What is a discharge belt: types, features, application

People of most construction professions, as well as mechanics, electricians, and plumbers, need to constantly use both hands to carry out their work duties, while their working tool should always be in the access zone. To do this, it is important for them to learn how to properly organize the space around them and to use special devices that facilitate their actions. One of the best assistants to the builder, a kind of construction organizer is the unloading belt. There are several models of these devices, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. What should be the belt for the tool and what can be put in it - read the answers to these questions in the article.

Builder unloading belt - hands free

The most common manufacturers of such accessories in the world and in our country are such giants in the manufacture of construction tools and equipment as Makita, Intertool, Yato and Stanley. The main goal for workers to use the unloading belt is to free their hands and carry with them everything they need to work.

Compact and convenient, these accessories allow you not to search all the time for the necessary little things and consumables like screws, nails or cue ball, but to put them in small pockets that are located on top of clothes, and therefore are in quick access. Quite dimensional things can also be attached to some models of tool belts: wrenches or adjustable wrenches, a hammer, a drill, a screwdriver or a spare battery for it. Moreover, the unloading design allows the master to practically not feel the extra weight that he wears. The belt is firmly fixed on the hips, does not slip during operation, and also supports the lumbar back in the correct position.

Builder unloading belt

Types of belts

An unloading belt is a heavy-duty belt made of leather or polyester, to which various optional accessories can be attached. It comes in several forms:

  • A wide belt that is inserted into the belt loops of the trousers.
  • Belt, complete with which is a system for attaching equipment, tailored to the physiology of man. She has a wide “back” with a notch in the spine, narrowed sides and front part, equipped with a convenient fastex fastener. Due to its spaciousness and mobility, this model is the most convenient and practical in operation - you can remove the unloading with one hand, while there is no need to remove the belt from the trousers. Such a tool belt is equipped with a lot of pockets, clips and loops; if desired, it can be understaffed with the necessary compartments. The market for accessories for fastening systems is very wide and it is focused on craftsmen of different directions, so everyone can choose a model for their needs.
  • A waist bag is also a kind of unloading belt, but it is more overall and is rarely sold complete with a belt.

Manufacturers create bags and unloading based on the needs of their customers. There are models for roofers, fitters, electricians, as well as universal unloading belts that can be used by builders of a wide profile.

Tool belt

Pockets for unloading construction belts

The standard product consists of a belt and a bag, divided into compartments. Their number can be different - from two to twenty. Almost all pockets are patchpockets, usually they are located outside the bag and are closed by folding flaps on the buttons, some with zippers. In construction, the unloading belt should be equipped not only with compartments of various sizes, but also with fasteners for the tool. Many models have holsters for cordless drills and interchangeable tips. Separately, handbags for roulette, a mobile phone, a hammer or a thermos are bought for the belt.

In addition to pockets, the waist belt is sometimes equipped with straps resembling suspenders. They are thrown over shoulders and fastened to the belt itself. This additional element allows you to fix the bag and prevent it from moving during operation.

Screwdriver Bag

Fishing belt unloading

Accessories similar in functionality and appearance are used not only as a working tool for builders, but also as organizers for small things necessary for hunting or fishing. True, according to the statements of professionals, for work and leisure, it is worth choosing different products.

Fishing unloading belt

The unloading belt for fishing should consist of a base base, which is equipped with removable compartments and special mounts for the reel and spinning. Experienced fishermen consider the use of this accessory to be fully justified, especially when it comes to fishing on the water, moreover, it can even replace a traditional unloading vest.

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