Quite often, pediatricians become children who suffer from constipation. If we touch on the issue of statistics, then this particular problem is the most common among stomach problems. Lack of stool occurs mainly in infants, however, before you begin to consider such a thing as constipation in children, the treatment of which is quite important, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some data. Only then can we talk about the presence of pathology.
Stool in a child in the first 12 months of life:
- Under the age of 6 months, the frequency of stool is 5-6 times, subject to natural feeding
- From 6 months to a year - at least 2-3 times a day, subject to natural feeding
- Under the age of 6 months, the frequency of stool is 2-3 times, subject to artificial feeding
- From 6 months to a year - at least 1-2 times a day, subject to artificial feeding
If the frequency of the stool does not match the indicated data, then children's constipation, the treatment of which is necessary, can certainly become a real problem. If you look at the question from the side of science, then constipation is a violation in the intestines, which is accompanied by an increase in the interval between going to the toilet from 24 to 48 hours.
If parents experience difficulties such as constipation in children, treatment can be done at home. The cleansing enema is considered the fastest method . It is characterized by the use of boiled water, which should be cooled to room temperature. To increase the laxative effect, glycerin can be used as an additive. The recommended dose is from 1 to 2 teaspoons per 200 grams of water. After the liquid is introduced into the intestines, it is recommended to hold the buttocks for several minutes so that the water does not immediately spill out.
In order to make the feces softer, you can use petroleum jelly. To give a product in small quantities in between meals. The recommended dose is from ½ teaspoon for infants, up to 3 teaspoons for children from 4 years.
Another tool that promises to instantly eliminate constipation in children, the treatment of which requires tremendous effort, is the use of candles. Having entered the candle into the anus, it is worth squeezing the buttocks so that it is not reflexively removed from the passage. For infants, the most convenient position for input is considered to be a supine position with raised legs and bent knees.
There are alternative methods of treating constipation, which suggest the elimination of the problem by applying various natural components. Initially, it is necessary to add products such as carrots and beets, dried apricots and mango, as well as kiwi to the baby’s daily diet, they have a laxative effect. An excellent tool is the joster compote. For its preparation, it is worth taking a tablespoon of berries, raisins and prunes. Pour the composition with 2 glasses of water and boil for 20 minutes. Drink the liquid half a glass before going to bed.
When the baby is breast-fed, a change in diet is recommended. It is worth adding milk powder to the diet, with the use of fermented milk products and fiber. When the body of the crumbs does not accept milk, it must be completely excluded from the diet.
Do not forget that the problem with constipation can be completely solved by starting to give the baby more often to drink. As mentioned above, a decoction of raisins, dried apricots and prunes can be an indispensable tool. Some juices have a laxative effect. Apple, celery and beetroot drinks will save you from problems. As a prophylaxis of the disease, you need to add fruit purees to the daily diet of the child. Do not abuse honey and rice porridges.
We conclude that constipation in children, the treatment of which is quite acceptable at home, in most cases are age-related problems, and not pathology.