How to remove redness from the face in Photoshop: step-by-step instructions

Thinking to fix the redness of the face in Photoshop, you can use many options to solve the problem. Some of them will be able to implement any newly made user of the program. This article discusses 5 ways that can help correct the situation.

Hue / Saturation Tool

This is one of the easiest and most common ways to remove redness from your face in Photoshop.

  1. Upload a photo, click "Create New Adjustment Layer". Select Hue / Saturation. In "Photoshop" you can find this option in the "Image" - "Correction" section, but for greater accuracy it is recommended that you create an adjustment layer.
  2. In the color range selection section, find and select red. For more accurate range recognition, you can select the Add Hue tool (the eyedropper icon with a plus sign at the bottom) and, while holding the left mouse button, move along the problem area.
    step-by-step instruction

  3. After the issue with the range is resolved, begin to smoothly move the "Color tone" slider to the right until the skin acquires the desired tone. Adjust Saturation and Brightness to your preference.

This can be finished, but if other objects have changed along with the skin, then on the panel with layers, click on the "Add layer mask" button (to the left of the "Create a new adjustment layer" icon), select the "Fill" tool, put a black color and click on the image (or do the same with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I).

If everything was done according to the instructions, then at the place of the changed photo you should see the original photo. Select the Brush tool with a little stiffness, put a white color and draw some red spots.

Color Balance / Saturation

Custom Color Correction Tool

This is another method that helps to remove red spots on the face in Photoshop. It is a bit like the first, but allows you to more accurately adjust the colors and their shades.

  1. Upload a photo, make a copy. For convenience, you can highlight the reddened areas of the skin with the Lasso tool (in Photoshop there are many tools for highlighting, use the one that seems more convenient). After highlighting, it is desirable to adjust the edge settings through the "Refine Edge" tab at the top.
  2. Add a Custom Color Correction adjustment layer. Try experimenting with the positions of the sliders in different colors. If the selected skin areas are too sharply distinguished from the rest, apply the Gaussian Blur filter, adjust the Radius parameter as you wish.
  3. After the skin tone seems smooth enough, click "Add layer mask" and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I to fill with black. With a white brush, show lined skin.

It is worth noting that after this you can add another adjustment layer "Selective color correction" and finalize the photo. Try changing the opacity of the layers and their blending options. With patience, you can achieve the most accurate result.

Selective correction

Work with image channels

This method involves getting rid of redness in Photoshop by brushing on individual channels and changing modes.

  1. Upload a photo, make a copy and go to the "Channels" section. The universal way to do this is to go to the "Window" tab and check the "Channels" box. So, your photo is divided into several channels: RGB, red, green and blue.
  2. Select the Brush tool in white and lower its Opacity to about 4%. Adjust stiffness to your preference. Go to the blue channel (to see the changes, click on the eye icon opposite the RGB channel). Carefully draw the problem areas with a brush. Do the same with the green channel. Then change the brush drawing mode from normal to Subtraction and work through the defects on red.

If desired, some actions can be repeated several times. You can also try changing the blend mode of the layer and experimenting with opacity.

Work with channels

Adobe Camera Raw

The Adobe Camera Raw plug-in helps significantly expand the boundaries of photo processing capabilities. The plugin interface is slightly different from the "Photoshop" interface, but it will be clear to users who know the basics of working with photos. The module is notable for its flexible settings, as a result of which you can find quite a few ways showing how to remove redness from the face in Photoshop using Camera Raw. Below are two of the simplest of them.

Upload a photo to Camera Raw

This simple, at first glance, action also has its own nuances. How to do this in CS6 version?

  1. If the original photo is in RAW format, then go to the "File" section, click "Open" (for JPG format - "Open as ...") and select the original photo.
  2. Then hold down the Shift key and in the Camera Raw window click on the "Open Object" button. Your photo should open as a smart object in the standard Photoshop interface.
  3. Copy this layer, rasterize it. Now you have two layers - a copy of the original and a smart object.
  4. Click the thumbnail of the smart object to start editing.

In the CC version, opening Camera Raw for JPG is much easier. Create a copy of the original, go to the "Filter" section and select "Camera Raw Filter."

How to remove redness from your face in Photoshop in Camera Raw

  1. From the Camera Raw window, select the "HSL / Grayscale" section in the sidebar. To get started, go to the "Luminosity" tab. Move the red slider to the right until the skin tone is smoothed. In some cases, you will have to set the value to 100%. Do not pay attention to the fact that other objects of red color are also changing. It is worth noting that there is no universal instruction for any photo, so all the other sliders in this and the other two sections will have to be configured independently. Do not be afraid to experiment with colors.
  2. After the skin tone is smoothed, click OK. If other objects change color along with problem skin, then on the layer panel select "Add layer mask" and press Ctrl + I. Now take a soft white brush, manifest the changes made on the skin. The values ​​of stiffness and opacity of the brush can be changed during operation to preserve the anatomy of the face.
Camera Raw Method Action

Correction brush in Camera Raw

With the Camera Raw plugin, the question “How to remove the red complexion in Photoshop?” Acquires many interesting solutions. Another effective way is described below.

  1. Download the photo using the instructions above. In Camera Raw, you'll need the Correction Brush tool. It can be found at the top - hover over the icons, read the tooltips.
  2. Scroll the panel from the right down and adjust the Pressure, Density, and Feather settings. Adjust the brush size with the square brackets.
  3. For convenience, set the “Exposure” slider to about +1 to make your brush manipulations more visible. Start sketching problem areas on your skin.
  4. Following you can begin to adjust the sliders on the right. With the “Temperature” and “Hue” parameters you can achieve the desired skin tone. The Contrast and Sharpness options add expressiveness. "Shadows" and "Light" will make the skin more natural relative to all other elements. Click OK. Thus, you can not only remove the redness from the face, but also slightly retouch the face in the photo.

That is enough. However, the photo can be significantly modified by changing the layer blending mode and photo opacity parameter. Try different options to get the best combination.

Correction brush


This article discusses several common ways to remove redness from the face in Photoshop. If in some cases the problem is too ornate, then try to combine methods. For example, remove the redness with the Selective Color Correction layer, and use the adjustment brush in Camera Raw to return the face to its natural color. Photo processing is also a creative process, so experiment more. Good luck!

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