal with lovingness and the habits of a pet dog. He is very playful, energetic and inquisitive. No wonder he is called a companion. The terrier very easily adapts to the usual lifestyle of the whole family. Among the main advantages of this breed, it is necessary to highlight, such as:
- friendly
- pleasant appearance;
- sports;
- distrustful of strangers;
- Does not smell and does not fade.
You can start an Australian terrier, even if there are small children. However, the owners will have to come to terms with the cheerfulness and energy of this dog. If you give the animal time for a good and long walk with games, then at home the pet will behave quite calmly.
The small size of the dog makes it very convenient for travel. Silky terriers just love water and run after the ball. He looks impressive and interesting in the ring due to his attractive appearance.
The pet will quickly make friends with all domestic animals except rodents, as they have a good hunting instinct. The terrier copes with the protection of the territory adjacent to the house, so it can look after piglets, goats and geese. He treats strangers with some distrust and tries to protect his master. These dogs become very attached to their owner, love him and always wait.
Silky terriers are quite wayward and cocky, so if necessary they can stand up for themselves. In addition, they have another very good quality, as they can adapt to the mood of their owner. Dogs have a cheerful, but balanced character, sometimes make concessions.
Maintenance and care
The silky snare of a terrier is often led into an apartment, but a private house would also be a good option. The dog very much loves the society of its owner, so keeping it in an aviary is completely unacceptable. There should be at least two outdoor walks daily. The more active they are, the calmer the animal will behave at home. Males need longer walks to completely empty the bladder, as they like to mark the area.
A thin bathrobe is ideal for walking, and when it rains you need to wear a raincoat. For a long walk in winter, it is recommended to wear an insulated jumpsuit. Any clothing for the dog should have a silk lining so that the coat does not tangled.
The hair of the terrier does not shed, it does not have an undercoat and an unpleasant smell. That is why this breed is great for allergy sufferers. You need to bathe your pet once a week with a special shampoo designed for animals with long hair, and use a moisturizing conditioner. After washing, the dog is dried with a hairdryer using a special brush. Only clean wool can be combed, having previously moistened it slightly with a spray.
To maintain the silkiness of the hair, you need to regularly comb the hair of the animal. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a massage brush. It is advisable to periodically visit the salon for cutting hair and cutting claws.
Scissors cut the hair on the ears and tail, and between the fingers she cuts the machine. Papillots and bows for the terrier are not used. It is important to carefully monitor the ears of the animal. If necessary, it is recommended to clean them with a soft cloth previously moistened with warm boiled water. You also need to constantly examine your eyes and wipe them with a moistened cotton pad. After a walk, inspect the paws of the animal, as its limbs can easily be injured.
If the dog eats properly, then her teeth almost always remain snow-white. To prevent the formation of plaque, it is recommended to use special sticks to clean them. The presence of tartar in a silky terrier older than 10 years is considered quite normal.
A dog of the Silky Terrier breed is often fed from a common table. This is perfectly acceptable. The main thing is not to give the dog fatty, pickled, flour and smoked dishes. In addition, it is not recommended to feed the animal chicken bones.
Terriers cannot be overfed and it is imperative to include sour-milk products in his diet. It is best to feed with special prepared food, especially puppies. It’s better to purchase super-premium food, which contains high-quality natural meat. An adult dog is also recommended to give trace elements and vitamins. Be sure to include such foods in the diet as:
- lean meat;
- cottage cheese;
- eggs
- fruits and vegetables;
- cheese.
It is useful for such decorative dogs to give specially selected nutritional supplements intended for long-haired animals.
Animal health
The dog breed Silky Terrier has the best health among all the miniatures. They come from healthy and strong animals and do not suffer from hereditary diseases. However, there are exceptions. Dogs are prone to colds, especially with frequent bathing and poor immunity.
It is worth paying attention to the oral cavity of your pet, since an early tooth loss is a fairly common problem. Among the main diseases of this breed, it is necessary to distinguish, such as:
- diabetes;
- hip dysplasia;
- necrosis of the femoral head;
- tracheal collapse;
- pathology of the intervertebral disc;
- eye diseases.
Diseases of Australian Terriers are genetic in nature and are transmitted to puppies. To find out if the dog has a predisposition to the occurrence of pathology, it is recommended to make special tests for your pet. Sick animals should not be allowed for breeding.
Timely vaccination on schedule will protect the animal from serious pathologies that affect all dogs. With proper care, the snare will be healthy and cheerful.
Features of education and training
The Australian Silky Terrier is quite popular. Silky terrier is easy to train, as it is a very smart dog. Each correctly performed pet action should be encouraged with praise and goodies.
Classes at the training site are optional, but you can also practice skills there if you wish. These dogs require serious education. However, it is worth remembering that they are not very confident in themselves, but stubborn. With rough treatment of the animal or in the case of constant grievances, it can become harmful and uncontrollable.
If properly trained terriers, then they will quickly be able to learn new commands. That is why even inexperienced people can raise this dog.
Terrier Puppies
Terrier puppies can be wound up when he turns 3 months old. His coat will remain short for 1.5 years, and then change. Pets are completely unpretentious in maintenance, but at the same time, much better coat care, good nutrition, and timely vaccination according to the schedule are required.
Initially, a small terrier needs to be trained to go to the toilet on the tray. Small dogs do it quite conveniently. Raising a snare puppy is not at all difficult. Of course, the baby will need to be trained so that he gradually remembers the simplest commands and executes them. Only a kind and calm person should communicate with the puppy and train him. You must not offend and beat the animal, otherwise the dog will become cowardly or, conversely, aggressive. You should praise the puppy as often as possible, talk to him in a calm, kind tone, and cheer up goodies.
When acquiring a puppy of a silky terrier, it is necessary to study his pedigree, as he will inherit the expression of his face, coat color and health, and much more from his parents. The dog should be fun, agile, her hair should shine, since all this indicates her good health and proper nutrition.
When getting acquainted with a puppy, you need to pay attention so that he is not afraid and calmly comes up. Be sure to ask the breeder about the character of the baby, the vaccinations that he was given, as well as how to adapt the terrier to the new owner.
Breeding Features
Breeding the terrier's snare is aimed at the maximum compliance with the breed standard. Only purebred dogs that have an official pedigree are involved in breeding. Such manufacturers have a stable psyche and do not have disqualifying defects. Animals receive grades at exhibitions. It is worth remembering that a puppy without documents is not considered purebred.
In order to succeed in breeding, breeders successfully collaborate with each other and share their experience. To breed dogs, you need to get at least minimal knowledge about genetics and heredity. Identify problems in the breed will help special tests.
Despite the fact that the silky terrier has a more elegant competitor, namely Yorkshire, this breed of dog still has a lot of undeniable advantages. She retains all the qualities of a strong and unpretentious terrier with all its elegant appearance.
This is a cute and funny animal, which will certainly become a good friend for everyone and will delight with its cheerful and fervent character.