Favorable days for conception

Every couple planning a baby knows that there are favorable days for conception and “safe” moments. But what is it? When is the best time to plan a pregnancy? What tips will help to quickly conceive a baby? To understand all this and not only for us to come. It is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if a woman knows her body well.


Favorable days for conception in women are very limited. This is usually called the period in which the chances of successful fertilization of the egg increase to the limit.

Menstruation cycle and conception

Favorable days for conceiving a child are ovulation. It lasts about 48 hours. During this period, the chance to get pregnant is the highest. Therefore, the planning of the child will have to be approached extremely responsibly.

Cycle and pregnancy

The main problem is that ovulation in the female body is “variable”. It can be normal, late or early. And therefore, planning a child is sometimes a lot of trouble.

Ideally, ovulation occurs in the middle of a woman's monthly cycle. Accordingly, if you make love without protection at this time, you can get pregnant. More accurate data depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle. Next, we will consider the most common opinions of doctors.

Cycle Duration and Ovulation

What days are favorable for conception? As already mentioned, the answer to this question depends on the length of the girl’s menstrual cycle.

On average, the interval between the critical days of a woman is 28-30 days. Ovulation occurs on the 13-15th day.

When to conceive a baby

There is a long monthly cycle. This is the difference between menstrual bleeding for more than 32 days. In this case, ovulation can come on the 21st day of the cycle.

Too short a cycle in a woman entails early ovulation. Favorable days for conception occur on the 7-10th day after the start of the next critical days.

Inconsistent periods

And what if the woman has an irregular menstrual cycle?

This phenomenon is considered not quite normal. After all, critical days are the beginning of the maturation of a new egg in the follicle for fertilization. If they come unexpectedly every time, this indicates a problem in the girl’s body. But there are exceptions.

For example, if:

  • a woman is overworked or constantly under stress;
  • recently had an abortion;
  • it is a woman who has recently given birth;
  • the girl is breastfeeding.

In other cases, before planning a pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor and establish a hormonal background.

Nevertheless, fertile days for conception can still be calculated. How exactly?

Basal temperature graph

Ultrasound and doctors

For example, you can go to the ultrasound room. A specialist doctor will surely help to answer which girl has favorable days for conceiving a child after menstruation. Usually this period begins 7 days after the end of menstruation.

By ultrasound, you can not only track ovulation, but also find out where the egg is at one time or another. In addition, a similar study is used to study the fetus during pregnancy.

Doctors quite easily determine the "X-day" for planning the baby. To achieve a result, an ultrasound scan is done every 2-3 days. This is normal, but it is rather troublesome.

Gynecologists also help determine the time for planning a child, but only theoretically. Only an ultrasound accurately determines the ovulation of a woman with any menstrual cycle.

Temperature mode

What days are favorable for conception? Some try to detect ovulation according to a basal temperature chart.

The thing is that in the middle of the monthly cycle, body temperature rises to approximately 37 degrees Celsius. It is on this basis that suitable days of conception are determined.

Basal temperature is measured every day at the same time. You can measure it both rectally and vaginally / orally (in the mouth). The measurement results will have to be recorded every day.

Important: basal temperature is measured without getting out of bed. Therefore, the thermometer should be near the bed. Otherwise, the data will be distorted.

Ovulation test

Tests to help

Favorable days of conception after menstruation can be traced in a slightly different way. In the modern world, this is possible thanks to special ovulation tests. They resemble pregnancy tests.

The girl needs to urinate on the test strip, and then look at the result. It appears instantly, but it is better to wait 5 minutes. If there are several stripes - ovulation has come. One strip symbolizes the absence of ovulation. The test in this case is recommended to be repeated after a few days.

Sperm Life and Conception

There is one more nuance to which you should pay attention. In general, conception can occur on any day of the menstrual cycle. But this happens mainly during ovulation.

Sperm life affects success at conception. During ovulation, they must be in the body of a woman. Only in this case does the egg fertilize.

Ideally, sperm live about 5-6 days. In some cases, up to 48 hours. It is because of this that when planning pregnancy it is recommended to make love regularly without protection once every few days. This technique helps provide the female body with live sperm.

When love is needed

It is not difficult to calculate favorable days for conceiving a child if the woman has regular periods. But ovulation is only 48 hours. And doctors recommend making love without protection with a certain frequency.

Favorable days for conception are a period of approximately 7 days before ovulation and 7 days after it. In a similar period of time, the couple is recommended to make love once a day or once every 2 days. It is desirable that one of the sexual acts fell directly on ovulation.

Test result

And what to do at another time? If ovulation comes always on time, they will be considered "safe." That is, you can not worry about the onset of pregnancy if sexual intercourse without protection happened during these intervals.

Doctors say the calendar method of protection is unsafe. Various factors influence ovulation. And therefore, pregnancy can occur completely unexpectedly. In order not to plan the baby, it is better to use other methods of protection.

Planning tips

We figured out how to calculate favorable days for conception. But determining the right period is not all. Additionally, it is recommended to follow some tips. They will certainly help to become parents soon.

Today, after clarifying favorable days for conception, it is recommended:

  • give up bad habits (a month or earlier before planning);
  • regularly make love without protection, but no more than once a day - frequent sexual intercourse reduces sperm quality;
  • avoid overwork and stress;
  • drink folic acid;
  • after intercourse lie down for 15-30 minutes.

Some recommend that women do a “birch” by the wall after intercourse. This is not the best advice, but it can really help. In general, just avoiding the “woman on top” position is enough to prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina. After all, no one canceled the elementary laws of attraction. This will have to be remembered during pregnancy planning.

Successful insemination


We found out how to determine the favorable days of conception after a period. Now planning your baby will be less of a hassle.

Every woman should listen to her body. This is the only way to determine ovulation and the period in which you can get pregnant with the highest chance.

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