Is ultrasound harmful during pregnancy?

In recent years, it has become quite fashionable to discuss the topic of ultrasound and pregnancy. It is even surprising that the same people admit the usefulness of ultrasound for diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, they are ready to carry babies for neurosonography, but they are categorically against conducting the same studies in pregnant women. At the same time, absolutely unreasonable arguments are given, unconfirmed facts, an atmosphere of fear and doubt is escalated.

How much it is necessary to undergo this study during pregnancy, each woman decides independently. No one has the right to forcibly demand to undergo this examination. But it is also pointless for a woman to repeatedly conduct such a study.

In the scientific literature, the results of the conducted studies were not printed anywhere in order to identify whether the ultrasound is really harmful during pregnancy. As there is no evidence of practical harm to a pregnant woman or fetus with an ultrasound scan.

Moreover, the Ministry of Health does not recommend that this study be carried out by pregnant women up to 10 weeks without special need. All women are invited to undergo an ultrasound scan three times during the entire pregnancy in order to prevent or timely diagnose some abnormalities that are asymptomatic.

In the period from 12 to 15 weeks, you can go for the first time. At the same time, the exact gestational age, multiple pregnancy, false pregnancy, in case of pathology in the pelvic organs, ectopic pregnancy are determined, which will help the woman avoid painful diagnostic punctures. Already at this time, you can listen to the fetal heartbeat with ultrasound, which delights many mothers.

In the period of 18-21 weeks with ultrasound, congenital diseases and malformations of the fetus are revealed, placenta previa is determined, they can name the sex of the unborn child. This is probably one of the interesting moments for future parents, although no one can give a 100% guarantee, as there are mistakes. But photographing the unborn child is not necessary. Firstly, for this it is necessary to increase the dose and time of exposure to radiation, and secondly, for the layman, the videos and photographs of the fetus are uninformative and incomprehensible. Although the exact answer is whether it is harmful to conduct an ultrasound during pregnancy, and for a long time, no.

But you can prevent the serious consequences of the course of pregnancy. Previously, until a woman had bleeding, no one suspected an increment, detachment, or low placenta previa. Some malformations can begin to be treated in utero. Now it often happens that both healthy parents can have a sick child. There are situations that with a normal pregnancy, abnormalities in the fetus develop, which are asymptomatic. And this is a huge plus for ultrasound.

And whoever poses the question of whether the ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy, many women undergo research without fear during this period, realizing the great usefulness for themselves from the information received.

In the period 32-35 weeks, you can prepare in detail for the birth itself, find out the estimated weight of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid , entwining the umbilical cord, and the position of the placenta. Determine how ready the uterus is for childbirth.

Each woman decides for herself whether she should think about whether ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy or not. Which is not more important, to be more confident that everything is normal with her future baby or be lost in conjecture.

And for those women who are negative in relation to the ultrasound, I would like to remind you that no one forces them to force him. Just write a written disclaimer and the question will be closed.

Time will tell if the ultrasound is harmful during pregnancy, or if inaction and irresponsibility to a future life do more harm.

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