The Harry Potter book series has become one of the most popular in the world. She talks about a little wizard boy who enters a magic school and learns magic there, constantly encountering various difficulties on the way, overcoming them and becoming stronger. This book series won the hearts of not only children but also adults, a whole generation matured in parallel with Harry Potter and his friends, empathizing with the heroes of the book. A whole series of film adaptations of famous works was published, and these films brought celebrity to many nowadays popular actors and actresses. But not only films limited the additional work on the series - the fact is that computer games were also actively developing in parallel, and various projects were published that told about a little wizard. Separately, it is worth mentioning a series of computer games,the action of which takes place in their universes, but they are all created from the Lego constructor. You can find both Batman and Marvel superheroes, and much, much more. Naturally, Harry Potter was not ignored, about which several games were created, each of which told about a couple of years of his stay at the school of magic. This article will focus on the episode "Harry Potter: Lego 5-7," the passage of which falls on the fifth, sixth and seventh years of Harry's stay at Hogwarts. Naturally, the events of this episode will not be fully described here, since this will result in a very large-scale description - the game is actually impressive in size. In this article you can find something else - in the game "Harry Potter: Lego 5-7" the passage of the fifth year for many gamers is given with great difficulty,therefore, the emphasis here will be placed precisely on the difficult moments of this particular year.
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