Parents reflect on the mental and physical development of their child long before his birth. Even at the stage of planning the baby or while carrying the baby, mom thinks about how her newborn will be. Will he love to paint? Or would you rather dance to music? What if the baby has excellent hearing and is very artistic? Suddenly he will become a singer or actor? Or maybe her baby is a new gymnast and champion!
As soon as the baby is born and opens its eyes, the young mother will begin to make plans for the future that are directly related to the development of the baby, because from the first days, doctors recommend that the babies get healthy massages, are advised to visit the pool for muscle development and physical health of the baby.
It is the desire to develop a child that physically and mentally encourages mothers to choose specialized gardens. So, it is recommended that children with problems in the development of speech be given to kindergartens with a speech therapist bias. Active children are given to kindergartens, where sports are predominant, so that they can waste their energy. But for parents whose children have problems with the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to familiarize themselves with such a concept as rhythmoplasty. In kindergarten, where rhythmoplasty is a must, special attention is paid to the physical development of babies.
What it is
The very definition of rhythmoplasty is logically divided into two separate concepts: rhythm and plastic. From the name you can understand that rhythmoplasty means physical exercises performed to music.
Rhythmoplasty is a health-improving type of gymnastics, during which various muscle groups are involved, a sense of rhythm develops , memory and mindfulness are trained. It contains elements of gymnastics and choreography.
The rhythmoplasty program in kindergarten implies all the same physical activity to music, but in small groups. It is precisely such exercises that help the child to be liberated, including psychologically.
Previously, rhythmic plastic could be practiced only in specialized clubs. Now classes have become more accessible. Now quite often rhythmoplasty is taught in kindergarten. The description remains the same, as, indeed, the complex of classes for the development of the child.
Which children are suitable for rhythmoplasty?
Classes in rhythmoplasty in kindergarten will suit absolutely any child. For children who do not have problems with the musculoskeletal system, classes will help develop the plasticity of the body, learn how to feel the music, get in time. Easy and uncomplicated gymnastics is liked by children because it does not cause difficulties during the execution of movements.
For children who have some disorders in the musculoskeletal system, rhythmoplasty in kindergarten will help eliminate defects, get comfortable in a new team, catch up with their peers in development. Preschool children are engaged exclusively in music, which positively affects the perception of new information by children.
Rhythmoplasty has no age limit, but this health complex is recommended for children from two to seven years.
So, it will be difficult for very tiny kids (under the age of two years) to perceive the information that the teacher presents in daily lessons. Also, two-year-olds will find it somewhat difficult to repeat the words and memorize the scenes.
By the age of seven, classes in rhythmoplasty become uninteresting. At seven years old, the guys have excellent control over their bodies and have no problems with coordination of movements.
What tasks does rhythmic plastic perform?
Rhythmoplasty will help parents liberate their baby from the mental side. The kid will begin to feel more confident in any team, will learn to relax, and will be able to express his emotions without hesitation.
In fact, rhythmic plastic exercises pursue certain goals, such as:
- improving communication skills (the child will learn to communicate with his peers and other people, will be able to overcome the fear of interacting with other people);
- increase in physical data (children learn to control their body, will be able to jump further and higher, will control their movements);
- the formation of a direct posture (the baby learns to hold his back correctly);
- gait correction (preschool children will correct the step, will be able to get rid of such a problem as clubfoot);
- increase stamina and willpower (kids learn to achieve their goals, will persistently follow the intended path);
- emancipation of preschool children in psychological and emotional terms;
- development of the respiratory apparatus.
The program on rhythmoplasty in kindergarten is compiled by professionals, covering all aspects of the development of babies. Moreover, classes are held in game mode and have many different forms. So, in addition to the usual program, neurodynamic and theatrical rhythmoplasty is also found in kindergarten.
Neurodynamic rhythmoplasty
Neurodynamic rhythmic plastics are complex exercises that are exclusively creative in nature. Such rhythmoplasty is especially necessary for those children whose central nervous system is affected. Organic genesis (impaired mental development) requires intervention by professionals. The delay in speech, motor and emotional development must be adjusted.
Classes in rhythmoplasty in this case take place in a dynamic rhythm, to the music. The emphasis is on the coordination of speech and movements. Often during neurodynamic training, children are invited to play an emotional study, where comprehension is required.
Neurodynamic rhythmic plastic surgery includes:
- staging theatrical scenes (based on your favorite works);
- preparation of sketches (under the guidance of a specialist);
- work with poetry (emotional reading of poems from memory, accompanied by facial expressions and gestures);
- dance performances (individual and group);
- psychological gymnastics (for liberation of preschool children);
- choreography.
Neurodynamic gymnastics implies a combination of all the above components. During the lesson, the child needs to monitor their movements, speech, emotions, facial expressions, gestures. Also, when performing a complex of neurodynamic plastic surgery, children need to adhere to the same pace of narration, arrange each word and phrase, and monitor the correctness of breathing. The child will learn how to build logical chains and consistently perform all stages of the program.
Theatrical rhythmoplasty
Theatrical rhythmic plastic means reading fairy tales by roles. Tales are selected individually, based on the age of the children. So, the youngest group of the kindergarten will be engaged in reading the tale "Gingerbread Man". After reading a fairy tale, a group of children need to play a theatrical production, where they portray their favorite fairy-tale characters.
The teacher is involved in theatrical production, each child is given a specific role. The entire performance is accompanied by musical accompaniment. Due to the theatrical rhythmoplasty, children manage to improve their speech and improve coordination of movements, as well as develop imagination.
The purpose of theatrical rhythmoplasty is to master the artist's skills, where facial expressions, gestures, speech, movements play an important role. An artistic club can be created to improve acting skills. Rhythmoplasty in kindergarten in this case will be held with even greater pleasure, because if there is a circle, the whole group of children becomes one.
The teacher or invited specialist draws up a circle plan. Rhythmoplasty kindergarten will be carried out according to this plan.
For theatrical rhythmoplasty, many exercises have been created, the implementation of which is now recommended in every child care institution.
In music classes
Rhythmoplasty in music classes in kindergarten involves the combination (or alternation) of neurodynamic and theatrical gymnastics. So, children are offered to sing songs that will be accompanied not just by a dance, but by an explanatory movement (gesture, facial expressions).
For example, when the teacher will perform the composition of V. Shainsky, the children are invited to sing the song “Grasshopper sat in the grass” by N. Nosov. Moreover, the group of preschool children, in addition to words, will play a small sketch, depicting a grasshopper.
Children are especially interested in this kind of activity , because they can be creative. And although rhythmoplasty is usually performed twice a week in kindergarten, the ability to combine a theater group and music lessons with plastic gives teachers a little extra time to work on mental and physical development of preschool children.
How is a lesson in rhythmic plastic performed
One of the main rules when practicing plastic is the atmosphere in which classes are held. The teacher who leads the rhythmic group, first of all, should be a companion to preschool children, and only then - a teacher.
Any violence is prohibited. Children should not be forced to do exercises or insist on performing certain types of actions. Children must have complete freedom. Preschool children should feel that they are not exerted any pressure. Rhythmoplasty exercises should be fun, only in this case they will be of benefit.
Each class also has a specific time frame. The duration of the lesson cannot take more than half an hour, because it is difficult for young children to focus their attention on the same exercise (activity) for a long time.
Class schedule is simple:
- seven minutes of warm-up (simple exercises for general development);
- twenty minutes to the main lesson (rhythmoplasty);
- three minutes to relax (final exercises, stretching, relaxation).
Dancing, sketches, and staging are also rhythmoplasty in kindergarten. The teaching method consists in the correct choice of presenting information.
So, children are invited to master the information in one of several methods, such as:
- example (the kid needs to repeat the exercise for the teacher);
- fantasy (the task is performed according to the teacher);
- improvisation (the child needs to decide for himself what to do, depending on the task received);
- illustration (the child needs to reproduce the fairy tale from the pictures from the book);
- game (the whole process takes place in a friendly atmosphere).
The lesson must be conducted in a creative atmosphere so that preschool children feel relaxed and comfortable.
A selection of exercises for rhythmoplasty
Any educator has questions about how to conduct a lesson when he first hears such a thing as rhythmoplasty. In kindergarten, the exercises are quite simple, and it’s quite simple to find and take ready-made ones as a basis.
To perform rhythmic exercises, children are invited to:
- portray various animals;
- repeat physical exercises for the teacher;
- perform movements with attributes (circles, ribbons, balls).
For gymnastics classes, children need to perform exercises using logorhythmics (verses):
- warm up feet;
- body stretching (including the spine);
- development of flexibility ("bridge", "boat", "birch").
Dance exercises:
- exact step in a circle;
- throwing the legs forward in front of you on the toe and heel;
- round dance;
- “Wave” with hands;
- various jumps;
- dancing in pairs.
Dance performances with a plot:
- "grasshopper";
- "Antoshka."
Musical classes:
Exercises can also be performed with poems that the educator will read. So, for example, each short word of a work can be accompanied by a clap or step. Such activities help children to become familiar with the concept of sense of rhythm.
Rhythmoplasty in kindergarten is performed in a playful way and without coercion.
A selection of music for classes
Music for rhythmoplasty in kindergarten is selected taking into account the age category of the group. The most popular are such works as:
- The Nutcracker, Seasons (Tchaikovsky P.).
- “Little Night Serenade” (Mozart V.).
- “Pictures from the exhibition” (Mussorgsky M.).
- The Waltz (Brahms I.).
- "Seasons" (Vivaldi A.).
Music that will help preschool children relax:
- “Ave Maria” (Schubert F.).
- “Moonlight” (Debussy K.).
- "Sentimental Waltz" (P. Tchaikovsky).
- “Moonlight Sonata” (Beethoven L.).
Music can also be selected based on the movements that need to be done. So, for example, the song "Ladushki" is perfect for doing clapping.
Why is rhythmoplasty important?
A sufficiently large audience of people became interested in institutions in which the child can do wellness gymnastics. Often there is rhythmoplasty in kindergarten. Reviews about this program are mostly positive, because classes can not only improve the motor functions of the child, but also improve his health in general.
Rhythmoplasty is important because it affects the overall development of the child. The emotional state of children improves significantly after visiting wellness gymnastics. Every day the program is improved, new methods are introduced into it, and various games are offered.
In fact, each parent individually can engage in teaching rhythmoplasty to his child. However, the greatest results can only be achieved when the exercises are performed in a group of children under the supervision of an experienced professional.
A positive aspect of the teaching of rhythmoplasty by the teacher, and not by the parent himself, is also that the parent has free time to do household chores, while the child is trained by a specialist.