Using the New Tab Tool

Each modern browser provides the user with such an important tool for comfortable web surfing as the “New Tab”. Using this element allows you to open many web pages inside one window, which is undoubtedly very convenient when working on the Internet. However, remember that the maximum number of open tabs depends on the quality of the connection and the performance of the computer.

The larger the number of these simultaneously running elements, the higher the likelihood that the browser will stop responding to user requests. This can cause a “freeze” and a forced restart of the computer, which, in turn, can lead to the loss of all unsaved data.

new inset

. , Internet Explorer ( ) . «», «…». , . .

, Safari () , «Command» «». . «Ctrl», . , « ».

new chrome tab

, Opera () Mozilla Firefox ( ), . , , «». «+», . « ». Firefox Opera . .

Chrome () , . , , , «Alt»+«F». .

new firefox tab

. , « » . , «Cntrl» «T». «Cntrl» . «Shift» . . .

, « » , -.

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