How to make and equip a terrarium for lizards? Lizards at home

In the modern world, there are many exotic lovers who prefer to keep reptiles in their home. One of them is a lizard. This creature, like a little crocodile, is not at all dangerous. He does not need much space, it does not make loud noises. Read about how to make a terrarium for a lizard and keep it at home.

Common lizard in nature

Such a reptile that lives on land is also called "fast". This is an exotic pet. So that the content of lizards at home does not cause any problems, you should familiarize yourself with their natural habitat.

In the wild, the reptile prefers moist wetlands, mixed forests, conifers, steppe and forest-steppe zones. It is found in dry rocky areas. Leads a land daytime lifestyle, but easily climbs trees and rocky slopes.

terrarium for lizards

Quick lizards are not removed long distances from the territory they have inhabited. Settled with narrow minks, digging them in the ground. The sizes of the fast lizard, depending on the subspecies, differ. Length with tail is 5-25 cm. Usually males are larger and brighter in color than females.

Reptiles have an interesting feature. If you grab hold of the tail sharply, the lizard will attempt to bite or break free. The tail will remain in the hands of the offender. It will grow back soon, but will be shorter than before. This feature must be taken into account when planning to maintain a reptile at home. Lizards live together with people. They get used to their master so much that they are not afraid to take food from his hands.

Which terrarium to choose?

Lizards that exist in nature vary in species. Depending on this and the conditions for their maintenance at home, different ones are needed. Terrarium for lizards living on land, such as ordinary (quick), should be horizontal type.

basilisk lizard

Choosing its area and volume, the sizes of individuals and their number are taken into account. For example, for two ordinary lizards, it is enough to equip a house 60x40 cm in size. You can calculate the design parameters yourself. Terrarium for lizards in height should be two lengths of the animal, and in width - one.

DIY terrarium

The aquarium can serve as a shelter for the pet. But you can easily make it yourself. As a material, organic glass is best suited. If the apartment contains a small lizard, the house for it is done without a frame. For a large individual, it is a frame structure. So how to make a terrarium for a lizard? Below is the instruction:

  • First the frame is made. It is easy to make by connecting the bottom and walls with silicone glue, which does not pose a danger to animals.
  • Then you should begin to arrange ventilation. To do this, holes are drilled on one wall. You can make a wall of wire. It will serve as a ventilation duct and active lizards can crawl along it.

how to make a terrarium for a lizard

  • Next, proceed to the manufacture of the bottom. For this, plywood from several layers is better.
  • The lid remains. It is better to make it from a frequent metal mesh. Through it, the inner space of the terrarium is clearly visible, and most importantly - air circulates. You can make a composite cover. Its glass part is mounted hermetically, and the wire part is reclined.

How to equip a terrarium for a lizard?

It is important to bring living in captivity closer to natural conditions. To do this, the bottom is covered with earth, in which there are no various additives and fertilizers. As a litter, sand, coconut, pieces of large bark are suitable.

lizards at home

The terrarium for the common lizard can be beautifully decorated with various elements that the reptile will surely fit for its life. These can be rounded contours. The main thing is that the reptile does not hurt itself. You can use the plates and peas, on which she will be happy to climb. For a comfortable lizard living at home, it is important to maintain temperature, humidity, lighting in the mode that best matches the natural habitat. In addition, you need to properly feed the reptile.


Terrarium for lizards should have two temperature zones. In the hot part of the house, a temperature of 36 ° C is maintained, and in a cool part 30 is enough. An incandescent lamp is used to heat the hot zone, although a glass-ceramic device is also suitable. To warm the soil, a special mat is used.


Home keeping conditions are distinguished by the fact that animals constantly need bright lighting. Be sure to install an ultraviolet lamp. If several reptiles are kept in the terrarium, the appropriate number of lighting fixtures is installed.


The content of lizards is considered ideal if the humidity in the house is 50-70%. This can be achieved by placing containers with water in a cool area. Bowls are selected according to the size of the lizards. It is important that they can climb into them. The necessary humidity can be maintained by spraying the plants. Some breeders put wet sponges in different places on the terrarium. Maintaining high humidity, do not forget about ventilation, otherwise a fungus may start.


It is very important to observe a valid combination of plants. Of course, any greenery can give the terrarium a natural look, with its help humidity is maintained, the air becomes cleaner. But many houseplants are not suitable for a lizard house.

terrarium for common lizard

Pets live according to their schedule. They will dig soil in flower pots, arrange minks. It is unacceptable to place plants in the terrarium for lizards, the stems of which are covered with thorns, thorns, nap, and the leaves have jagged edges. Representatives of flora, differing in the content of toxic and adhesive substances, are not used.

For the arrangement of the inner space of the terrarium, it is recommended to use bamboo, aucuba, room grapes, saxifrage, ordinary ivy and others.

Plants are placed in a place inaccessible to reptile activity. For example, a container with them can be placed on a pyramid made of stones, suspended from the lid or completely insulated with a shirochka.

How to feed?

A lizard needs to be given food when it is in a state of activity. If there are several pets, each is fed separately. When the reptile shows normal activity, it drinks, as always, but eats little, do not worry. She also has fasting days. Young lizards are fed using tweezers, and adults eat on their own from a plate. In summer, pets are fed 3 times a day, and in winter - only two. They eat:

  • spiders, worms, crickets, bird eggs, small mammals;
  • for them, you can prepare a special mixture of grated carrots and chopped into small pieces of meat, taken in equal proportions;
  • you can give cottage cheese, eggshells, calcium tablets, chalk (sources of calcium) and vitamins;
  • it is allowed to eat salads, spinach, parsley, plantain, dandelion, clover;
  • They like to feast on cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes and fruits, for example, pears, apples, grapes.

Basilisk - an amazing lizard

This reptile has a crest on its head in the form of a crown. Lizard Basilisk It has an amazing feature: it runs on water at a distance of 300-400 m. But only individuals at a young age, whose weight does not exceed 50 g, are endowed with such a gift. Before understanding how she succeeds, scientists conducted a lot of research. It turns out that this phenomenon is accompanied by the structure of the paws and tail, light weight and speed. For this ability, the reptile was called the lizard of Jesus Christ.

how to equip a terrarium for a lizard

Reptile is a great swimmer. The lizard Basilisk may not leave the water for 2 hours, is able to move on its hind legs, climb trees. This nimble and fast reptile can run 10 km in an hour.

A characteristic feature of the lizard is its omnivorous nature. She feeds on insects, plants, berries, small rodents and lizards, as well as her own cubs. Offspring brings four times a year, lives up to 10 years in a family of one male and several females. He is awake during the day, sleeps at night. During the rest, they become easy prey for mammals, birds of prey and large snakes.

Basilisk: content at home

This reptile is the most popular for keeping in the house. It should be borne in mind that individuals taken from the wild, poorly take root in an environment unnatural for them. Therefore, for home breeding and maintenance, it is better to take lizards bred in the incubator. Living in a terrarium, the color of the reptile has changed. He became bluish. The lizard alone will miss. Therefore, these reptiles are kept in pairs.

Food should be balanced. The basis of the diet is vegetation. Lizards eat well sprouted wheat, carrots, bananas, apples and other fruits. But they also need other food: small rodents, lizards. The animals lay masonry in a nest, the bottom of which is covered with sand and wet moss. The eggs are taken from the female, they are raised for 30 days in an incubator.

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