PPTP connection - what is it?

, , « PPTP». , . , , .


, point-to-point tunneling protocol, « «-». , TCP/IP.

pptp connection what is it

PPTP PPP IP-, , , . , , PPTP IPSec, , , , VPN- ( ).


. , , .

, () . , .

, PPTP «-», .


PPTP. , Microsoft, . Cisco.

Microsoft . Windows 95 OSR2, PPTP , PPTP-. PPTP- Windows 7, .

Linux . 2.6.13, 2.6.14.

pptp windows 7 connection

FreeBSD Mac OS X PPTP-. Palm, Wi-Fi, Mergic.

. PPTP- TCP- 1723 – IP GRE 47.

pptp connection setup

, , , Windows , IP- . . .


PPTP. , , , . , , PPTP GRE.

, PPP- GRE (). TCP GRE .

IPX , , . ? PPTP- IPX , .

, «-». , , () – .

, PPTP . , , , EAP-TLS, MSCHAP-v2 MPEE, .

(), .

PPTP Windows 7:

PPTP- Windows . , «».

« ». « ». , - .

configure pptp connection

, , .

pptp connection type

TCP/IPv4. , ( IP DNS-).

, , . . «», . .


VPN-. « » .

, – .

program for pptp connection

--, - VPN ( « »).

pptp connection for what you need

, , «».

pptp connection what is it

. . :

  • VPN: ;
  • : ;
  • : CHAP CHAP 2.

pptp windows 7 connection

, . , .


PPTP- -, , Windows .

, , - pfSense, -, «» Multilink PPP Daemon Windows- PPTP , . , , , «» IP- .

, PPTP, , Windows ? , , . , .

, , , PPTP, , . , . , - . IP, - .

But to ensure interaction between the local networks of commercial enterprises or any other structures, the establishment of a PPTP connection can be the easiest way. And although such a connection will not fully provide security, nevertheless, there is a share of common sense in its use.

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