Frog figurine: the meaning of the symbol and its action

At least once in their lives, everyone has noticed that the swamp of failure sucks in deeper and makes it harder to cope. In such situations, to find vitality, you should start wearing a frog mascot. A magical animal will help its owner to attract luck and money, get rid of envious people.

Frog figurine in ancient culture

According to the beliefs of ancient peoples, the figurine in the form of a toad brings wealth and good fortune. Toad is a winner, able to get out of any difficulties.

In ancient China, the frog was a symbol of "yin" - the lunar principle and immortality. It was believed that it brings wealth and longevity.

The Egyptians depicted with the head of a frog 8 of the original deities of the German ogdoada. The toad was considered the sacred animal Heket - the goddess of water and immortality. On earth, the goddess helped women in labor, and in the afterlife, the resurrection of the dead. Also, the animal was attributed the influence on the Nile spill, on the waters of which the crop depended. Frogs that appeared in the river before its flood were considered a symbol of fertility.

In early Christians, a frog in a lotus flower or simply its appearance served to form lamps in temples. It is also used in Slavic tales in the image of a hardworking animal.

Money Toad and Prosperity

Money toad

In eastern culture, the frog figurine is best known as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth attracts wealth and protects what is available. You can buy a frog souvenir in stores with oriental symbols.

But for the figurine to really help, simple acquisition is not enough. It is still important to choose and position the mascot. Firstly, the toad should please its owner. Both design and workmanship should be pleasant. Secondly, you should not save by buying a frog figurine - it should symbolize the wealth of its owner. Good materials are bronze, gold, glass, wood and semiprecious metals.

Another important point is which place will be chosen for the toad. The figurine should stand with its back to the door, as if it had just jumped. A great place is the southeastern part of the room and the far left corner. Also, the toad will not function and help the owners of dirty and dusty homes. But you should not clean the house in the evening. This is fraught with loss of money. Also, to position this animal, you should stroke it more often and not put it too high in the house. Perfect floor or low bedside table.

Honeymoon Frog

symbol of mutual understanding in the family.

A toad that ran through the hem of the newlyweds' clothes is considered a good omen. The animal portends for a new family financial stability and harmony, fidelity and understanding.

If the relationship spoils the quarrel and resentment, meeting a frog will be extremely useful. Or at least installation in the house of a talisman in the form of an amphibian. It can be either a frog toy or an ordinary figurine. Then she will take away all resentment and misunderstanding from home.

Frog and travelers

To protect a loved one when he is far from home, a frog will also help. It is necessary to put in the pocket of the departing wooden figure of a frog. She will protect from the bad and will be a symbol of the hearth.

Frog - a charm for those leaving

Frog and health recovery

It is believed that it cures serious diseases. After all, the frog is endowed with healing powers. Therefore, the visit of a toad in a house to a seriously ill person should reduce suffering, if not completely heal. It’s not worth chasing her away until she leaves. If the world around you is not friendly to tree frogs, you should carefully place it in a box or jar and take it to a reservoir. If the animal does not visit you, then the souvenir of the frog, placed in the room of a sick person by the window, can replace it and endow the patient with vitality.

The frog figurine is a wonderful gift and amulet. Being in the house of a figurine is a good omen. But here you should be careful. She should not look out the window or door - then the money will leave the room. You need to put it so that it looks only inside the room. And then the house will be prosperity and well-being.

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