How to make beats in musical sequencers using FL Studio as an example

, , , (, ). , «» . , , , - . ? . , , FL Studio.


, . , VST- , , .

Beat Tools

, . - (kick), (snare), (closed/open hi-hat) (crash). . , .

FL Studio:

FL Studio. - ( (clap). - .

? . , -, .

The simplest bit in FL Studio


, . . -, - . , , , .

Adjusting the volume of notes in the Piano Roll

-, Piano Roll. , .

Piano Roll Volume Control

, . . , FPC. , .


? , Superior Drummer, EZDrummer . . Steven Slate Drum Sampler. , -, Piano Roll.

An example of a finished drum sequence

, , , .


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Creating a guy for the snare

Set the start of the note not in a standard flat position, but with an offset, indicating, for example, the starting position with a value of 1.05.04, as shown in the image above. When you enliven all notes in this way, you will immediately hear how much more natural even the simplest beat sounds. But setting the delay or volume values ​​the same is not worth it. Change them to a small extent, but do not get too carried away.

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