There are a lot of terms in programming. Not every specialist in this field knows the meaning of all the words used by his colleagues. What can we say about students or people far from this field? Consider the basic concepts, give them a definition that is understandable to the average person. So what is this language - the one that programmers communicate in?
Relevance of the issue
Programming terms are used by people who do this professionally, who are fond of it as a hobby. There is a special jargon of the profession, which allows people to briefly and capaciously convey to their listeners who are guided by the topic of discussion their opinions and convey maximum information. Some terms are recognized by the public and universally used by professionals working with technical languages, others are common only in a narrow environment of like-minded people. Especially curious are the terms used by most. They found application not only in oral communication, but in written speech, in scientific papers and journalism, devoted to the intricacies of writing technical code.
So, let's get started!
It is difficult to determine which term should be deciphered first, and which words do not deserve attention at all. Perhaps, to begin with, we will analyze what a register dependency is. In programming, the term refers to the relationship of language expressions and individual elements (functions, variables) with writing. This is possible using capital and ordinary characters. There are case-sensitive languages. The same word, written with a different register of letters, will have completely different meanings. If the system is not case sensitive, no matter how you write the letters, the meaning will not change. Among case-sensitive, the most famous representative of programming languages is JavaScript. To some extent, PHP is considered case-sensitive, but the phenomenon is partial.
Since it is impossible to talk about programming terms without considering the basic one, and it was already mentioned above that you can write code on a case-sensitive and non-case-sensitive system, you should determine what is meant by a “programming language”. In fairness, most ordinary people are sure that this term is the main one for the sphere. The phrase implies such a formalized language, which was created to write algorithms, programs. Through the code, they solve various problems using computer technology. All languages created for programming are artificial. Semantic, syntactic rules are strictly defined by man. There is no phenomenon of free interpretation characteristic of a natural dialect. All languages are divided into high-level, low-level.
About types
Any dictionary of programming terms explains what kind of language is called high-level. This word refers to programming tools created to describe a task in a form that is easily perceived by a person. Such a tool is simple and convenient to use, the creator of the code is easily oriented in symbols. The language is independent of the internal technical codes used by the machine. A product created using a high-level language must first be converted to machine code, only then will it become operational. Interpreters, translators are used for translation. High-level languages - "C", "Pascal" and many others.
If you turn to the glossary of programming terms, you can find out that low-level means the languages used to work with a particular kind of computer. Such a language reflects in detail the code used inside the equipment. Its perception for a person is difficult due to the specifics of writing.
About types: what else?
All existing programming languages are divided into algorithmic and non-programming ones. The first type, as can be learned from any reference book that demonstrates programming terms for beginners, includes symbolic collections, sets of rules used to fix some description. This is strictly unambiguous. As a rule, an algorithm is an element of a language system.
Nonalgorithmic - these are varieties in which the text is an indication of the sequence of operations. The generated code is the starting material. Based on it, an algorithmic solution to the problem specified by the conditions is synthesized.
Formal and initial
There are formal languages. This phrase designates speech systems intended for programming, the base of which is based on the logical calculus. The foundation of the language can be a formal grammar. In any case, we are talking about a set of rules governing the construction of code. The alphabet is defined in advance, the sequences available to the programmer are agreed. All their diversity - this is the language as such.
Among the main programming terms is the "source language". With this phrase, it is customary to fix the programming language system used to write some program. It differs from the machine used by the unit to execute the code agreed upon by the person. The source language is high-level, low-level.
Machine types and more
Machine language is called absolute in some terminologies. This term refers to a system designed to design program code in a form that is accessible for understanding and executing specific computing techniques.
Among the main terms of programming, the attention is drawn to the "machine-oriented language." Sometimes, instead of the specified coding system called "machine-dependent." The term refers to such a variant of code writing, when special attention is paid to the structure of the units by which the product will be executed. The programmer must take into account the characteristics of the machine with which he will work. In some cases, it is enough to remember the key parameters of the type of units on which the code is executed, in others it is necessary to customize the product for the specific device on which the programmer works.
Machine independent - a language format designed for the programmer. Its distinguishing feature is structure. It does not have connections with a specific computer or computer type. The means of this code writing system make it possible to execute the program on any computer that has a relay system that works with the language used by the author.
Key Definitions
Among terms and definitions in programming, variables definitely deserve attention. This concept is one of the most important and basic for the entire industry of knowledge. They designate containers designed to store information. This information is referred to as the value of the variable. Each object has an identifier, a name that allows it to be distinguished from others of a similar class. By means of a name, you can issue a request to a variable, which means that at any time you can get the value stored in this information container.
It is equally important to understand the meaning of the word "meaning". With regard to the programming industry, it is divided into types. The value can be in characters, numbers, logical. The type refers to the entire set of values that can only be in a particular case. To set it, you can simply list the possible options, or you can draw up a rule that defines the restrictions. If we are talking about a logical meaning, then for him there are only two options: true or false. But the numerical set has no end, therefore it cannot be designated as an enumeration of all possible options. To determine this type, they resort to the rule by which individual elements are formulated.
Data and what it is
If a student is asked in an exam what programming term is intended for an object that is intended to reflect a value, you must say "variable." To access it, access through the identifier.
If the data is ordered in some sequence, it is called an array. Every such object is composite. A function is a code block that has a name. Through the name it can be called to execute the main program.
A class is a description of some object. It is done through an enumeration of properties formed by functions and variables. Variables are often called properties, functions are called methods. Formally, a class is a container that stores information about the qualities of a particular object. Through the constructor, the program can form an instance of the class. Its methods, properties are available through special parts of the code for the main program.
Terminology: “1C”
“1C” is the general name of a group of companies known today to almost any domestic programmer and person more or less closely associated with this industry. The enterprises were created at the initiative of Nuraliev. They develop, publish, support software platforms and solutions created for ordinary enterprises: with their help, many business processes can be automated. The company publishes products whose name coincides with the name of the group of companies: “1C”.
So what is this developer doing? His main area of activity is automation. If we turn to the basic programming terms for beginners, we can learn that automation is called the use of some software, technical means, in order to free a person from a number of tasks. Software solutions are able to collect information, transform and store data, output in a convenient form for perception. You can consider automation as widely as possible. This version of the interpretation suggests evaluating the phenomenon as the use of technology that excludes manual labor. Automation measures are aimed at transferring the maximum of tasks to machines, robots in order to free an ordinary person.
Most term programming reference books in English have the word administration. It can be translated into our language as “administration”. This concept is used both in the industry as a whole and in the work of 1C products in particular. In relation to this package, the word denotes tasks and problems that are solved by the system administrator. Its task is to install the program, configure its work, interaction with other software solutions. Administration includes operations with the database and user rights. In general, in the industry, this term means guaranteeing the normal functioning of equipment, a data network in relation to a certain place, company.
Terms: official and not very
In reference books, the abbreviation AIS is usually present. This abbreviation designates such a software solution, the purpose of which is to optimize the working management process of interaction with some information. AIS are created to simplify decision-making on the management of some object. Usually, a system is formed for several users who have rights and tasks that differ from each other, and a different area of responsibility.
In the reference books of terms in programming in English, there is always a wonderful word bug. In Russian, it sounds like a “bug”. The literal translation is “bug, bug”. This word has become extremely common in the last few decades in America, where it appeared, and in the rest of the world. Belongs to the slang of this sphere. Bugs are called mistakes made, the malfunctioning of a software product, code, system. The bug causes an unpredictable result, an incorrect result, incorrect program behavior. Legends telling about the appearance of this word are quite curious. It is believed that once the cause of the failure was a small bug that got into the car, due to which part of the microcircuit began to work incorrectly. Since then, for all errors, first the equipment, and then the code, such a name has been fixed.
Terms: what else?
In short reference books of terms in programming in English, there is usually the concept of Dynamic Link Library. This phrase is translated into Russian as “a library designed for dynamic connection”. For brevity, it is called a DLL. It contains additional lower-level programs, resources designed to simplify the work of the programmer. The library has all the modules previously created by the author of the program - so they can be used over and over again without rewriting the blocks again. A library file may contain procedures, resources. The dynamic type of a library resource is widespread in the classic Windows OS, as it simplifies the optimization of not only the creation of the program, but also its execution. A wider understanding of the library among programmers is a software compilation or layout of all the codes available to the developer.
Another important term is implementation. They call it the process of insisting on software, taking into account specific user conditions. The task of the tuning staff is to educate people who will use the product, how to handle it.
Continuing the topic
In a short reference of terms in programming in English usually include the word integration. In Russian, it is consonant - "integration". This is the name of the formation of mutual relations between components that previously existed and worked independently. Integration involves debugging the exchange of information between objects, so that you can then effectively process the total amount of information.
ITS or information technology support is the term by which programmers denote end-user support. Those responsible for this advise clients, train them to use the development. This work includes all the methods by which the user can most effectively use the tool developed by the programmer.
Work: everything is serious
Another important term is object-oriented programming. This phrase designates a methodology that involves the presentation of a product as a collection of certain objects. OOP is a system in which each object that forms the final code is an instance belonging to a class. There is a hierarchical system of inheritance of qualities and features.
OOP products are software solutions designed for a specific user and used by him for his own benefit. Most of these products have a reporting function. The report refers to the reflection of current information about current operations. The programmer’s task is to set up a data output layout that the user would understand.
Reports can form very small programs created by programmers for small enterprises, offices or even departments of government agencies. Equally, reports are important for large products and projects, such as operating systems. In short, this result of the work of programmers is called the OS. The abbreviation present in most dictionaries on terms related to programming is described as software, due to which the technical means of a particular machine can work. An OS is the relationship between the hardware aspect and programs loaded into memory. Currently, users most often have different versions of the Windows OS. The second most common system is Linux.
And who is the essence?
Do not forget about one of the basic programming terms (web and more): a programmer. Indeed, you need to know about the words used within the field, but the most general concepts also deserve attention. It is customary to call a programmer the professional responsible for the code generation workflows. In his area of activity - solution configuration and support of developed software.
The programmer is working on a software product. The term designate a program that is officially published. A documentation package is included with it, including a registration confirmation form and a detailed description of use intended for the end customer.
Key to any program is program code. In terms of programming in English, it is called source code. So called symbolic, verbal set, obeying the rules of the chosen language. The process of working in this language is software development. , , ( ). – , .
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It has already been described above what the terms “low-level programming language” and “high-level” mean. Usually, the meaning of these phrases is known to any student who is just starting his studies in a thematic specialty. But far from every beginner in this field knows what is suggested by saying “IP-telephony” - such a term hides the possibility of telephone connections of users through the World Wide Web.
Another word that not every beginner knows in this field is ARIS. Such an abbreviation designates the concept in relation to the modeling of product work processes. The approach involves a combination of practice, the theory of some enterprise, communication technology and software. The abbreviation is used to refer to a software solution released under that name. It was created to implement the agreed concept.
Know what the term "low-level programming language" means, those involved in IT technology. But what kind of technology are they? Not every layman can give a clear explanation of the term. Officially, IT is called a comprehensive field that includes numerous approaches, techniques, techniques developed for using computers to work with information. Using this technique, IT specialists can process and receive information, store and analyze information, and use it to their advantage.
Curious area: linear programming
This class includes solving optimization problems with one criterion. The variables used in the work are continuous, cannot be negative, and the function is linear. Perhaps there are restrictions, which are also linear, can be expressed by equality, inequality. There are no specialized restrictions on the value of variables. The formation of this direction is due to the works of Danzig, Kupmans, Neumann. The term “linear programming” first appeared in 1951. The relevance of the approach was explained by the need to work on optimization tasks in addition to the classical ones. The need itself was recognized for a long time, but the theory that laid the foundations for this programming appeared only after the Second World War.
The term was developed by Danzig, Kupmans. It is believed that the first works devoted to this issue belong to Kantorovich, who published his works in the thirties of the same century in the Soviet Union. Danzig himself recognized Kantorovich as the first, since it was this scientist who revealed the possibility of formulating numerous production problems in mathematical expressions. Achievements made by scientists in this field have made it possible to take a fresh look at the optimization of tasks of various classes. Today, such approaches are used in the training of professionals in various fields.
About popular languages: "C"
Speaking of key terminology, it should be considered in relation to one of the most popular programming languages today - C. The combination of terms was performed when compiling numerous dictionaries. Many of the concepts described above apply to this language. It is one of the statically compiled. This is a typed developer language designed to solve common problems. Work on its creation began in the 69th. The author of C is believed to be Ritchie, who worked at Bell Labs. At first it was used for the Unix OS, it gradually became available for various platforms. According to the author of the language, the most active work on its formation was carried out in the 72nd. In the 73rd product was completed and presented to the developers. The name of the new project was chosen, since the elements of the novelty were based on the previously existing language "Bi".