Why is ovulation stimulation needed?

Surely many women have heard that often in gynecology a procedure such as stimulation of ovulation is performed. To some, this even seems like a rather painful and complicated process. Let's try to figure out in what cases ovulation stimulation is recommended and carried out and what are the chances of success when it is carried out?

First, the stimulation of ovulation is necessary for those women who cannot conceive naturally. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a time period of the order of a year. If during this time, living a sex life, the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur, then there is reason to think about medical intervention, which will significantly increase your chances of becoming a mother.

To begin with, not only you, but also your partner, must undergo a medical examination and pass tests prescribed by a doctor. This includes analysis for genital infections, hepatitis, the level of hormones in the blood, and more. A gynecologist will offer the woman a smear. After this, the picture will become clearer and, if everything is in order, then we can talk about stimulation of ovulation.

To do this, the doctor, having studied your menstrual cycle, and not just the general state of health, prescribes a medication - Klostilbegit, which must be taken on certain days of the cycle. But keep in mind that just drinking the coveted pill is not enough. It is necessary to do a preliminary ultrasound in order to see how and when to carry out this procedure. Everything should be done only under the strict supervision of a physician.

As practice shows, tablets for ovulation are not a panacea for infertility and, according to statistics, pregnancy occurs only in 10-15% of women. But we are talking about the first months after the stimulation. In the future, more than 60% of couples who have resorted to stimulation become happy parents. And this is a more impressive figure!

So, remember that first you need to conduct an examination of the body, analyze your lifestyle, nutrition, daily routine - only this will give the exact answer why there is no ovulation and how you can normalize the body.

Some advise that, in parallel with medical intervention, one should seriously consider one's health. For example, sports, therapeutic holidays at resorts, living in an ecologically clean environment, if this, of course, is generally possible these days, are welcome.

Of great importance is the psychological attitude. Depression, psychological pressure and self-flagellation is not the best assistant for those who seek to know the joy of motherhood.

Some sources claim that it is possible and necessary to combine not only traditional medicine, but also folk medicine. Is it worth it to betray this value, you decide, but it is believed that three herbs: sage, boron uterus and red brush have a beneficial effect on the female body and stimulate ovulation. In determining the causes of infertility , the patency of the fallopian tubes is of great importance. If you stimulate ovulation, but do not be sure of the patency of the fallopian tubes , even with success - fertilization of the egg, difficulties can arise, up to an ectopic pregnancy.

As you can see, there can be a lot of nuances. Sometimes medicine is generally powerless to answer the question - why doesn’t ovulation occur. It seems that the woman is completely healthy and pregnancy should occur, but problems with ovulation remain.

I hope this information does not become a reason for panic, as a positive emotional attitude and inner harmony - this is another component of conception and successful birth.

In the end, according to popular wisdom, “we all walk under God” and we must be able to accept everything with gratitude, regardless of how fate has developed.

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