What are the benefits for giving birth to a child in 2012?

The birth of a baby is always a touching and long-awaited event. Despite the endless lack of sleep and constant parental work, raising a child is a real happiness. How pleasant it is to observe the first exploits and skills of your little one, this is an incomparable pleasure that must be appreciated.

Recently, the state has introduced laws that significantly help mothers care for their babies. Maternity capital, baby care benefits, lump-sum payments at birth and other compensations are paid to all parents. And most importantly, all payments are increasing in size every year. In addition, for the birth of a third child, parents are entitled to a land plot at the place of residence and a monetary reward. And this is a significant help to large families. Thus, the state is moving towards ensuring that women do not abandon children, but educate them in love and financial well-being.

Payments at the birth of a child in 2012 differ from the previous time. Today, parents or the third party who replaces them are eligible for benefits. The size of a lump sum payment for the birth of a baby at the moment is 12 thousand 405 rubles. The amount is assigned to parents who have submitted the following documents to the appropriate authorities:

- application for allowance;

- a certificate from work or social security if mom is not working at the moment;

- extract from the work book, there may also be another document in which the last place of work will be presented;

- if third parties take custody of the child , it is necessary to provide an extract on the establishment of this custody;

- passport or other identification document;

- in some cases other documents will be needed.

Payments at the birth of a child in 2012 should be made through the employer in the case when the mother is subject to compulsory social insurance. In this case, she needs to bring to work a copy of her baby ’s birth certificate , a statement and a certificate stating that the other parent did not receive this benefit. Payments at the birth of a child in 2012 are made within 10 days from the moment all documents have been submitted.

There are some features when assigning this benefit. Firstly, all compensations are issued only to one of the parents, or to a third person - the guardian. Secondly, in the event that none of them works, payments at the birth of a child in 2012 and other years are assigned anyway, only in this case - in the social protection authority at the place of residence. And thirdly, if one parent works and the other does not, then the allowance is paid at the place of service or work.

Payments after the birth of a child include benefits for the care of the baby. Here, mom, regardless of whether she works or not, has the right to monetary compensation. The difference is that for an unemployed parent, payment is made at the minimum rate. And for mom or dad, who worked during pregnancy, the allowance is calculated depending on his salary.

The cash payments at birth are increasing every year, which is very pleasing to all parents. After all, the most important thing in life is our children, who need to be given a good upbringing, healthy development and worthy education in the future. The state gives all parents the opportunity to raise a full generation. Payments at the birth of a child in 2012 exceed the amount for 2011 by 700 rubles. Let's hope that this number will increase further, thereby motivating mothers to not abandon their children, do not have abortions, and give birth to full, healthy and happy babies.

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