Reviews of owners of Akita Inu: breed description, photo

If you choose a dog for yourself, then this article will be very useful for you. For many years, your pet will become your family member and will share with you all the joys and misfortunes. Therefore, it is extremely responsible to choose a breed that would suit all relatives. Then your puppy will grow up the happiest in the world and will do everything in his power for you. Today we want to tell you about a dog, which is not so common on the streets. That is why the reviews of the owners will be so valuable. Akita Inu is an incredibly spectacular dog whose image captivates at first sight. Everything is perfect in it, gait and every movement, posture and look. Despite the fact that Akita is distinguished by a dense physique, its proportions remain ideal, and the appearance as a whole is exquisite.

reviews of Akita Inu owners

Breed popularity

Today it cannot be said that this is a very fashionable dog. Its representatives are quite rarely seen at sites, which is understandable. A large animal with thick and dense fur is not particularly suitable for housing. However, the owners of cottages and residents of the private sector pay close attention to them. Dogs owe this not only to their charming appearance, but also to the strength of their character. There is no creature in the world who is more restrained and reasonable, and at the same time bold and very obedient, as the owners say. Akita Inu at one time was chosen by Japanese samurai. They believed that representatives of this breed could be their worthy reflection.

Breed history

Since we touched the times of Japanese emperors, we’ll just tell you about the history of these dogs. From reliable sources it becomes clear that Akita were used as a guard of the emperor. This is the result of an excellent hunting instinct and qualities that nature has endowed with a dog. They are seasoned and fearless, smart and obedient. The breed is very interesting, its history goes back centuries. And this is not speculation, but real facts based on a genetic study of the remains found in the territory of the modern country of the Rising Sun. The origin of the breed dates from the second millennium BC. This is confirmed by drawings made at about the same time. Finally, the image of the dog was formed in the XVII century and has remained unchanged to this day.

Akita Inu Owner Reviews

Breed description

A cheerful, sunny creature, this is how the reviews of the owners characterize these dogs. Akita Inu is a true friend for a person who appreciates strength of mind in an animal, his own point of view and absolute devotion and affection only for a close circle of people. A magnificent guard, she will never allow a stranger to approach her master if she has noticed unkind intentions. And this applies to both humans and animals.

This is an amazing dog, personifying harmony in everything. A true child of the East, it exhibits traits such as restraint and calm, as well as dignity. However, this is only a mask, under which a passionate temperament is hidden. This is often mentioned by owner reviews. Akita Inu literally transforms in the environment of her loved ones, becomes sociable and active.

Even if you have never had pets, this creature can conquer you at first sight. His expressive, slightly slanting eyes simply glow with wisdom. At first glance, it is very similar to Russian husky, but this is not so, they have nothing in common. This is a very active and sociable, cheerful dog that easily becomes attached to the owner. Most importantly, he sincerely loved his pet. This is a prerequisite for those who have Akita Inu. Owner reviews emphasize that, despite the endurance and external independence, they are very sensitive and gentle creatures. Remember the story of the legendary Hachiko. He lived with a professor who suddenly died of a heart attack. For another 11 years, the dog went to the station every day to meet his master from work.

reviews of owners of Akita Inu male

Appearance and breed standards

In fact, if you are looking for a pet, then this is not a very important factor. Most importantly, the dog should be healthy, eat well and play. Another thing if you want to breed puppies. Then you need a thoroughbred Akita Inu. A male for breeding today is offered on average for 20,000 rubles, that is, it may well justify the cost of the exhibition.

Akita is a large dog that is very well built. She is very strong, muscular and strong, she is characterized by a heavy head with a short muzzle, slightly similar to a bear. The dog is distinguished by a wide and flat chest, as well as a straight back. It seems like a normal appearance, but at the same time the dog looks very original. Slanting eyes and triangular ears protruding, as well as a wide forehead, resemble at the same time a fox, a bear and a wolf. Growth at the withers of a male from 66 to 71 cm, and for a female 61-66 cm.

akita inu male character


How would you like to see your dog? Each will have its own set of qualities. Some will note loyalty, others - endurance and obedience, others - excellent protective qualities, and fourth - unlimited love for their master. All of them are harmoniously combined in a furry creature named akita inu. Responses of owners say that these dogs combine all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. They have no negative aspects of character. From puppyhood to old age, Akita are mischievous and cheerful. Aggression and sharp mood swings are not at all inherent in these representatives of the canine world. They are so balanced that one gets the impression that they foresee any situation ahead of time. It is difficult to provoke them before rushing into battle, they will study the circumstances and situation, assess the possible consequences of their actions.

However, quite about the pros. Like everyone else, this dog is not ideal, as the owners reviews sometimes mention it. Akita-inu (a male dog often manifests itself in this way) is endlessly curious. He needs to be aware of everything that happens in your house. Any noise, rustling will immediately attract his attention, he will stick his nose into any slot and box. However, with age, this quality disappears, so that over time your pet will become more imposing.

Akita and little children

Since this is a fairly large dog, many are concerned about how careful Akita Inu can be in playing with kids. A male, whose character is somewhat stricter, will become for them not only a friend, but also a kind of mentor. You will have the opportunity to shift to him some of the responsibilities to entertain the kids. You can be sure that the child is supervised and protected, if you need to leave him in the room for a while.

akita inu male for mating


In fact, if you become a happy owner of a dog of this breed, then you can not really worry about the costs of grooming and maintenance. These are real Spartans, completely picky. Moreover, the dog can live both on the street and in the apartment. A thick and warm coat will allow her to survive the most severe frosts. However, if you decide to leave it to winter on the street, then you need to take care of a warm booth or aviary. Life in the apartment for Akita is not very familiar, a strong and large dog lacks movement in four walls. Therefore, immediately think about who will take daily walks with her, at least 2 hours each. If you wondered why, visit any show and look at dogs of the Akita Inu breed. The male, the photo of which is posted below, shines with health, he has perfectly developed all the muscles, which is possible only with regular loads. It is enough to comb hair several times a week, and during molting every day. You can bathe a dog no more than twice a year, using special dog shampoos.

akita inu male 4 months


The larger the breed, the higher its growth rate, which means that the more attention you need to pay to the nutrition of your pet in puppyhood. You can’t teach him to eat from your table. The best option is a properly selected dry food. But while the puppy is growing, it is recommended to combine dry food with traditional. You will not notice how your Akita Inu grows. A male, 4 months of age just recently, is gaining 70% of the growth of an adult dog. Of course, the jamb will still be heard in breadth, but the dog looks impressive already. However, for the development to proceed correctly, you need to include cottage cheese and lean meat, kefir and broth on a daily basis.

Akita Inu male photo


The most difficult question that most dog breeders care about, especially those who have an Akita Inu male. How to train, which teams to teach, whether to go to classes to the dog handler, or can everything be achieved independently? Remember that you need to start the sooner the better. That which allows a tiny puppy cannot be forbidden to an adult dog, so immediately distinguish between what is possible and what is not. Be prepared for disobedience and stock up on enormous patience. This is a proud creature, wayward and independent, which will not forgive you undeserved insults. Education should be consistent and affectionate. The owner will have to find a middle ground, be demanding, but soft. It is then that you can grow a true friend and reliable friend.

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