Odt extension - what is it and why?

Recently, more and more people are faced with odt files, which makes it quite logical to ask what the odt extension is and what kind of files are hidden behind it. It should be noted that the odt extension is becoming more popular, and the bulk of those interested in it are students, office workers, and other people who work with text formats. The fact is that the odt extension has files created in a text editor - OpenOffice.

odt extension

Microsoft Office doc docx. , odt, . . , . , , Microsoft .

. OpenOffice, , . , Microsoft Office, -. , . โ€“ , . 3.0 , Microsoft โ€“ docx.

extension odt than open

odt ยซยป OpenOffice. . , , , , . , Microsoft, โ€“ , , .

, OpenOffice ยซ โ€ฆยป. , , - doc, xls ., , , odt .

Microsoft Office , . , odt.

how to open odt file

, . , OpenOffice.

, odt โ€“ OpenOffice, . , Microsoft Office, , ยซยป OpenOffice .

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