What is TCP-IP?

Interaction between computers on the Internet is carried out through network protocols, which are an agreed set of specific rules, according to which different data transfer devices exchange information. There are protocols for data formats , bit rates, error control and other types of protocols. Global interworking most commonly uses the TCP-IP protocol.

What kind of technology is this? The name of the Internet Protocol TCP-IP comes from two network protocols: TCP and IP. Of course, the construction of networks is not limited to these two protocols, but they are basic in terms of the organization of data transfer. In fact, TCP-IP is a set of protocols that allow individual networks to come together to form a global network.

The TCP-IP protocol, the description of which cannot be defined only by the definitions of IP and TCP, also includes the protocols UDP, SMTP, ICMP, FTP, telnet, and not only. These and other TCP-IP protocols provide the most complete operation of the Internet.

Below is a detailed description of each protocol included in the general concept of TCP-IP.

- (IP) . ( , ) . . , . .

IP- , 1500 , , , .

(TCP) , . IP- , TCP- . TCP - - , . , .

, . , TCP-.

1. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Internet TCP- , . , .

2. , User Datagram Protocol, , , UDP-. , TCP, , .

3. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) , , Internet. ICMP- , , .

4. Telnet - , TCP.

5. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – , , , SMTP-, , SMTP-. , , .


1. TCP , TCP-, . , TCP-.

2. IP .

3. TCP , . , , , TCP-IP . .

4. TCP .

TCP , ( ), . .

Thus, TCP-IP eliminates the need for retransmissions and expectations for application processes (such as Telnet and FTP).

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