What is a graphics card overheat

Owners of laptops are well aware that if the internal cooling system of the electronic assistant is not cleaned from accumulated dust in time, then you can forget about stable operation: due to excessive temperature increases, various program failures will occur. Such cleaning also needs to be done with respect to personal computers, otherwise overheating of the video card or central processor will be only a matter of time. A significant proportion of calls to service centers is due precisely to the accumulation of dust in computer cases. Today we’ll talk about what overheating of a video card is and how to deal with it.

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In addition, do not forget about thermal grease - that small layer between the surface of the video chip and the radiator material. Over time, its ability to conduct heat deteriorates, which affects the general thermal regime.

Sometimes visitors to forums ask why the nvidia graphics card is overheating. In fact, it does not matter at all who the manufacturer is. Common causes are the same.

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