Why you can’t pull the cat’s tail: the structure of the spine in cats, possible injuries and their consequences for animals

Previously, parents forbade their offspring to offend domestic and homeless animals. Now most of them do not pay attention to such a "trifle". Just think, the little one throws stones at a flock of pigeons, tries to kick a homeless puppy or drags its own cat by the tail. What is this about? This is a child.

A lot of things. Firstly, the lack of education should not be justified by the fact that this is a child. Secondly, such children are not taught compassion and love for animals, but violence. And thirdly, the answer to the question of why you can’t pull the cat’s tail says that it is dangerous for the animal.

How is the cat's spine

These animals have a special vertebral structure. And this can be understood by looking at how the pet curls up. Cervical vertebrae - 7. They are connected elastically, which allows the cat to turn its head by almost 180 degrees. Almost none of the vertebrates can do this.

The thoracic section consists of 13 vertebrae. 7 vertebrae are responsible for the lumbar region. This department is very flexible, so the cat easily curls up, flips over when flying in the air, gracefully arching its back at unimaginable angles.

The sacral section consists of 3 large vertebrae. They are strong and motionless. Thanks to their rigid mount, the purr jumps well.

As we see, the spine of a cat consists of 30 vertebrae. And that's not counting the tail section.

Tail vertebrae

It accounts for 21-23 vertebrae, depending on the breed of the animal. This is approximately 40% of the total number of vertebrae of the animal.

Tail functions

We find out why you can’t pull the cat’s tail and why it is dangerous. Before starting to consider this issue, let's find out about the functions of the cat's tail.

This is not just an unnecessary attribute in the exterior of the animal. One of the main functions of this part of the cat's body is to help coordinate the movement and orientation in space.

The tail is the most sensitive part.

Someone will be surprised: what about tailless breeds, such as the Kurilian Bobtail? Cats lacking a tail, due to the breed standard, have much weaker spatial orientation. They are less dexterous and nimble than their tailed relatives.

The second function of the tail is the transmission of emotions. With it, a cat expresses its attitude to the world.

So, if the pet begins to nervously twitch its tail, this indicates its dissatisfaction. The state of excitation of the nervous system is also indicated by striking the floor.

A calm cat, rejoicing at his master, runs to him, holding his tail in an upright position. They also speak of him as a “tail pipe”.

Before the attack, the animal begins to beat with its tail, yanking them from side to side.

When frightened, the cat arches in an “arc” and bends its tail. At the same time, this part of the body becomes fluffy and resembles a "brush".

Tugging the tail - is it dangerous?

For an animal, this is first and foremost. The tail of the cat, as it was found above, consists of a rather large number of vertebrae and is the coordinator of the musculoskeletal system.

What will happen if you carelessly handle the tail of your pet? Firstly, if you pull the cat by the tail, it hurts him. Cats do not like to touch their tail. Notice how the pet reacts nervously as soon as the owner touches this part of the body. Pulls, starts to get nervous, and even tries to get away from the owner.

Cat's tail is not a toy

The tail for the cat is the most sensitive part of the body. It contains a lot of nerve endings. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having felt a jerk by the tail, the animal leaves, hides the tail. Or just gives back, throwing with his claws released at the offender.

Another reason

Why can’t you pull the cat’s tail? Just because the animal is hurt? No, not only.

If you do not calculate the force, then you can cause paralysis of the hind legs. And the pet will simply remain a cripple for life.

Are you encroaching on the tail ?!

Bowel damage

Why can’t you pull the cat by the tail? Because such a "procedure" can damage the spinal column. And as a result - intestinal damage. Where it leads? Moreover, the pet will not be able to control his urination and discharge of feces. In this case, cat feces will appear throughout the apartment.

Let's save a cat from injuries

The base of the tail of the cat is the most sensitive place on this part of the body. Do not touch it unnecessarily.

What measures to take in order not to harm the health of the pet?

  • Handle the animal with care. Do not grab his tail, do not step on this "shoot" intentionally.

  • Often injured by the tail of those animals that walk on the street. Always watch carefully for cat tail in the doorway. Suddenly, at that very moment the pet was about to go for a walk.

  • Children need to explain why you can’t pull the cat’s tail. Avoid violent games when the child drags the animal by the tail and the cat screams in pain. In general, children should not be bullied by pets.

  • If the house is a very small child, you can not leave him alone with a whiskered purr. In the event that the cat decides to fend for itself, the child will receive a clawed paw in the eye. And well, if without emergency.

Do not touch the tail

Reason for contacting a veterinarian

Tail injuries are one of the most common reasons that people bring their cats to veterinary clinics. The reason for the injury may be careless handling of the animal, an attempt to sharply grab it by the tail, or the owner could unintentionally step on this part of the body.

What are the signs of injury?

  • The cat is sluggish, trying to hide in a secluded place, the tail hangs with a whip.

  • The darling is not able to control her tail. The eyes are cloudy, the pet itself is inactive, refuses food and water.

  • Visible tumors at the base of the tail. All kinds of cones and growths.

  • Kink of the tail, visible gap.

  • The tail is edematous, a tumor is visible to the naked eye. When touched, the tail is hot to the touch and very hard.

  • If the owner has noticed that his cat has pronounced gait disturbances, the hind limbs do not listen to the animal, then this is a serious reason for immediately contacting “Dr. Aibolit”.

  • Previously, a clean pet was not able to control urination and stool waste.

If these deviations are found, the visit to the veterinarian should not be delayed. The faster the cat gets help, the less dangerous the consequences of the injury will be.

Sometimes it happens


We got the answer to the question of why you can’t pull the cat by the tail. What are the main aspects of the article?

  • The tail of a cat consists of 21-23 vertebrae. This is 40% of their total amount in the animal’s body.

  • Pulling a pet by the tail, you can forever leave her crippled, if you do not calculate the strength.

  • Modern Bastet does not like to touch their tail. In the best case, the pet will prefer to prudently leave the dangerous place. At worst, the offender will receive change.

  • There are a lot of nerve endings in the tail. And rough treatment gives him severe pain purr.

As Little Prince said: we are responsible for those who have tamed. Do not forget these very true words.

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