Mom's note: Vibrocil for the baby. Reviews on its action

Not a single cold is complete without the use of vasoconstrictors in the treatment. Often, pediatricians prescribe the drug "Vibrocil" for the child. Reviews of this medicine are of interest to many parents, so we will consider in detail the existing information about it.

vibrocil drops for children reviews

How does the drug work? In what forms is it released? What is the consumer’s opinion of it?

When is it prescribed?

From the data written in the instructions, we see that the drug “Vibrocil” for the child (pediatrician reviews confirm this) is prescribed for various forms of rhinitis and sinusitis. The medicine is a fast-acting drug, in addition, it has anti-allergic properties. Medication "Vibrocil" is often used to prepare for diagnostic procedures. He has proven himself in postoperative therapy.

How does the drug work, in what forms is it produced?

In pharmacies we were offered gel, spray and drops of "Vibrocil" for children. Reviews of doctors indicate that children under six years old need to choose a drug in the form of drops.

vibrocil for baby reviews

The advantages of this medication are that it can be used with common colds and with allergic reactions. However, this tool does not have a sedative effect on the child's body. Therefore, it is successfully used to relieve edema after surgical interventions in the ENT organs.

Drops "Vibrocil": instructions for use for children

According to the instructions, a child under six years of age is a limitation on the use of a spray and gel medicine. Also, it is not recommended to use this tool for more than five days if it does not have the desired effect. Although the average course of treatment is a period from one week to ten days.

So, if the baby is not yet one year old, then the dose for him is one drop three times a day. The medicine should be instilled in both nostrils, even if one of them is laid. In the period from a year to six years, the dose grows to two drops. The procedure must be carried out three times a day. Children who are more than six years old are prescribed the drug “Vibrocil” up to four times a day, 3-4 drops each. This dosage is also suitable for adult patients.

vibrocil for children

Spray and gel "Vibrocil" for the child: reviews and recommendations

The drug in these forms of release is prescribed for children over six years old. Doctors recommend using one or another remedy 3-4 times a day. If your choice is a spray, then you need to inject it into the nostril, keeping your head upright, tilting it slightly forward. After a few taps, you need to take a deep breath so that the medicine is distributed through the respiratory canal.

Overdose and side effects of the drug

Specialists did not note any serious reactions in cases when the drug “Vibrocil” was prescribed for a child. Reviews of pediatricians say that if you follow the dosage, there should be no complications. However, very rarely, due to the individual intolerance of any component of the drug, adverse reactions occur. This may be: excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, burning, sleep disturbance, nausea or pain in the abdomen. In such cases, you should immediately stop using the drug, drink some sorbent and go to see a doctor.

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