Notification in the browser - what is it?

Many Internet users are wondering: “Notification in the browser - what is it?” It displays a specific style of Internet surfing, where a request for a transaction is initiated from a central server. This contrasts with the reverse direction of data, where a request for information transfer is initiated by the recipient or client.

notification in the browser what is it

, . . «» «», . , , . , , - , , HTTP/S.

- , . ? , , . LVS ( IRC XMPP) «» . , , .

browser notification

- SMTP , , «». «» , POP3 IMAP. IMAP IDLE-, . BlackBerry , . – ( ).


PointCast, 1990- . . Netscape, Microsoft , , . 2000- RSS - , . – .

notification in the browser what is

- ( ), - (WebChat), , - , , .

– ?

IEFT , HTTP/2 ( ). , . , . , .

browser notification what is it

– ?

HTTP- ( HTTP) - . . , - , . - , (, , ) . , .

notification in the browser in classmates what is it

- CGI (, Apache). . «». ? «».

MIME, . 1995 Netscape, « » , . - Firefox, Opera, Safari , Internet Explorer. HTML-, -.

notification in the browser is

WHATWG Web Applications 1.0 , . 1 2006 , - Opera Server-SentEvents. HTML5. HTTP, «» ( ), «» . , , . JavaScript, , . , Java , - , . , , . , - .

. , . , , HTTP/S. ( – ). , , - . , - , , . , HTTP/S , .

. , ( , , ), , .

XML Socket

, , CBOX . XML Socket AdobeFlash. JavaScript TCP . , . HTTP -, . - , , , Flash. , -.

notification in the browser on classmates

-, , , , . , TCP, . «» .

, . , – , . , , :

  • Apple.
  • Google Cloud Messaging.
  • «».
  • Facebook.
  • Xtremepush.
  • Amazon SNS.

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