How to cure a runny nose in a child: methods and means

The warmest and most sincere feeling in the world is mother's love. From our very birth she takes care of us and tries to protect from everything. First, the baby's immunity grows stronger due to breast milk, then the baby gradually begins to get used to the outside world. Eat porridge, get on your feet, walk without your mother’s hand. But, unfortunately, the child is not protected from various diseases, such as acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. All these ailments are accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. For example, intolerable sore throat, fever and runny nose. It is about the latter that we will talk today.

Baby with a runny nose

What is a runny nose?

The medical name for the common cold is acute rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It appears not only with colds and viral diseases, but also with allergies. In itself, a runny nose is a protective property of the body, which is aimed at combating viruses. Most often, it acts as a symptom of a developing disease, but sometimes it can also be a disease itself. In our rhythm of life, a runny nose in a child is a common occurrence. It brings discomfort and pain to not only the baby, but also the mother. Especially if a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat and fever.

To understand how to cure a runny nose in a child, you need to familiarize yourself with its causes. Then the treatment will be quick and of high quality, and the baby will become healthy and calm.

Severe nasal congestion in a child

Sometimes the cause of a child’s bad mood is quite difficult to determine, and this, in turn, can serve as a serious signal. Parents do not always notice difficulty in breathing, redness of the eyes and mucous membrane of the child. If at the early stage to determine the nasal congestion in the child, then the treatment will not be delayed for a long time. It is also worth always keeping in mind that the children's body in the early stages suffers painfully even the slightest cold.

Causes of a cold in a child

Most colds and viral diseases are accompanied by acute rhinitis. But what if the cause is not a cold or a virus? In this case, you must first find the root of the disease and apply the correct treatment. Let's see what are the causes of a cold in a child.

  • Rhinovirus is a virus that contains ribonucleic acid. It is he who is responsible for such diseases as pharyngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis. The result of improper treatment is developing bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis.
  • Adenovirus is a disease of the upper respiratory tract. It is the causative agent of conjunctivitis, otitis media, tonsillitis.
  • Other diseases of the ARVI group.
  • Hypothermia, accompanied by fever, decreased immunity and loss of strength.
  • Allergy. Often, in addition to the common cold, there is a high fever, redness of the skin, rash and itching.
  • Drug rhinitis is a side effect that appeared after the start of treatment with certain drugs.
  • Sinusitis is an inflammation in the sinuses. Most often it is a consequence of acute respiratory viral infections or scarlet fever.
  • Sinusitis is a disease that is accompanied by serious lesions of the sinuses of the nose. Difficult to treat.

How does a runny nose develop in a child

An adult has been sick more than once and knows what a runny nose is and how it appears. And when this happens in the child, there is no way to track. After all, it is unlikely that a one-year-old baby will tell you that he is having rhinitis. The development of this ailment is divided into phases.

The first phase lasts several hours. An uncomfortable sensation in the form of burning appears in the nose, the nasal mucosa swells, the vessels narrow. The baby is constantly trying to sneeze and wants to cry. All this is accompanied by a headache in the morning, fatigue, malaise.

How to cure nasal congestion in a child?

Second phase. The vessels expand, redness of the edges of the nose occurs, the sense of smell disappears, and nasal congestion appears. The baby sneezes all the time. Clear mucus begins to discharge from the nose.

The third (last) phase. If the diagnosis is made in time and correctly and treatment is started, then the third stage will not occur. At this point, mucus secretions with ulcers of green color appear. Serious nasal congestion to such an extent that the child breathes through his mouth. Headaches intensify.

Father in the hours of calming the child

Cold rhinitis in a child with strong immunity and with the correct treatment of the disease lasts from 4 to 6 days. It usually ends in the second phase. However, with a serious illness and an incorrect approach to treatment, a runny nose in a child is prolonged up to a month in a matter of seconds. And sometimes it can go into a chronic form. And then it will already be a protracted runny nose in a child who is great to undermine the baby's immunity.

Allergic rhinitis develops differently. He almost immediately goes into the second phase. After contact with the allergen, swelling of the nose begins, transparent discharge appears, itching and sneezing begin. Sometimes there is a temperature and a headache.

Methods for treating rhinitis in babies

Treating a cold in children is a very delicate thing. Rhinitis can go away on its own if the baby has strong immunity. But otherwise, you will have to suffer for a long time, if you do not start the right treatment in time.

The most effective and necessary means in the fight against the common cold are various drops, sprays and inhalation. These three types of drugs do an excellent job with a slight runny nose. It is also worth considering the age category of many drugs, as adult or teenage sprays and drops can harm the mucous membrane of the child.

The common cold in a child


These are vasoconstrictors that, when ingested, facilitate breathing. The effect lasts from six to twelve hours. Their composition includes the active substance - oxymetazoline. It is he who has a vasoconstrictor effect. The method of application is quite simple - throwing your head back, you need to drip a few drops in each sinus of the nose.


The composition is completely different from drops. Its difference is only in the method of application and speed of action. When spraying the drug into the nasal passage, the particles settle over the entire surface of the sinus. They bring relief many times faster than drops.


It is sometimes difficult for children to explain the benefits of colds. They protest and are offended if they forcefully drip into their nose. It’s rare which baby will agree to drip a drop or a spray, because the body reacts aggressively when it gets into the nose. In the same way, your baby will respond to foreign fluid in his nose, even if it helps him recover.

But inhalation is a fairly simple and enjoyable thing. There are two types of inhalers: steam and aerosol. In the pharmacy you can buy a special remedy for the common cold for children, which is added to the inhaler. Then it is all filled with boiling water, and the baby breathes over hot steam. The second version of the device is more compact, and you can take it with you: a small inhaler from the common cold for children, inside of which there is a medicinal substance, which when pressed is sprayed into the sinuses of the nose.

These are the most basic remedies for the common cold. Essential oils are added to some types of drugs to relax the body. All these funds can be used no more than a week. If after seven days the child does not have a runny nose, you need to see a doctor in order to exclude serious consequences and complications.

Also do not forget to give antipyretics containing paracetamol to drink. It lowers body temperature, relieves symptoms of sore throat, nasal congestion and headache. In addition, this drug can be used for children from the first days of life. So if your child is 2 years old, has a runny nose, sore throat and fever begins, you can safely give him paracetamol in syrup. But be sure to read the instructions inside the package.

Alternative medicine

If you do not want to saturate the baby's body with chemicals, then folk remedies for treating a cold in children are suitable for you. But in no case do not self-medicate, be sure to coordinate all actions with the pediatrician. Let's go back a few centuries ago when there were no special drops and sprays. How did our ancestors treat the common cold?

One of the most effective methods in the fight against rhinitis is the heating of the respiratory tract. The same steam inhalations, but not with medicines, but with boiled potatoes. Everyone knows this trick. He came to us from distant childhood. When a pot of freshly boiled potatoes is put on the table, and the child lowers his head above it, he is covered with a thick cloth and deeply inhale the steam. But attention, the main thing is to follow this process so that the baby does not burn the airways and does not burn the face. Potatoes can be replaced with a decoction of various herbs, such as chamomiles. She also calms the nervous system.

Snotty in a young child

The above technique is suitable if you treat a runny nose to a child 3 years of age or older. He already more or less understands what is hot and what does not need to be touched. And what if your baby is younger and not smart yet? Everything is simple. Aloe juice is very popular in folk medicine. It must be mixed with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 and instilled in the baby's sinuses 3-4 drops 3 times a day. This tool is perfect in the treatment of a cold in a child from 1 year and older.

An excellent alternative way to treat rhinitis is by washing the nasal passages. This is done simply, but unpleasantly. This method perfectly cleanses the respiratory system, preventing the mucus from drying out in the sinuses. The most effective solution will be a mixture of one liter of boiled water and one tablespoon of sea salt. But remember that such a tool is suitable for children who have reached the age of three. Very small children do not control the constriction of the throat, and fluid can enter the lungs.

Another folk reception that has survived to this day. Type a basin of water whose temperature is above 40 degrees. Be careful not to burn the baby. Add essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon or tea tree to the water and lower the baby's feet into the water. From above on a crumb you need to throw a warm blanket or plaid. When the baby sweats, pull your feet out of the water, wipe and put on your woolen socks. And then march under the covers! But such a procedure can not be carried out if the child has a temperature above 37 degrees.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in a child

In this case, everything is simpler. Give your child an antihistamine, it will help to cope with allergies. It is advisable, if there is an itch, to anoint the places with a rash with a special ointment so that the baby does not comb the skin. To alleviate the symptoms of an allergic rhinitis, wipe the baby's body with a solution of chamomile to soothe and soften the baby's nervous system. And watch out for allergy symptoms. If the allergy persists within a couple of hours after taking the antihistamine, call an ambulance or go to the hospital. After all, suddenly anaphylactic shock can occur, which is a threat to human life.


They can appear both in case of improper, and in case of the correct treatment of rhinitis. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the side effects of these diseases. To be fully armed, we will consider the most common complications after a cold.

  • Otitis - inflammation of the ear, can go into a chronic form.
  • Bronchitis or pneumonia. Very complex diseases, quite difficult to treat. Especially in babies.
  • Bronchial asthma. A very unpleasant disease that complicates the normal life of a small child. An inhaler becomes a "best friend."
  • Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. One of the most disgusting and dangerous complications.
  • Deterioration of memory, vision, general malaise - is created due to the fact that oxygen did not enter the brain for a long time. Hence many complications.
Baby and his mom


With a disease of the upper respiratory tract in a baby, several important appointments should be performed.

  • Be sure to ventilate the room where the baby sleeps more often. Fresh air will push the virus out of the room, and the child will not become infected in a circle.
  • Drink fluids more. During the fight against the virus, the body is depleted. Therefore, he needs water more than ever.
  • Take a blood test for allergens. It is better to know in advance what your child may be allergic to.
  • Eat more fruits. Vitamins strengthen the immune system. And for young children this is very important, it is a growing organism that needs protection from bacteria.
  • Temper. It is better from a young age to accustom the baby to cool dousing and other procedures that harden the body.
  • Make sure that your child is not freezing during a walk. Often children do not talk about it, because they want to spend more time outdoors. Check the tip of the nose and hands, if they are cold, go home immediately.
  • If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, eat more oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. They contain a large amount of vitamin C. And it helps to strengthen the immune system.

All of these usual rules will help you avoid a serious cold or other illness with a runny nose symptom. Yes, and it will be great if the baby from childhood can learn to monitor their health.

Such a folk method, as a "honey pat" from a cold in a child, received very good reviews. This is a fairly old, but proven way to treat different forms of the common cold and cough. Before starting the procedure, it is best to take a bath and a hot shower so that the skin is a little steamed. Three tablespoons of honey are heated in a water bath. Then they are smeared in the palms of the parent. With light pats, honey is applied to the chest and back of the baby, until the mixture turns whitish. After which the child’s body is wiped, the baby is dressed in warm clothes and laid under a blanket. So all the airways are warmed up, and in addition, honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the body. This is a great alternative to mustard plasters, which can easily burn the delicate skin of crumbs.


Any mother will be very worried about her child, who is suffering from a runny nose. Timely noticed rhinitis is easily treatable and does not create complications. All of the above methods are very effective and effective in the treatment of colds in children. But it is worth remembering that each little man needs his own specific approach. And someone may not be helped by a method that worked on another kid. Therefore, you do not need to self-medicate, especially if it concerns your child. Turning to the pediatrician in time, you can not only correctly cure a runny nose, but prevent its occurrence. Although sometimes a child must be sick, this strengthens his immunity and makes him resistant to colds. And some diseases are better to get sick in childhood, such as chicken pox. At a young age, it is tolerated much easier than in an adult.

And most importantly - eat right, temper, eat more vitamins and do not scold your baby. All this is very important in the development of a child’s personality and the right attitude towards life. We hope that this article has become useful and interesting for many parents, and the question of how to cure a runny nose in a child no longer bothers you. Let your baby grow healthy and happy!

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