Through the command line in Windows, you can perform many actions that have an analog in the form of an interface. In the "top ten" developers have added an improved version of the program. In the article below, we’ll show you how to find out the version of Powershell.
Program launch
First you need to open the application. To do this, you can use the search bar in the Start menu - the easiest option. In the search, enter the name - Windows Powershell, and run the program in the usual way.
You will see almost a standard command line. External differences of the application are in the changed window color, as well as in highlighting commands of different levels.
How to find out Powershell version?
The version of the application can be determined using it. This will require entering a special command. You need to go to the window and enter $ host.version in the line, and then press the Enter key to apply. As a result, a small table appears on the screen in which we need the values of Build and Revision.
However, to learn more, it’s best to use the $ PSVersionTable command. After applying this row, you will see a large table with many values. The second line from the top is Version, opposite which the desired version of the application is indicated.
We learn the version of Windows
You can find out the version of Windows in Powershell using another command. The principle of action is the same - you enter a string in English and press Enter. To do this, open a command prompt and enter winver. After that, a separate window will appear in which there will be the necessary information about the operating system, including the version and assembly.
There is also another command - systeminfo. It does not open an additional window, but displays a table with information inside Powershell itself. Here you will find information about the operating system, processor, BIOS, network adapters and much more.
The last option is the WMIC command. It can also determine the version of Windows, but in a slightly inconvenient format. The fact is that the data will be displayed in a disordered arrangement, so you have to find the right values yourself.