How the child lies in the abdomen: options and possible complications

Pregnancy is an amazing process that occurs in the body of a woman and directly affects her. Each lady can notice a lot of changes that are immediately apparent. This is a unique and amazing process, because in nine months a woman’s body from one cell is able to recreate a full-fledged organism.

how the baby lies in the stomach

Many expectant mothers are interested in how the baby lies in the stomach, how it develops by day, week and month. Fortunately, modern technology allows us to find out, it’s even possible to watch videos with the development of the child, starting from one cell and ending with the birth of a baby.

First weeks

In the first week, the baby is a set of cells, by the seventh day the unborn child is a lump of hundreds of cells. Now it is called a zygote. And every day the cells divide more and faster.

The second week is not yet an actual pregnancy, although the future baby is attached to the wall of the uterus, the follicle is ripening now, after this stage it will be decided whether the woman will be able to bear the baby or not.

From the third to the twelfth week, the embryonic period goes on , only in the fourth week can a girl notice a lack of menstruation, some changes (drowsiness, toxicosis, loss of appetite, and others) associated with pregnancy. Now the test is one hundred percent confirm the fact of pregnancy.

Eighth week and beyond

Only at this stage the formation of the body and internal organs practically ends; in the ultrasound image, one can clearly distinguish the head, arms, legs, fingers, eyes, mouth and other parts of the body. Now the child weighs only 5 grams, but is already starting to behave more actively.

From the third to the ninth month, he is already a full-fledged person, every day he discovers some new opportunities, new abilities appear.

Child's position

How does the baby lie in the stomach? This question very often torments future parents. There are several options:

  • head presentation (upside down);
  • pelvic presentation;
  • lateral presentation.

Head presentation

buttock presentation

If the position of the child before childbirth is upside down, then this is the most favorable outcome, in this position natural childbirth is shown (of course, if there are no other contraindications). But even in this position of the baby, the role of a successful outcome depends on the following factors:

  • labor activity;
  • the position of the neck of the child (bent or unbent);
  • where the face of the baby is addressed and many others.

There are some options for the location of the child with a head presentation:

  • facing the abdominal cavity or spine;
  • turned slightly to the left or right side;
  • longitudinal, oblique or transverse position.

The best position for head presentation is a longitudinal one, with a small fontanel forward, but most often babies are born forward with the back of the head. The fetus of 20 weeks can already actively move, developing its muscles, while the child is moving it will not be difficult to feel his position. At this stage, he actively moves, turns over, but there comes a time when the baby has little space, and he accepts his final position, this question is being resolved right now. As the child lies in the stomach, an experienced doctor or obstetrician will easily tell you, he should tell you how he feels where the head, legs, arms and so on are. But it will not be difficult for mom herself to find out. According to statistics, 90% of expectant mothers know exactly what position their baby took.

Gluteal presentation

upside down

In another way called the pelvic. How does a child lie in the abdomen with gluteal previa? Booty down. This case should be taken very seriously, you need to take into account the position of the baby’s head, variety of poses and many other factors. Very often, doctors prescribe a caesarean section. It is sometimes found that even with this situation of the child, doctors allow natural childbirth if:

  • the child is not large;
  • wide pelvis in mom;
  • there are no contraindications to natural childbirth.

Gluteal presentation can be determined using an ultrasound scan, which will be done either in the last weeks of pregnancy or immediately before birth.

Cross presentation

position of the child before childbirth

If the fetus lies laterally, from the twentieth week of pregnancy, the doctor will tell you his verdict for sure, in this position the head is on one side and the butt is on the other. Why is this presentation dangerous? Previously, doctors could correct the situation of the child by sending him in the right direction, but it took a lot of work and patience, and the operation of Caesarean section was very dangerous. Now doctors are reinsured, immediately sending a woman in labor for surgery. There is an exception in this case: twins, when one child is across. In this case, the second fetus has the opportunity to properly deploy using the vacant seat.

How to fix the situation of a child

Even if the doctor rendered his verdict: buttock or lateral presentation, then the mother herself is able to help her baby to take the correct position. All you need is to do some exercises daily on an empty stomach. However, before this, consult your doctor, in some cases, the performance of this gymnastics is contraindicated.


fetus 20 weeks

Exercises can be very diverse: “cat”, “dog face down”, circular movements of the pelvis, “figure eight”. Or more complicated: take a chair and pillows. Lie on the floor, raise your legs, put them on a chair. Place pillows under the basin. You should get a straight line, the angle to the floor is 45 degrees. Take a pillow or gym mat. Get on all fours, rest your head in the pillow and just relax.

Despite the fact that these are very simple and simple exercises, they will help you and your baby during childbirth.

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