Different types of transport for children: list, description and features

Types of transport for children - a fascinating, interesting topic, introducing their classification, telling about the features and purpose of each variety. In this case, the task of parents or teachers is not only to conduct a conversation, but also to consolidate the information received through various games.

modes of transport for children

Why do children need to know about transport

The full development of babies is carried out through acquaintance with the outside world. Such questions are interesting for children: what kind of transport happens, why do people need it. The familiarity of preschoolers with the transport classification forms their new knowledge about the different types, their features, purpose, enriches the vocabulary, and consolidates the generic concept of "transport". In addition, a detailed discussion of this topic allows you to learn the following:

  • Compare different modes of transport, for children it is important to be able to find common and distinctive signs;
  • to unite them into groups for common reasons, to classify;
  • to learn the rules of behavior in various types of transport.

The study of new material contributes to the formation of personal qualities of preschoolers: criticality, responsibility, thinking, memory, speed of reaction, imagination develop.

different types of transport for children

Transport classification

All vehicles are classified on different grounds: the method of transportation and destination.

By the method of movement, the following types are distinguished:

  • ground - movement occurs exclusively on the ground or on rails (bus, trolley, train);
  • water - moves by sea or river (ship, boat, barge);
  • aviation - flies through the air (airplane, helicopter).

By destination, the following types of transport are distinguished:

  • Passenger - transporting people, delivering them to the right place (bus, river tram, plane);
  • horse-drawn - for transportation of various goods (wagon, barge);
  • special - used in certain activities, equipped with professional equipment (fire truck, ambulance, police car);
  • agricultural - used in the preparation of arable land, harvesting and similar works (tractor, combine).

what is transport for children

Land transport characteristics

Land transport carries out movement on the earth with the help of wheels, rails, animals, tracks. It can be passenger, cargo or specialized. Here it is necessary to describe the following main modes of transport for children:

  • Bus - carries passengers, delivers them to the desired point in the city, has a strict route and special places for stops where people are getting on and off. The trolleybus and tram also perform the function, which differ from the bus in that they work not on gasoline, but on electricity, in addition, the tram runs on rails.
  • Train - railway transport, carrying out movement on rails, can be both passenger and freight, makes transportation between cities and villages.
  • Fire truck - used to extinguish a fire, equipped with special equipment, has a sound signal warning other drivers about its approach.
  • Ambulance - designed to transport sick people, has all the necessary equipment to deliver the patient to the hospital in a satisfactory condition. Like a fire engine, it has a special flashing light and a sound signal, indicating that the ambulance must be skipped.
  • Police car - used to patrol roads, capture criminals. The machine is equipped with a powerful engine that allows you to develop good speed, which is so important in the pursuit.
  • Lorry - designed to transport various cargoes: food, construction, household and many others. May have yellow flashing lights indicating that the car is carrying dangerous baggage.

Transport can also be underground, for example, the metro delivers passengers to their destination, like a bus or tram.

game modes of transport for children

Features of water transport

Considering different types of transport, for children will be interesting and water, moving along the sea, lake or river. Like ground, this transport is passenger and freight:

  • Motor ship - can transport people to their destination or used as a pleasure boat on the river, introducing residents to the picturesque places of the water. The ship performs the same functions as the ship, the main differences of these ships are in the technical characteristics.
  • Boat - has various purposes: it is used as a rescue vessel, for walking along a pond, for excursions.
  • Barge - used to transport various goods. It is characterized by convenience, speed of delivery, efficiency.

various modes of transport for children

Air transport, its characteristic

Air transport operates through the air, while it can carry passengers, cargo, participate in rescue operations or in extinguishing forest fires. The most interesting types of vehicles for children will be:

  • Aircraft - depending on the size and purpose, it can perform various functions: transport people and a variety of goods, cultivate fields, extinguish a fire in the forest, participate in hostilities.
  • Helicopter - rises into the air with the help of special blades that spin quite strongly. This type of transport can also be passenger, freight or military.
  • Airship - its feature is the development of relatively low speed and climb to a low altitude, it is used for tourism, in rescue operations, for patrolling the terrain.

Games for children

In order to better remember the types of transport, it is worth organizing a variety of games for children, among which the following can be cited:

  • Riddles - will help to distinguish distinctive features, classify transport, in addition, they will develop logic, thinking, and quick wit.
  • The mobile game "Find My House" - cards with any kind of transport are distributed to children, houses are defined for them: air - an airfield, ground - a garage, water - a marina. The task of preschoolers is to get up to the desired base after the signal.
  • Puzzles - cut into small parts of a picture with an airplane, train, bus, boat - are mixed up, children are invited to find the necessary elements, assemble a picture and say what is shown on it, what it is used for.
  • The game "modes of transport." Various roles are prepared for children - passengers, driver, captain, pilot. Ship leaders are picking up passengers whose task is to demonstrate correct and incorrect behavior on the bus, on the ship or on the plane.

Thus, when they receive information about the types of transport, children will learn about their features, distinguishing features, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in them, enrich their vocabulary.

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