Pregnancy for every woman is a very responsible period. The understanding that a little man began his life inside comes with thoughts of maintaining maximum safety, both for himself and for the unborn child. But, nevertheless, some factors affect the manifestation of various ailments. This is due to the fact that the female body during the period of expectation of the baby begins to rebuild and weakens a little, and therefore becomes more vulnerable. This reason can lead to the development of various diseases, for example, such as thrush.
The so-called candidiasis develops in pregnant women several times more often than in ordinary women. A change in the hormonal background also entails a change in the microflora in the vagina. It becomes more favorable for the propagation of yeast, white candida, due to which thrush appears in pregnant women. How to treat this infectious disease can only be recommended by an experienced specialist. Treatment of thrush during pregnancy should be started as soon as possible, since with a strong spread of the fungus in the body, it begins to affect the fetus and can even lead to death.
At the first signs, which may be a burning sensation in the vagina and white curdled discharge with an acidic smell, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. It is he who can make the correct diagnosis, confirming or refuting the guesses of the patient herself. The medicine for thrush during pregnancy is prescribed after the examination and passing certain tests. The presence of a fungus in a woman’s body can be detected by microscopic examination of a smear taken from the vagina, DNA analysis (PCR) or bacteriological culture.
At the slightest suspicion of candidiasis, you should immediately go to a consultation. In no case should you independently begin treatment for thrush during pregnancy, since this process requires a professional approach and the application of a certain scheme. Most advertised drugs, even if they are recommended by friends, can only reduce symptoms for a while. The disease remains and continues to cause irreparable harm to the female body, including the baby. Also, when the fetus passes through the birth canal, it is very likely that it can take over the disease itself. This is usually reflected in the form of white plaque in the oral cavity or bubbles on the tongue of the child.
Typically, women who go to the consultation during pregnancy planning, are sent for tests that can detect the presence of the fungus, regardless of the manifestation of symptoms. Thus, the treatment of thrush during pregnancy can be excluded by going through all the procedures in advance and thereby protecting the health of the unborn baby. But if time was lost, you should not be upset, because today there are quite a large number of drugs, both local therapy (vaginal tablets, suppositories, creams), and systemic. The latter involves taking the tablets orally, and their work begins in the intestine, where the active substances break down and enter the bloodstream. However, treatment of thrush during pregnancy with such drugs is not desirable, because they have side effects.
As a rule, gynecologists try to prescribe local antifungal drugs, for example pimafucin in suppositories or in the form of a cream, as well as livrol, clotrimazole, ketoconazole and others. In order to avoid a re-manifestation of candidiasis, treatment should also go through a partner, who, as a rule, is prescribed systemic drugs. Also during the treatment period it is necessary to use barrier methods of contraception.