Many people wonder if it is necessary to stop the ears of dogs. Or does a mod require such an operation? Now we will understand this topic in detail. We will also tell you about the complications that may occur after surgery.
What is ear stopping?
This procedure is a surgical removal of the auricles. Why stop the ears of dogs? Sometimes this operation is carried out with medical, but, as a rule, with a decorative purpose.
For many centuries, ear stopping was common only among hunting and fighting breeds (for example, Staffordshire Terrier). These dogs were fearless and did not notice pain in a fight. As a result, they had torn ears and tail. Because of this, it was decided to stop
Why stop the ears?
Nowadays, stopping can be advisable for therapeutic purposes, when there is necrosis or injuries of the auricles, in the presence of formations and ulcers.
Dogs of fighting breeds do this procedure, since there are a lot of nerve endings on the ears. And if an animal is injured in battle, then this can cause shock and blood loss. As a result of the operation, a dog with cropped ears will not be so vulnerable to pain.
For those dogs that have a protective function, this measure is necessary.
How old are dogs for ears? When is the best time to do this? It is advisable to stop the ears of the puppy from the age of seven to thirteen weeks. This is the best age for this event. Usually, young dogs are less likely to have complications, wounds heal faster, and the operation itself is less painful. Although the relief procedure is done at a later age.
The operation of a puppy of the Staffordshire Terrier at the age of 30-35 weeks became quite popular. Such an intervention is no different from normal. The only "but" - the veterinarian must be very experienced. At this age, stopping the ears, you can very simply upset the proportions of the head.
Features of the operation
When carrying out this operation, the breed, sex, age and characteristics of the dog should be considered. For example, stopping at the Yorkshire Terrier and Doberman occurs in different ways.
In dogs with a short head, the ears also leave shorter ones. It is considered correct if the height of the ears after surgery is equal to the length of the line from the front edge of the ear to the inner palpebral fissure. Although, of course, not all of these rules adhere to.
The opinion about the correct shape of the ears is constantly changing . Previously, it was elongated among rizenschnauzers, Dobermans and boxers. Now usually square. Of course, for each breed there are different options for stopping the auricles.
Features of the operation in Central Asian and Caucasian shepherd dogs
What kind of dogs still have ears cropped besides those that we have already named? Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. Now representatives of these breeds are often acquired not for protection, but for participation in exhibitions. Therefore, ears are stopped for aesthetic reasons.
Many do not consider such an operation to be particularly difficult. But improper stopping of the ears can lead to serious consequences.
During the operation, it is worth considering the length of the coat and the type of head of each dog. In a small puppy, it is almost impossible to evaluate these data. Therefore, you should be guided by the exterior of his parents. Also, the opinion of the owners is taken into account.
Note that special care is needed when performing an operation on the ears of the Asian Shepherd. Representatives of this breed have shorter hair than Caucasian. Therefore, mistakes can be very difficult both in terms of health and aesthetically.
The most comfortable time for stopping ears from representatives of this breed is immediately after birth. During this period, bleeding is minimal, and there is no need to stitch.
We have already figured out why stopping the ears of dogs. Now let's talk about how to prepare for this procedure:
- Before the operation, you need to withstand a twelve-hour fasting diet.
- Dog fixation. It is laid on the stomach, the front paws are pulled forward, and the hind legs are pulled back. After that, they are fixed. Additionally, the jaw and body of the animal are fixed.
- Hair Removal. Before the operation, the necessary skin areas are cleansed of hair. Then carefully treated with antiseptics.
- Anesthesia. Under local anesthesia, an operation is performed.
And when to remove the bandage after surgery? Doctors have no consensus on this. Someone says that this can be done in four hours. Others believe that a bandage can only be removed on the fourth day after surgery. There are doctors who say that you should not impose it at all. Sutures should be removed two weeks after stopping.
Complications after surgery. How to warn them?
What can be the complications after surgery? How to eliminate or prevent them? Let's look at possible complications:
- Bleeding. The older the animal, the more intense the bleeding will be during this operation.
- Thickening of the edges of the ear, as well as scars. It also depends on the age of the dog.
- Suture inflammation. A similar complication occurs when sterility is not observed during the operation. Also, inflammation can be observed with low immunity of the animal, divergence of sutures, in the presence of infectious diseases.
To prevent such complications, the doctor must follow all the necessary rules, use antiseptics. In addition, the veterinarian must inform the owner of the care after the operation. We will talk about him further.
Dog care after surgery
We have already figured out why to stop the ears of dogs, how to prepare for the operation. Now let's talk about leaving after the procedure.
Feeding should be normal. But you need to focus on the seams. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not comb the wound within two weeks after the operation. During the healing period, the sutures will be very itchy.
You can put on a dog a special collar for this time. Thanks to him, she will not be able to get to her ears. It should be worn until the wounds heal completely.
Wound care after surgery
Now consider the options for wound care after ear relief:
- You can treat them with a 1% solution of brilliant green and peroxide. You should alternate these funds. Use cotton swabs for processing.
- Can be treated with streptocide powder. This method is not as common as the other two.
- Wound treatment can be done with a weak solution of calendula tincture.
Do not use corticosteroids. These drugs increase the healing time.
Little conclusion
Now you know how and why to stop ears of dogs. We examined the features of this operation, and also indicated the age when it is better to do it. We hope you find this information useful.