Many people know that for women who are not able to get pregnant for various reasons on their own, there is a procedure for artificial insemination. But not everyone knows what a woman experiences during the procedure itself, or, for example, what sensations are on day 12 after embryo transfer . Let's try to figure it out together.
IVF procedure
In vitro fertilization in medicine is called "in vitro fertilization" (IVF). This procedure consists of several stages:
- preparation (full examination of future parents);
- stimulation of superovulation (a woman's intake of hormonal drugs that increase the number of mature follicles);
- follicular puncture (collection of follicles under general anesthesia to isolate eggs from them);
- ovum fertilization (performed with the help of sperm of a spouse or donor);
- cultivation of embryos (the development of fertilized embryos in an incubator for 3-5 days, the selection of the most healthy and viable for further sharing);
- embryo transfer (using a syringe with a long flexible tube at the end, one or more embryos are infused into the uterine cavity in order to increase the chances of attaching at least one embryo);
- control and support of pregnancy (evaluating the sensations on the 12th day after the embryo transfer , an analysis for hCG is carried out, an ultrasound scan is done after another 7-10 days, on which the presence of the fetal egg in the uterus is checked; hormonal preparations are also prescribed for the woman to maintain the normal course of pregnancy).
This procedure is quite expensive, but safe and painless. IVF is a highly effective method of combating infertility in couples in many countries of the world.
IVF Results: What Affects?
Many factors influence the likelihood of pregnancy after IVF. For instance:
- Age of future parents. Everyone knows that the most favorable reproductive age of a woman is from 20 to 30 years. After 35 years, the likelihood of becoming pregnant, successfully bearing and having a healthy baby becomes lower. By this age, the number of eggs in the body of a woman is reduced, and their quality is deteriorating.
- Duration and cause of infertility. How much the couple spent time fighting infertility also plays an important role. The longer a woman could not become pregnant, the more the chances of a successful IVF outcome are reduced. However, it should be remembered that the causes of infertility in each couple are different, respectively, and the fight against them will be individual.
- The indicator of anti-Muller hormone. This hormone is produced in the ovaries if its level is less than 0.8, that is, there is a risk of a negative outcome of artificial insemination. However, the content of AMH can be changed using the right medication.
- The quality of biological material. The positive outcome of the IVF procedure depends on whose material was used during fertilization. Statistics show that couples who used donated eggs and sperm are more likely to conceive and have a healthy baby than couples who used their biological material. This is because donor material is carefully selected and examined to exclude the birth of children with pathologies.
- Women giving birth. Those women who have already become mothers, regardless of the way (natural pregnancy or artificial insemination), are more likely to get the desired outcome. These women often leave good reviews 12 days after embryo transfer, and a positive test confirms this.
- BMI Some experts believe that the woman’s weight also affects the fertilization process. The optimal body mass index is from 19 to 30. In this case, the chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth are much higher.
- Bad habits. Alcohol affects the effectiveness of the drugs taken, and tobacco prevents the successful implantation of the embryo. It is also better to refuse coffee.
- Positive attitude. Despite the fact that the emotional state does not directly influence the outcome of the procedure, an optimistic attitude is always necessary.
Discharge after replanting
When the body of the expectant mother is sufficiently prepared, a five-day embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity. About 2-3 embryos are planted at a time. Everyone can attach, but only the most persistent will reach the end of pregnancy. That is why multiple pregnancies are often the results of artificial insemination.
For this procedure, the doctor uses a special catheter. Do not worry, because it is absolutely painless, so the manipulation is carried out without anesthesia or anesthesia. The procedure as a whole does not take more than 10 minutes.
Sensations, as before menstruation, on day 12 after embryo transfer can be considered normal. Since it is at this time that the implantation of the fetal egg occurs. Only 2 weeks after the transplantation operation, it is possible to judge the onset of the desired pregnancy or that the attempt was unsuccessful.
If you describe your feelings on the 12th day after the embryo transfer as “I don’t feel anything”, then this is also normal. Only some women have pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Experts say that there should not be any special sensations.
You may also notice bloody discharge. But do not be scared ahead of time. If they are not plentiful, pink in color and pass within a few hours, then these are signs of implantation bleeding. It symbolizes the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. But if the discharge is scarlet and lasts a day or more, then you should consult a doctor. In most cases, this means embryo rejection. But the sooner you turn to the gynecologist, the higher the chances of saving the child.
Spotting may also occur due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, you must urgently take measures and check the correct dosage of the drugs prescribed for you to maintain pregnancy.
How to understand that pregnancy has come?
So, the IVF procedure is complete, and you look forward to when it becomes clear whether you are in a position or not. Many girls experience a sensation of flight 12 days after embryo transfer, which can be combined with precursors of menstruation. But this may not be the case. Remember what signs indicate pregnancy? These are mood swings, and frequent urination, and pain in the chest, maybe even nausea and vomiting, intestinal disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea. All this can speak of both the upcoming menstruation and the onset of pregnancy.
However, having done the usual pregnancy test and not seeing there a positive result, do not be upset. After the IVF procedure, the accuracy of these home tests decreases dramatically. That is why monitoring the onset of pregnancy is carried out using analysis for hCG.
If the indicator of this hormone is above 100 mU / ml, then this means that the woman is in position. But if the level is less than 25 mU / ml, then in vitro fertilization was unsuccessful. The hCG value in the range from 25 to 70 mU / ml is regarded as a dubious result. A successful outcome is observed in 10-15%.
Do not forget that you need to donate blood for this hormone no earlier than 2 weeks after medical procedures for the transfer of embryos!
IVF protocols
In vitro fertilization is carried out according to the protocol. It is a diagram of the procedure, the presence and sequence of steps. Protocols are different in terms of occupation of medical procedures and duration. The most effective scheme is chosen by the doctor-reproductologist, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the couple who decided on IVF. In many patients, the feeling that they are in position is noted in a successful protocol on day 12 after embryo transfer.
Wellness after replanting
In vitro fertilization is always accompanied by hormonal drugs. It is this factor that can change the well-being of expectant mothers. Some may constantly fall asleep, others, on the contrary, may suffer from insomnia. Also, women may experience other side effects of hormonal treatment, but this does not mean pregnancy. After embryo transfer and on day 12, sensations may not occur. This is completely normal, and you should not think that something went wrong.
How to survive the wait?
From the moment of embryo replanting until the moment you find out whether pregnancy has occurred or not, at least 2 weeks will pass. How not to go crazy with emotions and worries? Initially, just emotions and excitement must be excluded from your life. And then follow the doctor's recommendations, which he, based on your individual characteristics, will give you.
Many, feeling like before menstruation, on the 12th day after the embryo transfer, begin to observe bed rest and move less, so as not to accidentally disrupt the long-awaited pregnancy. Others, on the contrary, are trying to keep themselves busy with all kinds of activities so that the expectation is not so painful. Which option to choose depends on your well-being and the recommendations of the doctor.
What do doctors advise?
To see a positive test on day 12 after embryo transfer, certain rules must be followed immediately after the procedure:
- it is necessary to rest for several hours after replanting;
- excessive loads are contraindicated;
- a bath and a cold shower will have to be postponed;
- protect yourself from carriers of infections, viruses and fungi;
- make your diet more correct, but not dramatically (for starters, simply reduce the consumption of junk food);
- self-medication is unacceptable, exclude all unnecessary medications and additives, as well as alcohol and cigarettes;
- every day you must walk in the fresh air;
- night sleep for at least 8-10 hours, the presence of daytime rest for at least 1 hour;
- control your intestines (so that there is no constipation and diarrhea);
- stresses, conflicts, nervous breakdowns and disorders are contraindicated for you now.
Control and support
After the transfer, and often before that, hormones are prescribed to the woman. They contribute to the development of the corpus luteum, the growth of the endometrium and the excellent attachment of the embryo. You can’t take hormonal drugs on your own, they are prescribed only by your doctor who is fully aware of your health condition.
Some women report that on day 12 after embryo transfer, it feels as if a foreign body is in the uterine cavity. Do not panic, most likely, this is a far-fetched subjective sensation. In addition, during natural pregnancy, such sensations are also not uncommon.
What is worth paying attention to after replanting?
- Temperature. It is permissible to increase body temperature to 37-37.3 degrees. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.
- Painful sensations. These sensations on day 12 after embryo transfer are normal. Antispasmodics may be prescribed for you.
- Gastrointestinal Disorders and rapid urination. It is explained by the close proximity of these organs to the uterus and ovaries in the pelvis, which produce pressure on them. Also, progesterone can affect this state of health.
- "Stirring" the lower abdomen. This is actually a pulsation of the abdominal aorta. A woman will hear true movements much later.
Reviews of “successful” sensations on day 12 after embryo transfer are quite similar. Many women are interested in whether it is normal that they pull and aching lower abdomen and lower back. In most cases, this is normal after replanting. However, if you are still not sure about the normality of your feelings, then it is better to consult a doctor for recommendations. Usually, many experts stipulate possible sensations in advance.