No Man's Sky game - how to increase FPS and remove lags?

On August 16, 2016, the long-awaited No Man's Sky game was finally released. “How to increase FPS ?” - this question surfaced almost immediately. The magnificent, delightful and endless Universe turned out to be a dummy wrapped in a beautiful wrapper. Most of the promised content was cut out before the release, and the players were crammed into a snag for 2000 rubles. But the strangest thing is that the “lags” and “glitches” have not disappeared, as if there, under the cover of lifeless and homogeneous planets, the AAA-class game really works.

no man s sky how to increase fps


, No Man's Sky. FPS? , "". , . , :

  1. I3.
  2. .
  3. nVidia GTX 480.

, . , No Man's Sky. FPS, , ?

no man s sky how to increase fps frame rate

No Man's Sky? (FPS)? , . "" , .

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, FPS. , . , -, , , "" .

secret no man s sky how to increase fps

, - No Man's Sky? FPS, , . . , , . .

  1. . , "".
  2. Binaries. SETTINGS .
  3. . , , "", , , .
  4. " ...".
  5. "".
  6. , GSync.
  7. true. false.
  8. .

No Man's Sky, FPS. , , . .

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