Entertainment, contests and New Year's games for children

Wondering what New Year's games for children to organize at a holiday party? Combine sports with intellectual competitions. Thus, all children will be satisfied.

New Year's entertainment for children

Both those who are better prepared physically and those who devote time to reading will be able to win. Do not forget to include several contests where not only children but also their parents can participate. Look for ideas for various holiday games below.

Fairytale Broom Competition

This New Year's game for children is mobile. Children will be interested in diving into the world of Harry Potter and flying on a broomstick. And some parents who grew up on this tale will not refuse to take part in the competition. What does it consist of? Find a suitable broom. It is advisable not to take an ordinary broom, but still get something more presentable. Participants are divided into two teams. Each of them is given a broomstick. The leader counts the time, and announces the start. The relay race begins. Each child must "fly" to the Christmas tree, return and pass the broom to his friend, who is next. The team whose members run the baton faster wins.

To complicate the task, you can also include an element of dressing in the competition. In this case, the participants will pass each other not only a broom, but also a hat or a raincoat.

Guess what's inside

new year games for children at home

New Year's games for children can be created based on TV shows. Probably, every resident of our country saw at least one issue of the well-known show “Battle of psychics”. So, the first test that people with superpowers go through is guessing an item hidden in a black box. You can also find a black box, put something New Year's, thematic there and invite guests to test their psychic abilities. Write down each guest’s guess on a piece of paper.

To make it more interesting, you need to attract everyone from small to large to the game. After each guest has made his suggestion, open the box. What can I put there? A plate with olivier, cracker, Santa Claus mask, Snow Maiden's kokoshnik or a bottle of champagne. If a guest is discovered in the company who guesses about the contents of the box, then he will become the full owner of the item hidden earlier from prying eyes.

New Year's words

This is an interesting game for children. New Year's, because it has a festive orientation. We all know the game of the city. So - it will be something remotely similar. The leader should make a word that is somehow connected with the New Year. For example, Snow Maiden. Now the children in a circle should say the words. First, the letter "C", then on the "H", then on the "E", etc. If the child can not come up with a word, he leaves. To complicate the task, you should name only those items that are associated with the winter holiday. For example, the letter “C” can be thought of as “snow” or “snowman”, and for “N” - “night”, “New Year's mood”. This competition will allow children to learn how to think quickly and make decisions in difficult situations.

We decorate the Christmas tree

New Year's games and contests for children can be arranged moderately mobile. At the same time, the guys will not tear you apart if you direct their indefatigable energy in the right direction. For example, you can invite them to dress up their comrade. Two children should wear green sweaters. And to the rest of the guys give out a battery-powered garland and plastic Christmas toys. You can also add tinsel, rain and paper-cut snowflakes to the arsenal. In general, any New Year’s paraphernalia will do . We turn on the stopwatch and give the two teams a go-ahead. In a minute, the guys will have to dress their comrade in a green sweater. The team that best decorates the Christmas tree will win. To make this contest more New Year's, you should include not a stopwatch, but a recording of the chimes battle.

Sculpt a snowman

To come up with interesting New Year's games and contests for children, you need to include imagination. You can invite them to do the usual things in an unusual way. For example, to mold snowmen. How to do it?

You should divide the guys in pairs. By the way, adults can also take part in this competition, for example, parents or relatives of children. Two people are tied together with a scarf. With one hand they should hug each other behind their backs. Each one has one free hand. And it is with them that they will sculpt. The task is quite simple. It is necessary to mold a snowman in the allotted 3-5 minutes. But it will be a difficult task, you will have to learn how to work in a team. It is impossible to prompt and advise teams. But watching and being inspired by the work of rivals is not prohibited.


New Year's outdoor games for children should be invented by adults. Otherwise, the guys may inadvertently cripple and quarrel. Be guided by the rule that if you cannot stop madness, then you need to lead it. What to offer children? There is an entertaining game called Catch Your Head. The guys become a train and take each other's belt. Now the task of the tail is to catch up with the head. And accordingly, those who are at the beginning of the train must run away. At the same time, hands should not be uncoupled from the body in front of a standing comrade. When the tail has caught its head, the game is considered over. You can spend the second round. In it, those guys who headed the train and those who stood at its end change places. Accordingly, their tasks are now opposite.

Poetry contest

new year games for children

Do you know poetry well? Usually adults are less savvy in this area than children. But it happens and vice versa. New Year's games for children at home can be held in the form of an intellectual battle. For example, to invite the children to compete in the knowledge of verses. Indeed, in most cases, children teach them just for show, because they ask at school. But this knowledge is so rooted in our minds that some adults with little preparation can reproduce seemingly forgotten poetic lines. Try to arrange a contest and see who wins. You can compete like this: the older generation versus the younger. Or, each participant can swell for themselves. Rules should be established in each situation individually.


games for the new year near the tree

What are the New Year games and entertainment for children? Some of them are active, while others can be held at the festive table. Stickers are a relaxed game. Children of all ages, starting from 4 years old, can take part in it. Each participant is given a pencil or pen and colored sticky paper. Players write or draw on their paper an image of a cartoon character or animal. You can set the rules and draw or write only what is directly related to the holiday. Now each player glues his piece of paper on the forehead to the neighbor on the right. Then you need to give participants time to familiarize themselves with all the pictures and words surrounding them. And then you can start the game.

Each child in turn asks a question that can be answered "yes" or "no." For example, am I scratchy? If the answer is yes, you can ask another question. If it is negative, then the right move moves clockwise. The player who first guesses his word wins.


This is one of the popular activities for children on New Year's Eve. The New Year’s game has these rules: children become in a circle, and on the side of them is the leader. He announces colors. For example, it starts with green. Each of the children should look around and find the closest person in whose clothes there is something green. He must run up to him and touch the color spot with his hand. The last one to cope with this task is eliminated. You can also discuss in the rules that children can use not only clothes, but also hair. For example, if brown is voiced, then you can find the nearest brown-haired one. And you also need to say in advance that you should pay close attention to your clothes. The player who turns out to be the fastest and most attentive wins.

Draw Santa Claus

Not sure which competitions to hold for kids? Does New Year's games and entertainment seem too trivial? Invite the guys to draw. Most kids just love this process. But not all of them go to art school, and therefore the result of their work may not be very attractive. To equalize the chances of winning all those present, you can invite children to draw blindly. They should blindfold the guys with a handkerchief, put a blank sheet of paper in front of each and give a pencil in their hands. The task should be voiced quite complicated: to draw Santa Claus. The results of this artistic activity are most often amusing. The head, body and legs of the wizard are in different places. The main thing is to tell the children that they should not take this game seriously and not be upset because of their failure.

What weighs here?

games for children for the new year

What New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree exist? One of them is a memory check. Such a game will not only amuse the children, but also help to develop their attentiveness and observation. Adults must ensure that no one cheats. No more than 8 children can take part in this entertainment. The guys will participate in the competition in pairs.

Children should be brought to the Christmas tree. The first player is given 20 seconds to memorize. The second participant at this time is standing with his back to the green beauty. When the last second has elapsed, the child studying the tree turns away from it and voices the toys that he remembered. After that, another player is tested. Who was able to remember more toys that won. The rest of the children will have to study the Christmas tree from other sides. Also, parents will be able to practice their own memory.


A funny New Year's game is completing tasks. Each of the guys takes off some element of clothing. It can be a hairpin, ring, chain or favorite toy. All these things are placed in a glass or hat. Now each of the guys is writing a task. If children do not have creative thinking, adults should help them in this part. You should generate funny, but simple tasks that the child can complete. Papers are also immersed in a container. The facilitator alternately places his hand in both containers. First he takes out the personal thing of the child. It will be he who will be the person who is to complete the task. It will be pulled by the leader. Such a game helps children relax and feel more confident.

New Year's karaoke

New Year's contests for children

This contest is very fond of both big and small guys. New Year's music games for children - a favorite pastime. Karaoke can be carried out in various ways. One of the easiest is to include songs with words, and the children should sing along to the soloist. For the complicated version of the competition you need to prepare in advance. You should find the soundtracks of famous children's Christmas songs. Each of the children is given words. And now, the participants take turns to perform their favorite hits.

This musical game for children at the New Year's Eve party is a huge success. If the guys are shy and do not want to sing one at a time, they can be combined into teams. And if such singing is carried out with a large crowd of people, it is advisable to rehearse the repertoire in advance.

Photo contest

New Year's games for children in most cases require the use of gadgets. You can have a pretty interesting selfie contest. For this, it is not necessary that the child has a personal telephone. He can use the parent. And do not worry that the guys will not figure it out. The child already at 3 years old knows where the camera is in the phone and how to use it.

The photo contest is held as follows. Each of the participants is given a task. For example, portray a bunny. But I must say that they will not shoot it on video, but on camera. So from the hands of the child must lay down his ears and show his teeth. The next candidate can depict a Christmas tree, tangerine, etc. After the photo session is completed, you should connect the phone to the TV and select the best photo by voting guests. You can attract adults to the game. For them, you should choose the images of famous actors, movie stars or just media personalities.

Hide and seek in the dark

New Year's games and competitions for children

This game is very reminiscent of the good old blind manners. Children love outdoor activities, so they need to be given the opportunity to throw out energy. Unlike classic blind manners, this game has no lead. All participants are blindfolded. Now each player needs to be untwisted and allowed to walk around the room. It is desirable that the room was large in size, and that it was not cluttered with pieces of furniture and a Christmas tree. Children will walk and bump into each other. And when the two guys meet, they must touch to determine who is standing in front of them and say the name of the person. The guessed player is eliminated. The winner is the one who can best identify his comrades by touch. The game can be upgraded. For example, so that children do not fall during a collision, immediately put them on all fours. In this case, one player has the ability to crawl away from another.

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