Do cats have hemorrhoids? This question torments many people, because in veterinary medicine it is customary to diagnose “hemorrhoids” for any ailment that provokes inflammation of the anus. In fact, hemorrhoids in cats are a very rare disease that is caused by varicose veins of the rectum and anus. In this article, we will consider the causes and symptoms of the disease, find out what many people confuse with this disease, and also tell how to cure hemorrhoids in a pet at home.
Risk group
Like humans, animals have their own risk groups that are more prone to a disease than others. So, a cat’s hemorrhoids are more likely to occur if:
- Sterilization. This operation affects the hormonal background. A sterilized animal needs energy and nutrients, since all excess is deposited as excess weight. Cats are especially prone to obesity after a similar procedure.
- Excess weight. Cats and cats suffering from obesity are more prone to such ailment as hemorrhoids than slender animals. This also applies to breed predisposition. For example, British cats are at risk for obesity, and therefore at risk for hemorrhoids.
- Feeding dry food budget segment. If at the same time the cat is not enough fluid, then the risk of the disease doubles.
- Heredity. Kittens that have a generic predisposition to the disease have pathologies in the pelvis at birth.
If you can’t do anything with heredity, you can figure out the rest of the risk groups. The main thing is to monitor the pet’s nutrition. Obesity for cats is like disability, so do not overdo it by feeding the animal "buns." Many people think that they express love for their cat, constantly supporting his cup in a filled form. In fact, these people expose the pet to the danger of obesity, followed by a host of different diseases.
A cat does not have hemorrhoids for no reason. This disease is a consequence of malfunctioning of any organs that affect the blood flow. The most common causes are:
- Disturbance in the digestive system. If the cat often has constipation or diarrhea, then it is necessary to examine it.
- The animal does not move much. Even if the cat is home, does not go outside, he still needs to warm up. Do not forget about active games.
- Sudden changes in the hormonal background. This often happens with sterilization and diseases that change the hormonal background, for example, with tumor neoplasms.
- An unbalanced diet.
- The formation in the vessels of cholesterol plaques. And the reason for this is improper nutrition and, as a consequence, excess weight.
- Diseases in an animal that thicken blood and reduce the tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
- Helminth infection.
- Heredity.
Hemorrhoids in a cat can not always be detected visually. The fact is that the vascular nodes can also be inside, they do not always fall out. How to understand that the animal suffers from such a painful disease?
Symptoms of hemorrhoids in a cat
A caring owner simply cannot fail to notice this disease. If the animal has hemorrhoids, then there will be the following symptoms:
- the pet’s gait changes, it starts to step carefully, spreading its legs wide - thus the cat tries to get rid of pain when moving;
- the animal behaves uneasily, often licks the diseased place;
- the cat is tormented by constipation, with every bowel movement he feels pain, mews plaintively;
- feces have traces of blood or mucus, while the stool is dry;
- the anus is sealed, when you feel it, you can recognize the nodes.
Stages of hemorrhoids
There are four stages in total. The sooner you discover an ailment in your tailed friend, the more chances there will be for a quick cure.
- In the first stage, you may notice a slight swelling of the anus. Once in a while bleeding is noted.
- At the second stage, the inflamed nodes become even larger, they begin to fall out, but are adjusted on their own.
- The third stage differs from the second only in that the inflamed nodes fall out, but they no longer resolve on their own.
- The fourth stage - the nodes are constantly falling out, stably bleeding.
We do not provide photos of hemorrhoids in cats for aesthetic reasons. If it seems to you that the pet has hemorrhoids, since it looks very similar, then you still need to take the animal to the veterinarian. The fact is that the disease can be confused with other ailments, and incorrect diagnosis and treatment may not cost your pet life.
The veterinarian can not only correctly diagnose, but also find out the reason why the animal fell ill. In addition to examining the external, the doctor will direct you to blood and feces tests, as well as to check the hormonal background.
What is hemorrhoids confused with?
The treatment of hemorrhoids in a cat is a serious matter. Without a diagnosis, therapy cannot be used. The fact is that there are a lot of ailments similar to hemorrhoids, and they require a different approach.
- Anal itching - most often you need treatment for helminths.
- Rectal prolapse - after injuries, childbirth, in elderly animals.
- The inflammatory process in the paraanal glands.
How to treat hemorrhoids in cats
The therapy itself and its duration directly depend on the stage of the disease.
The treatment of hemorrhoids in a cat in the initial stages - the first and second, can be carried out at home with increased comfort. It is necessary to change the diet, treat the inflamed area with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments. Pain is removed by rectal suppositories.
With advanced stages, surgical intervention is necessary. There are two methods:
- Removal of nodes under general anesthesia.
- Removal of nodes after freezing them with liquid nitrogen.
Further treatment at home should be agreed with the veterinarian. The fact is that not all popular recipes suitable for people will help the animal. Many herbs can cause an allergic reaction, which is fraught with a worsening of the patient's condition.
After the operation, the doctor will prescribe drugs that will relieve inflammation and restore the former tone of the veins and blood vessels.
Care and rehabilitation
Like humans, animals need a recovery period. In order for the cat to quickly stand on its paws and recover, it is necessary for him to provide proper care:
- Feed fiber-rich foods. If the diet has dry food, then buy a better one, and during the recovery period, the animal is better to give wet food.
- Hygienic procedures must be carried out twice a day. Treat the anus with warm water and soap, and then lubricate with an antiseptic.
- The animal needs rest, especially after surgery. The doctor will prescribe wound healing ointments that need to be processed on the anus. In this embodiment, it is desirable for the animal to use a protective collar that will not allow the ointment to lick.
After the recovery of the animal, preventive measures must be taken so that there is no relapse.
Talk to your veterinarian about your diet. If the cat eats dry food, then the doctor will advise a more suitable one. If you feed your pet natural food, then a specialist will recommend supplements.
Make sure that the cat's bowl always has clean water.
If the cat itself does not cope with its hygiene, then help him in this. Once a day, treat the animal's anus with wet wipes or soapy water.
Avoid obesity, treat from helminths.