Chinese chin: breed description, origin, features of care and maintenance, photo

In our article we will talk about who the Chinese chin is, we will make a description of the breed. We will also consider the characteristics of the character, the content of such dogs. In addition, a little touch on the topic of reproduction of breed representatives.


A cute creature is designed to be a decorative living decoration of the palace of the emperor. The role of a companion on walks of noble ladies was performed by the Chinese chin (a photo of him is presented in the article for clarity). The resemblance to Buddhist lions guarding palaces from unclean spirits gave rise to a breed of miniature dogs. The ancient homeland of Chin is China. Although the origin is shrouded in mystery.

Chinese chin care

Archaeological excavations made it possible to find the remains of an ancient dog, which is the ancestor of the real species of Peking dogs, former domesticated wolves for the service of man. But breeding a special breed of small animals remains a mystery for many centuries. Hin was brought as a gift and as a farmer's, did not allow distribution outside the palaces and temples. Revered as a representative of the gods, and a special mark on his forehead was considered a fingerprint of Buddha.

The dishes of ancient China are decorated with images of mysterious lions resembling chin. Such dogs were revered in this country. People believed that they guard the entrances to palaces and temples as messengers of God.

Chinese chin. Description of the breed, character and appearance

The cheerful creation of miniature sizes - from 20 cm and weighing 1.8 kg - is a unique animal that looks very much like a living toy. Such a dog is a favorite of family members, very lively and playful. The smallest is only 900 grams with a height of 18 cm. The classic size is up to 25 cm and 2 kg. With growth at the withers of 28 cm, the dog can weigh even more, about 5-6 kg. Similar sizes are commensurate with the size of an adult cat. Dogs of this breed weighing 6 kg are considered gigantic for this type. Life expectancy is an average of 12-13 years, less often - 15.

A small animal with a large head, huge, widely spaced, slanting black eyes. He has a flat nose and triangular hanging ears, covered with beautiful long hair. A graceful shaggy tail is bent to the back. Coloring is most often white with black, less often - red or pure black. Proud posture and bewildered facial expressions attract the attention of even those who are indifferent to dogs.

dog breed chinese chin

The toy dog, infinitely devoted to his master, is sad in separation, not even long. It may even stop eating until the best friend and breadwinner returns. Welcomes the return of stormy emotions and dog's delight, struggling to show his love and devotion. Joy and sadness shares with his master, often taking away his illness. There are cases when a dog died with the owner.

Very rarely barks. Therefore, it happens in all public places that are not forbidden to visit with animals, including the theater. Maybe the dog is under the arm of the owner and go unnoticed. The ban on entry with a miniature dog does not apply in many places, such as museums, exhibitions and galleries. Banks and libraries resigned to the presence of a pocket dog. These qualities attract many owners of a unique dog. The Chinese chin, the photo of which is presented below, can be safely called a pocket dog.

Possessing a delicate vulnerable nature, it requires a special love for oneself. The dog wants to feel the most beloved, smart, beautiful. It is these feelings that add jealousy to character and resentment. It is worth noting that such a dog is vulnerable and funny at the same time. I would also like to say that there are various translations of the name of the breed. For example, some translate it as "a sacred jewel in the sleeve of a mistress."

Origin of breed

Chinese chin breed

The Chinese Chin breed of dog was bred by people related to the imperial family. The Forbidden City of Beijing revered these animals, considering them sacred. Different families preferred to breed pets with color, coat density and chin sizes different from neighboring palaces. Standards could even distinguish dog behavior. It was believed that looking directly into the eyes of an animal is impossible, so as not to offend.

Only as a result of prolonged selection can this species of dog be reproduced. Miniature size and resistance to disease, cheerful disposition and beautiful colors distinguish them from similar relatives of chin. The symmetrical coloration of the muzzle and ears, leaving a white band across the entire forehead, remains unchanged from generation to generation.

Over the centuries, the species has undergone changes in temperament and appearance, but veneration in the homeland has remained unchanged. There, the dog is considered the animal of the Buddha. The gradual spread of the Chinese chin breed has led to popularity in Japanese palaces. There was no ban on breeding outside the walls of the temples. After the discovery of the Japanese islands to the world, the darlings of the imperial families enter Europe on ships.

Chinese chin puppy

Hin is a great watchman, able to distinguish friends from enemies. He likes to play, the peculiar nature of the dog makes him think that it is trained. In fact, this is just a very comprehensible and sensitive companion, able to quickly accept the rules of the game and behavior. Expresses feelings in a peculiar way - touchy, but resourceful. Necessarily demonstrates his attitude towards others. Majestic behavior recalls the origin of royal blood. The closest related line of such a dog are the Pekingese, Japanese Spaniels and Beijing palace dogs. It is believed that the Chinese chin comes from the above breeds.

Miniature copies of lions, the sacred animals of Buddhists, are not considered dogs in the homeland of origin. According to the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, only evil and sinful people could turn into dogs and deserve a corresponding attitude towards them. Pekingese and khins are completely different creatures of unearthly origin and deserve a special relationship with them. Possessing affectionate disposition, they are focused on communication with people, they need family comfort.

Chinese Chin Maintenance and Wool Care

The luxurious hair of a miniature animal must be combed at least once or twice a week. The long-haired dog has practically no undercoat. Therefore, the wool does not fall off and does not fade, without requiring additional cleaning in the apartment. After contact with moisture and dirt, it quickly acquires the pristine appearance of shiny well-groomed hair. Simple hygiene procedures with water will allow you to clean the paw pads from dirt. White dogs never take on a shade of dirty gray or yellow coat. Self-purification is inherent in nature in the Chinese hin dog.

It takes up very little space in the apartment and likes to spend time near the owner, happily sitting on his lap. With joy, he plays the role of a healer, and therefore is most of the time in the arms of the nurser. Able to relieve depression in the host and smooth out the stress state. Doggie himself is experiencing difficult family conflicts. She loves to be the center of attention and takes care of herself with pleasure.

Once a month, the claws should be inspected and, if necessary, shortened using a clipper. Do not use scissors or wire cutters so as not to damage the blood vessels. No more than a third of the claw is removed.

Health and Disease

The dog does not suffer from diseases of small breeds, does not require wrapping up on frosty days and cooling in the summer heat. Only the eyes need special attention. Large slanting organs of vision capture dust and debris, inflamed. A rare blinking does not allow the lacrimal canals to wash away irritants in the eyes in time. The recommendations of a veterinarian will help solve the problem. The doctor will be able to prescribe suitable drops for washing the eyes. The use of weak tea is possible only after treatment procedures have already been carried out. Cotton pads are used to wipe the corners of the eyelids.

Children and dog

It is not recommended to leave alone with children and other dogs. It can show a sense of ownership and out of jealousy in the absence of the owner, bite the child or mate with any size dog. Fiercely resists any psychological pressure emanating from the guests, especially if she considers the invitees to be not entirely friendly. He enjoys playing with soft toys. If you like those present, then the dog itself flirts, bringing objects for the game and inviting to bark.

Maintenance Precautions

Chinese chin content

You need to carefully look under your feet so as not to step on and injure the miniature dog. Close the interior doors carefully, controlling the location of the four-legged, so as not to pin down. From the places available for the pet, it is necessary to remove the electrical wires that can be bitten or bitten and get an electric shock. Small cracks between the furniture, it is better to close the aisles so that the curious Chinese chin (photo of the puppy is presented above for clarity) does not get stuck when trying to climb inside.

You need to go out for a walk with the dog to safe places, where the possibility of hitting or attacking other dogs on a small animal is excluded. The harness or the thinnest leash will not work. Even the softest collar can spoil the fluffy mane of a β€œlion” and injure the delicate skin of a short neck.

Conditions of detention

dog chinese chin

For the maintenance of the Chinese chin does not need any special conditions. Such a dog can be kept in an apartment, in a private house with accommodation in the premises. The animal can do without a haircut and special styling hairdresser. The dog immediately looks quite attractive. You need to bathe once every two to three months with a special shampoo. Do not wash the animal frequently with agents so as not to wash out the protective fat layer. Ear cleaning should be done as it gets dirty, with ear sticks around the sinks. The aisle is not recommended to be cleaned so as not to harm or injure the delicate creature.

In a dream, hins can snore nicely due to the flattened structure of the nasal passages. They get used to the toilet very quickly and easily. A small puppy is given a newspaper or a diaper for small needs, then, after understanding the process, they are transferred to a special tray. Pressed fillers from sawdust are quite suitable for the latrine of the imperial breed.

Power Features

The small size of the stomach and intestines implies a very careful selection of food and dosing standards for one meal. A pet that does not know the measures in food needs nutrition control. Until six months, the puppy is fed 5-6 times a day. Over time, you can switch to 2-3 meals a day. Unfinished food is recommended to be removed before the next feeding. Purified drinking water should always be available for the dog.

Exclude from the diet of the animal products with dyes, sausages and sausages. Fat under the ban - broths, sour cream, ice cream, mayonnaise. Fried foods and raw offal in the form of a liver, kidneys are prohibited. Starch is poorly absorbed, so all types of baking are excluded. If you buy food, then only premium. Excluded in the diet of bones in any form - fish, birds. Legumes can harm the intestines of an animal. Peas, corn and beans, lentils - these products are not suitable for this breed. Smoked meats and pickles are excluded, and raw eggs are reduced to one per week, due to protein.

Chinese chin character

"Little Lion Cubs" like tomatoes and carrots in their raw form. This product helps clean teeth from stone and plaque. To strengthen bones, cottage cheese, kefir, unsweetened yogurt are introduced into the diet. Vegetables should be given in grated or boiled form. Pet food resembles a diet menu. Without special excesses, the animal is completely dispensed with, and the owner is calm. Light porridge - buckwheat and oatmeal. Boiled poultry, vegetables and herbs, finely chopped, with the addition of vegetable oil.

They always want to cuddle a cute dog, stroke and feed it with goodies. But the animal itself does not always like it. Protecting from the ingestion of unwanted harmful foods, one should control the excessive curiosity of strangers, relieving the chin of stressful situations.


In the homeland, Khins are considered a special jewel and never allow themselves to make money on breeding. Special nurseries are engaged in professional breeding of the offspring of the imperial chin, granting the opportunity to acquire a little friend.

Tying chin girls is often problematic. Since after her such bitches have complicated births, medical treatment is indispensable. Therefore, experts advise you to think many times before deciding to breed such a breed of dog.

Interesting Facts

At one time, the imperial favorites had their own personal doctors and nutritionists, hairdressers and masseurs. Bathing in love, the hin did not know the worries. The Empress kept at the court up to fifty animals at a time. Walking along the royal lawns surrounded by frolicking dogs, members of the ruler's family felt peace and tranquility. The best remedy for nervous diseases and stress has always been around and wagged a cute tail. A favorite of children and adults, a furry friend is always in demand at exhibitions of small dog breeds. He takes pride of place in all kinds of competitions.

Revered in its historical homeland, Chinese Chin is an inhabitant of Buddhist temples. Always delighting with his laid-back behavior, he brings joy to adults and children. Centuries-old isolation of China allowed breeding of rare breeds of dogs, and the limited living space gave preference to miniature exotic animals that delight the presence of the world.


Now you know what a Chinese chin breed dog looks like, how it looks, how much it weighs. Also in the article we examined the history of this species, its features of character. We hope you find this information useful.

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