Inclusive education: what is it?

All people are equal - almost every person knows about it. But often in our lives this rule is not respected. This is indicated even by special institutions, where children with special needs are sent to study. But this can be avoided.

inclusive education what is it

About the term

This is precisely what aims at inclusive education. What is this - the first question that can arise in almost everyone. So, the term “inclusion” itself came to us from the Latin language and it means “inclusion”, “attraction”. It refers to education very simply: according to the principles of inclusive education, all children, including those with certain problems or needs, must study together. This means that there is absolutely no need to create special boarding schools for children with disabilities, they can easily study with ordinary children in a regular school. However, there are some limitations: for example, children with mental disabilities who simply cannot be in society.

inclusive education in dow


If this is a novelty in our state, then all over the world they know what inclusive education is, that this is the norm, and not an exception to the rule. This is a normal alignment of things, in which children are not divided into different categories, but are perceived as equal. According to inclusive education, all members of the group are on the same level, are equally included in public life and the ways of life of their own team. Such kids are taught the same way.


There are also eight core principles that include inclusive education. What are these principles? First: the value of an individual does not depend on what knowledge or skills she possesses. Everyone is able to think, learn and grow. Also, everyone has the right to communicate, all people need each other and close relationships. Communication with peers is important for every person. Inclusive education focuses not on what the student cannot learn, but on what he already knows. Well, of course, to learn everything is much easier in the process of live communication than any other way of education.

inclusive education at school

About the process

It is worth noting that inclusive education in preschool and in school will vary slightly. At the same time, every teacher, every school that works on the principle of inclusion, needs to develop its own philosophy, its own specific rules, according to which this or that collective will live. So, teaching the rules of inclusion is necessary not only for teachers. Even the attendants should be up to date: kitchen workers, security guards, cleaners. After all, a child learning by this principle should not be infringed by anyone and never. All staff should be informed of the disability or special needs of some students so that this does not cause specific problems. Inclusive education at school will be a little harder, because if there may be no problems with the staff, they may appear among peers. Not all children are tolerant and tolerant, often they are just cruel to those who are a little “not like that”. Therefore, in school, first of all, you need to work with children, schoolchildren.


Understanding the concept of “inclusive education”, what it is and what it is, as they say, eat, it is worth paying attention to certain problems when this type of education cannot be introduced normally. So, first of all, this is the unpreparedness of ordinary schools in architectural terms: there are few ramps and special lifts for disabled children. Very often, not only peers, but even school principals do not know enough about the disability problem itself, they are afraid to work with such children. And, of course, the huge problems are created by the parents of children with limited needs themselves, thinking that they do not have the right to education.

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