All Orthodox festivals are celebrations of the whole church in the Orthodox faith. They are usually dedicated to historical sacred events or the veneration of saints. The people have long and firmly established the opinion that in the days of church holidays all activity should cease.
And if you ask someone what should not be done during church holidays, then you will probably hear in response - nothing. Is it really? And are there any differences between the holidays for doing homework and other things? In this article, we will try to figure out where these customs came from and what kind of church holidays it is when you can’t do anything.
What are the holidays
The classification of church holidays depends, first of all, on the significance of the sacred events to which these holidays were dedicated. According to this significance, the holidays are great, small and medium. The great ones include Easter, as well as all those called the Twelve. There are also divisions according to the time and place of the celebration.
According to time, there are two large groups: motionless, that is, those that are assigned to a specific date, and rolling. You can still distinguish three large groups according to the one who is revered on this day. Thus, there are Lord's holidays, celebrations dedicated to the Virgin, as well as days of veneration of saints.
Church holiday today. What can not be done?
Most recommendations regarding prohibitions during the holidays of a particular activity are based on the result of centuries of observation and coincidence. Although, of course, there is no evidence base to explain this. People often wonder what a church holiday is today. What can not be done? This is because traditions and customs entered the life of the population very tightly. And although almost no one knows the reason for these customs, everyone follows them simply automatically. Just because you need it.
So, what cannot be done during church holidays. The most common prohibition is the prohibition of sewing and other types of needlework at Christmas. It is also forbidden to hunt on such days, since it is a sin to take away the life of an animal on a day dedicated to birth or resurrection. The best option is to spend days of church celebrations in your own home. And even more so do not move anywhere. On the day of the veneration of St. Elijah, swimming in ponds is prohibited. This sign is due to the fact that according to observations, most often
accidents in the water occurred on that day. And for the celebration of the Annunciation, women are forbidden to create hairstyles. Especially braid braids. Or one more thing. On the feast dedicated to the decapitation of St.
John the Baptist, a ban on the use of any cutting objects is imposed. On this day do not use knives. They don’t cut the food, but break it into pieces with their hands. This is especially true for bread having a round shape.
Prohibited work does not mean idleness
Many take church prohibitions very seriously. It doesn’t matter what church feast is today. What you can’t do, everyone knows, and in no other way. But is everything really serious? What is the position of the church? In the end, where did all these signs come from and why can’t you do anything on church holidays? There is an official position of the church regarding everything that has already been mentioned. This position suggests that all these folk signs are more a myth than a reality. No one forbids washing and combing your hair during church celebrations. And even engage in easy cleaning of your home. The clergy recommend to abstain only from full-fledged hard work and devote this time to their relatives and friends. Moreover, according to church writings, during church holidays, in addition to studying the Bible, one should help the poor and those in need, visit the sick in hospitals or prisoners in prisons. Or engage in other merciful deeds. So we are not talking about idleness at all.
Christmas is on the doorstep, or What not to do during church holidays in winter
At all times, people attached special importance to Christmas signs. It was believed that the whole coming year directly depends on how they spent Christmas. There are a number of things that are not recommended at this time. You can’t hunt. Moreover, a ban is imposed on hunting from Christmas to Baptism. It is believed that at this time, nature especially cares for animals.
So to kill them is a great sin. You can’t guess. There is a special time for this. A ban on needlework and any other housework is also imposed. But there are more crazy signs. For example, you cannot drink water at Christmas. Any liquid is possible, but water is not.
Epiphany signs
The Epiphany holiday has absorbed a huge number of folk traditions, most of which are associated with holy water, which on this day has a key role. It is considered a sin to collect baptismal water in large quantities, since it is a spiritual medicine.
Picking up
holy water, one cannot quarrel or swear, one must not think badly of someone. Before the holiday, it is forbidden to borrow money and even things, and after the holiday it is forbidden to guess, as well as rinse underwear in the rivers. Although today these prohibitions are unlikely to be relevant.
Easter week. Rites and traditions
Easter is not limited to one day. This is a whole week during which everyone should have fun. But unlike Shrovetide, these days all sorts of excesses and even more so fights are not welcome.
You can’t get angry and sad, you can’t go to the cemetery. Do not drink alcohol on all days except Sunday. As for the economic work and needlework, there are no special restrictions. Work is permissible in moderation, although it is still recommended to refrain from needlework.
What is Red Hill?
There is another, no less important, church holiday that falls this year on April 19th. What can not be done on Red Hill? First of all, it is impossible for young girls who have not yet found a husband to sit at home that day. Thus, they miss fate. This is a time of matchmaking and weddings. It is believed that a marriage made on this day is doomed to become a rich, healthy and prosperous union. You can’t be sad and swear on this holiday. As for work, there are no prohibitions. There is even such a custom to attract wealth - washing icons. This should be done by the oldest member of the family, and the entire rite should in no case be made public.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is considered one of the brightest church holidays. On this day, you must attend church services and enrich yourself in every way in the spiritual sense. The main attribute is the consecrated willow branches. These branches are then stored throughout the year, placing them in the house behind the icons, or attached in different places. According to the legends of our ancestors, they save the house from lightning and evil spirits. It is recommended that you refrain from any kind of work on this day. The media are also barred.
So, we managed to find out what cannot be done during church holidays. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that such signs are not at all a call to idleness. But rather a change of activity. And no matter what you do, the main thing is that it be with a soul and with a pure heart.