How to clean cookies in Mazil: instructions for beginners

Today I will discuss the question of how to clean cookies in Mazil. Many inexperienced users are not even aware of the existence of these elements in their programs. Therefore, the article will also provide a summary of basic information. So, get ready, then you will learn how to clean cookies in Mazil.

how to clear cookies in a browser

Initial Information

Cookie () – -, . cookie "". . , , . , , . . - . -. , .

Mozilla Firefox, . . Firefox, .

  1. . Firefox, . "" « ».
  2. , , . "".
  3. « ».

how to clean cookies in mazil

, "" . . "" . , « ». , .

. . . , CCleaner. . .

clean firefox cookies

Using the information provided in the article, you can easily, and most importantly, delete cookies yourself. Just do not be too zealous and remove them every half hour. There will be no sense from such very frequent operations. It is enough to format once a week. I hope you learned from this article how to clear cookies in Mazil.

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