Praetorian: what is it and how to remove an applet?

Praetorian, , , « » (EXE- Praetorian). , , , . . , , , .

Praetorian : ?

, , , , «» ( ). , , , . , «»-, , , . . ( ).


, . « », , « ».

Browser manager

Windows XP Praetorian. , , , , () «» . , , «» «» , (, Internet Explorer, XP, ).

Install Yandex Bar

, , IE XP ( ). , Praetorian. , . , , , . .

Windows XP Local ApplicationData, ( Users ). , Windows 7 , Local, Yandex\Updater.

Search for add-in executable

, EXE . : Updater Updater2, ( ).

Praetorian: ?

. IE, (). , .

Process in Task Manager

(msconfig «»), . .

Removing Yandex Bar

Praetorian . ? . , « » « » Internet Explorer.

Praetorian. , . , , , , , .

« » ( Praetorian). , , ? : BrowserManager.exe.

Delete Praetorian and Browser Manager folders

, , «» , BrowserManager, Toolbar, Updater Updater2.

, Praetorian. ? . , , , , , Unlocker, Praetorian. , . , .

, Praetorian. , , . . , ?

iObit Uninstaller . . , , - Praetorian ( , - ) , – . , .

That’s briefly and all that can be said about Praetorian. What kind of component is it and how to get rid of it, many probably already figured out. And you don’t need to think that this virus is more of a security tool, although many users report that the application is capable of transmitting personal information, such as browsing history and search queries, to the servers of the developing company, but this is another question.

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