Utrozhestan during pregnancy is a fairly common drug, which is recommended by many experienced specialists. But is he so good? What effect does this remedy have on the fetus and how does it help the expectant mother? Many studies in practice have proved that the introduction of Utrozhestan in the first and second semester contributes to the preservation of the child. But still, this drug is not suitable for every woman. Before prescribing a remedy, the attending physician carefully monitors, identifies the diseases of the expectant mother and only then makes a decision - to administer the drug or refuse it.
To begin with, Utrozhestan is an analogue of progesterone - the female sex hormone that prevents unwanted termination of pregnancy. Absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is able to "hold" and save the fetus in the womb. Utrozhestan is a synthetic drug that helps replenish the missing hormones. There is nothing wrong with the fact that this remedy is hormonal, and it is precisely this term that scares many women. Utrozhestan during pregnancy does not affect blood pressure, does not provoke a tendency to overweight and the appearance of edema.
In modern society, this drug almost completely justifies its use. There is no woman in the world whose hormonal environment is completely balanced, therefore, in some cases, this drug is simply necessary for an “interesting position”. As mentioned above, Utrozhestan during pregnancy contributes to the preservation of the fetus, reducing the tone of the uterus and its contractility. In addition, this remedy has a calming effect on the nervous system. But there are side effects: in some cases, after using the drug, women may experience weakness, dizziness and drowsiness. In this case, it is better to use Utrozhestan during pregnancy in the form of suppositories, which do not have such side effects and do not have a negative effect on the fetus.
This drug is prescribed only by a doctor, it is unacceptable to take it yourself, since there are contraindications. Women who have the following diseases do not prescribe Utrozhestan during pregnancy:
- diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
- impaired liver function;
- increased blood coagulability, as well as a tendency to venous blood clots, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
- bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus or diseases of the nervous system;
- malignant tumors.
In addition, Utrozhestan during pregnancy is not recommended for those expectant mothers who have frequent migraines, impaired fat or protein metabolism, as well as epilepsy and some mental disorders.
Many women are interested in how to take Utrozhestan during pregnancy. Here you must fully rely on the advice of a doctor who treats the expectant mother. It is he who will prescribe the dose depending on the condition of the woman, on her hormonal background and duration. This drug is unusual in that withdrawal occurs gradually.
Utrozhestan during pregnancy can be in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets. Usually it is prescribed in the early stages and in the second trimester. In order to avoid negative consequences, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution. In most cases, Utrozhestan in the third trimester is completely abandoned, it is replaced by another, more sparing option.
Thus, we found out why this drug is needed, what contraindications it has and how to take it. In any case, this should not be an independent decision, but the recommendation of a specialist. Utrozhestan during pregnancy is not dangerous for the fetus, does not cause malformations and prevents the threat of miscarriage. In many cases, this tool is used even in the treatment of infertility.