Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases. Most often, it affects women of reproductive age and often causes infertility. In such cases, doctors prescribe Vizanna tablets to patients. This remedy relates to first-line therapy. It affects the causes of the disease and effectively eliminates pathological changes in the endometrium. When can you expect pregnancy after "Byzantine"? And how long does it take to normalize ovulation? These questions concern many patients.
Composition and action of tablets
The active ingredient in Vizann tablets is dienogest. This is a synthetic substance similar in properties to progesterone. It suppresses the excessive secretion of male hormones in the patient's body.
Dienogest interacts with uterine receptors sensitive to progesterone. The active component of the drug has the following therapeutic effects:
- Anti-estrogenic. Dienogest reduces the production of estradiol. Excess estrogen hormones are one of the causes of endometriosis.
- Healing. Under the influence of a synthetic analogue of progesterone, detachment of affected tissues occurs, and then atrophy of foci of endometriosis.
- Antiproliferative. The drug stops the growth of cells and the spread of the pathological process.
The onset of pregnancy after the "Byzantine" in many cases becomes possible. The drug normalizes the work of the ovaries and removes obstacles to the attachment of the ovum to the endometrium.
Gynecologists prescribe this drug only if the patient is diagnosed with endometriosis. This is the only indication for the use of the drug. Before using Vizann tablets, a woman needs to be examined. Endometriosis should be confirmed by the results of hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, ultrasound or MRI.
This pathology consists in the spread of endometrial cells outside the uterine mucosa. This is accompanied by bleeding, inflammation and pain. In patients with infertility, endometriosis occurs in 80% of cases. The cause of pathological changes are systematic hormonal disruptions.
Not all women with endometriosis can take this medicine. Contraindications to the use of the hormonal drug are as follows:
- menopause;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- tendency to thrombosis;
- vein disease;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- diabetes;
- malignant tumors (especially hormone-dependent);
- liver disease.
This medicine should also not be prescribed to girls under the age of 12 years. However, in children endometriosis practically does not occur. This disease is characteristic of women older than 20 years. In rare cases, pathology is diagnosed in adolescents.
Drug tolerance
The reaction of a woman's body to taking hormonal drugs is purely individual. Many patients do not feel any unpleasant symptoms during therapy. However, in some cases, the following side effects may occur:
- weight gain;
- fatigue
- headaches like migraine;
- dyspeptic symptoms;
- soreness and swelling of the mammary glands;
- a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
- mood swings;
- decreased libido;
- lower back pain.
These manifestations usually worry patients in the early days of therapy. As the body adapts to the drug, side effects gradually weaken.
Admission Rules
The recommended dose of the drug is 1 tablet per day. You can start taking the drug on any day of the cycle. It is advisable to take pills at the same time of day.
Usually the drug is taken within 6 months. After this, the woman needs to be tested and done with an ultrasound or MRI. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor decides to discontinue or continue therapy.
Pregnancy on the background of taking pills
Pregnancy after the cancellation of "Byzantine" is a common occurrence. However, there have been cases when conception occurred while taking pills. This situation is extremely undesirable. The use of a hormonal drug can adversely affect the fetus.
It is important to remember that while taking "Byzantine" the probability of fertilization of the egg is significantly reduced. This medicine suppresses ovulation. However, this drug does not apply to contraceptives and the possibility of conception cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, while taking pills, doctors strongly recommend using barrier methods to prevent pregnancy.
If pregnancy nevertheless occurs on the background of treatment, then you must immediately stop using the drug and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist. Continued use of the pill may cause a miscarriage.
Chance of Conception After Cancellation
This drug is quite effective. Many women had a long-awaited pregnancy after the "Byzantine". How long can conception occur?
There were cases of pregnancy in the first cycle after discontinuation of the tablets. However, doctors recommend the use of non-hormonal methods of contraception during the first two months after the cessation of treatment. This period is necessary for the complete restoration of the endometrium, as well as the normalization of hormonal levels and ovulation.
Predicting the exact timing of pregnancy after the "Byzantine" is very difficult. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient should be tested for hormones and undergo an ultrasound examination. This will help assess her reproductive health and the likelihood of conception.
In many women, pregnancy after "Byzantine" occurred within 3-6 months. However, much depends on the age of the patient and on the presence of concomitant hormonal disorders. If conception does not occur within six months, then do not despair. Not always couples can independently determine the days of the cycle favorable for conception. In this case, you should purchase special tests from pharmacy chains that show ovulation with high accuracy.
Pregnancy planning after Vizanne should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. If the patient experienced marked side effects during treatment, then small hormonal disruptions after the end of therapy cannot be ruled out. These health problems must be addressed before conception.
Most often, after stopping the pill, dienogest is quickly excreted from the body. If pregnancy has occurred after drug withdrawal, then previous hormonal treatment does not affect the development of the fetus.
Prescribing after laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is the most accurate diagnostic method for endometriosis. However, this procedure can also be used for medicinal purposes. In this case, during an endoscopic examination, the doctor removes or cauterizes the affected tissue. After this, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with Visana or other progesterone-based drugs.
The use of the drug helps prevent recurrence of endometriosis. Such combination therapy leads to positive results. Most patients showed a significant improvement in hormonal levels due to the use of "Byzanne" after laparoscopy, and pregnancy occurred in more than 85% of cases. Half of the women conceived in the first 3 months after the cessation of treatment.
Patient opinion
Most patients have a positive opinion about the drug. Judging by the reviews, pregnancy after "Byzantine" was observed within 2-5 months after cancellation. Hormonal treatment did not affect the development of the embryo.
Some patients were diagnosed with the threat of miscarriage. However, this is due not to taking the drug, but to the fact that in many women endometriosis develops against the background of endocrine disorders. In such cases, doctors prescribe the drug "Dufaston", which helps to successfully carry the fetus.
However, not all patients had a long-awaited pregnancy after the "Byzantine". You can find reviews about the failure of the drug. In such cases, the woman needs to undergo an additional examination. It is possible that the cause of infertility lies not only in endometriosis, but also in concomitant pathologies. Indeed, the growth of endometrial cells is often accompanied by hormonal disorders and cystic changes in the ovaries.
With regard to drug tolerance, many women felt headache and mood swings during treatment. This is due to the effects of progesterone hormones on the central nervous system. The disadvantages of the patient’s drug include its high cost. The price of "Vizanne" is from 3,000 rubles (for 28 tablets) to 10,000 rubles (for 168 tablets). However, this remedy is much more effective than cheaper progesterone-based drugs, and the likelihood of pregnancy after discontinuation of tablets is much higher.